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1、 交大医学院画册医源博极医源 精勤不倦Exploring Medical Sciences to the Limits Through Diligence and Dedication岁月如歌,记录感动和超越;信仰如磐,铭刻过去与未来。The flowing of time is,Like a melodious song,Recording touching moments,And experiences of surpassing.Our conviction is,As firm as a rock,Bearing the glorious past,And expecting a gr

2、eat future.上海交通大学医学院(原上海第二医科大学)具有较强的科研和临床医疗实力,创造了我国甚至亚洲、世界医学史上的许多第一。1954 年 完成国内第一例心脏二尖瓣分离术1956 年 国内首次用阿托品治疗锑剂中毒引起的阿斯综合症1958 年 成功抢救大面积烧伤病员邱财康1963 年 成功实施国际医学史上第一例断肢再植手术1973 年 施行国内首例婴幼儿体外循环心内直视手术1977 年 国内首例同种原位肝移植获得成功1978 年 完成亚洲首例心脏移植手术1981 年 成功完成国内首例联体婴儿分离手术1986 年 在国际上率先应用全反式维甲酸诱导分化治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病,8 年 后又

3、在国际上首先证实了三氧化二砷的应用可以特异诱导急性早幼粒细胞白 血病细胞调亡,使得复发难治白血病治疗取得突破1991 年 国内首次进行了头皮撕脱伤原位再植获得成功1999 年 研制成功国内首例携带有人血清白蛋白基因的转基因试管牛1999 年 国内最早研究发展计算机辅助定制型人工关节以及形状记忆骨折内固定装置,并用于临床2003 年 成功施行了亚洲首例成人胰岛细胞移植、成人胰岛细胞-肾联合移植2004 年 成功完成亚洲首例腹腔七器官联合移植SJTUSM has shown great strength and excellent performance in both scientific re

4、search and clinical services, having been a pioneer in the development of medicine in China, Asia, and even the world.In 1954, the first mitral commissurotomy in China was performed in SJTUSM.In 1956, patients with Stock-Adam Syndrome caused by antimony poisoning were successfully treated with atrop

5、ine for the first time in China.In 1958, Qiu Cai-kang, a steel worker with exceptionally widespread burns, was successfully treated.In 1963, the first operation of rejoining a severed limb, also the first in the world, was successfully performed.In 1973, the first open-heart bypass surgery on an inf

6、ant under extra-corporeal circulation was performed.In 1977, the first orthotopic liver transplantation in China was successfully performed.In 1978, the first heart transplantation in Asia was done.In 1981, the first operation of separating conjoined twins in China was done successfully.Since 1986,

7、SJTUSM has taken the lead in differentiation therapy of acute promyelocytic leukemia with all-trans retinoic acid. In 1994, it was the first to prove internationally that arsenic trioxide was effective in killing abnormal cells in acute promyelocytic leukemia, which is regarded as a breakthrough in

8、the treatment of recurrent leukemia.In 1991, replantation of scalp avulsion was done successfully for the first time in China.In 1999, SJTUSM successfully developed transgenic IVF (in vitro fertilization) cattle with human serum albumin gene, the first of its kind in China.In 1999, SJTUSM introduced

9、 computer-assisted design and custom-made arthroplasty and shape memory fracture internal fixator, and used it clinically, another first in China.In 2003, staff members of SJTUSM performed the first adult islet cell transplantation, and kidney-adult pancreatic islet cells transplantation in Asia.In

10、2004, the first joint transplantation of seven organs in abdominal cavity, the first in Asia, was successfully performed.书记致辞Words from the Party Secretary孙大麟 Sun Da-lin上海交通大学党委副书记上海交通大学医学院党委书记 Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of SJTUSecretary of CPC Committee of SJTUSM半个多世纪,一幅灿烂而辉煌的历史画卷,一本厚实而丰富的学校

11、方志,一曲跌宕而激越的医学教育乐章。上海交通大学医学院走过了数十载春秋,留下了坎坷而坚实的脚印,带着几经风雨的面孔,带着坚定的信念和执着的追求,用自己超群的智慧,辛勤的汗水,缔造了今日的辉煌。继往开来,任重道远。我们始终相信不变的信念是进取的起点,不懈的努力是成功的阶梯。我们必将坚持“博极医源,精勤不倦”的学院精神,与时俱进、开拓创新,以发展为动力,激发办学活力,努力创建一流的医学院,为祖国医疗卫生事业的进步,为创建和谐社会做出贡献!A little more than half a century has painted a brilliant historic scroll, produc

12、ed a rich and colorful chronicle and composed a beautiful resonant song of medical education. Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine has strided across several decades of heroic endeavors, leaving behind firm footprints, and acquiring a weather-beaten face. With unswerving faith and tenaci

13、ous pursuit, it has created todays great accomplishments with profound wisdom and hard efforts.We always keep in mind our responsibility of carrying forward the cause and forging ahead into the future, and know fully that the burden is heavy and the road is long. We firmly believe that our unshakabl

14、e conviction directs our vigorous pursuit, and all-out efforts pave the way to great success. Adhering to the spirit of exploring medical sciences to the limits through diligence and dedication, we will move ahead with the times, foster creativity and innovation, and, using development as a motivati

15、ng force and activating potentials, make contributions to the creation of a first-class medical school, the development of the health care cause of our country, and the initiation of a harmonious society.院长致辞Words from the Dean陈国强Chen Guo-qiang上海交通大学副校长上海交通大学医学院院长 Vice President of SJTUDean of SJTUS

16、M健康,是人类最大的财富,是社会进步的基石。数十载杏坛春晖,以“除人类之病痛,助健康之完美”为誓言,上海交通大学医学院英才辈出、桃李芬芳,成为有志青年成长成才的摇篮。菁菁校园,弦歌回响, “海纳百川,追求卓越”是一代代学人薪火相传的坚守和追求, “博极医源、精勤不倦”是全体师生医护员工刻苦进取的动力和方向。欲立潮头先言勇,敢立潮头唱大风。新起点,新征程,让我们珍惜机遇、抓住机遇,应对挑战、战胜挑战,凝心聚力、求真务实、改革创新、科学发展,开创属于医学院的新的历史荣耀。Health is the greatest treasure of the mankind as well as the bedrock of societal progress. Over the decades, adhering to the solemn pledge of relieving the sufferings of the s


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