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1、上海市黄浦区西藏南路 1170 号 612,200011 电话:021-61363705 传真:021-61363705 - 1 -Evaluation of Storewars Simulation零售商战电脑模拟评估问卷中国 上海Date:日期: 2011/08/02-2011/08/04Participants #学员总数:Thank you for helping us to continually improve our service quality.感谢您帮助我们不断改善服务质量上海市黄浦区西藏南路 1170 号 612,200011 电话:021-61363705 传真:021

2、-61363705 - 2 -General Information / 基本信息 Name/姓名: 徐润生 Position / 职位: 董事长 Date of Birth (Month/Day) / 生日(月/日) 1968.12.28 Mobile / 手机: 13979806868 Office Tel / 公司电话: 0798-8208088 E-MAIL / 邮件: Role in Simulation / 模拟扮演的角色: R2 Industry experience / 行业工作经历: 超市行业合伙人及决策者 Overall Satisfaction About The Pr

3、ogram/ 课程整体满意度 1Did the program meet your general expectations? / 本次商战模拟总体上是否达到您的期望?1 2 3 4 5 Did not meet Exceeded expectation expectation未达期望 超过期望2Did you find the program easy or difficult? / 您觉得本次课程对您来说的难易程度?1 2 3 4 5 Too Easy Just Right Too Difficult太简单 合适 太难3. How did you like the pace of the

4、program? / 您觉得本次课程的快慢节奏?1 2 3 4 5 Too relaxed Just Right Too intense太松散 合适 太紧张上海市黄浦区西藏南路 1170 号 612,200011 电话:021-61363705 传真:021-61363705 - 3 -4. How many days would you prefer for a Storewars program? / 您认为本课程最适合的天数为: 2 Days 二天 3 Days 三天 4 Days 四天5Which topics or areas covered in this seminar did

5、you find most beneficial to you? Please check all that apply / 您觉得哪一部分内容对您最有益处(可多选): Lecture 讲座 Negotiations 谈判 Interaction with other participants 和其他学员的交流和互动 Facilitator Coach and help 讲师的指导和帮助 Company reports and MKT survey 各类公司市场报告的理解 Others 其他 6What topics do you wish to have further learning?

6、Please check all that apply. /如果有机会,您希望更深入学习哪些方面:1) 2) 3) 1) 2) 3) Trade Marketing 通路营销 Negotiations 谈判 Category Management 品类管理 Retail Insights 零售商解析7. In your opinion, is there any area in this program that needs to be improved? (Please specify) / 本课程在那些方面可以进行调整和改善?上海市黄浦区西藏南路 1170 号 612,200011 电话:

7、021-61363705 传真:021-61363705 - 4 -Teaching / 讲师授课 1. Please evaluate the facilitator on: Presentation / 您认为本课程讲师的授课技巧(表达能力):1 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Find Excellent 难以令人满意 好 出色2. Please evaluate the facilitator on: Knowledge of the subject / 您认为本课程讲师的专业知识:1 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Find Excellent 难以令人满

8、意 好 出色3. Please evaluate the facilitator on: Coach and Answering/ 您认为本课程讲师给予的教学帮助和指导:1 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Find Excellent 难以令人满意 好 出色Program Organization/ 活动组织 1. Please evaluate on the pre-course communication about the program agenda / 您对项目课前的沟通和日程安排是否满意1 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Find Excellent 难

9、以令人满意 好 出色2. Please evaluate on the venue and logistics / 您对项目场地和酒店后勤服务是否满意1 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Find Excellent 难以令人满意 好 出色上海市黄浦区西藏南路 1170 号 612,200011 电话:021-61363705 传真:021-61363705 - 5 -3. Please evaluate on the helpfulness of program executives on site/ 您对项目执行人员的现场服务和工作是否满意1 2 3 4 5 Unsatisfactory Find Excellent 难以令人满意 好 出色Others / 其他


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