[英语考试]2010下半年Mets 三级作文

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1、1METS 写作应注意的问题(1)关于字数:三级 120 词。(2)关于分段(3)关于时态 (4)关于 Comma SpliceA complete sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. If you want to join two sentences, you cannot just use a comma. So the use of a comma in place of a period, a semi-colon, a colon or a dash in English writing is c

2、alled the comma splice or the comma fault. This rule in English is quite different from that of Chinese. In Chinese we can use the comma to separate two Chinese sentences- “很快要下雨了,我们得作好准备。 ” But in English we cannot do so. We cannot use the comma to separate the two sentences: “It will be raining so

3、on, we must get ready.” One more example, 大学一年级学生的平均年龄是 18 岁或 19 岁,有些人小一两岁。(The average age of a college freshman is 18 or 19; some may be a year or two younger.) In this case, we should use either a semicolon or a period. The following is another typical example of comma splice error, and four ways

4、 are given to correct it.We are not allowed to think for ourselves, that privilege is reserved for administrators.Four ways to correct the error: (1) , for (2) ; (3) , because (4) . That(5)连接词:first, second, finally, in addition, moreover, whats more, on the one hand, on the other; A, B, and C. In t

5、he past several years, indication of titles2、几种形式的范文(1) 布告、通知、海报等NoticeDr. Emily Meats, Professor of Nursing Science, Dean of the School of Nursing, Pittsburgh State University, author of Professional English for Nurses, “Prevention and Care of Common diseases,” “The Basic Theory in Nursing Skills,”

6、 “A Study on Professional Nursing, 20 Years On,” New Perspectives on Nursing Management, and many others, will be delivering a speech on her latest research for safety and infection control in the Lecture Hall, Students Activity Center, at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 8, 2008. All Welcome!(2) 图表描述 图表的分类:条

7、形图(柱状图 bar chart) 、曲线图(line graph)、统计表 (table)、扇形图(饼状图、圆形图 pie chart)等。 图表作文的写法:* 总提句:用一句话概括说明图表研究的对象、研究的时间段、研究的地点等。总题句可以对题目作适当改写,不能照抄原题,以免有抄袭之嫌;但也不能改变原题的意思,以免走题。时态用一般现在时;常用句型:This chart (graph, table, diagram, figure) shows (indicates, illustrates, describes, presents,gives) the number of, the perc

8、entage of, that, etc.* 主体段(主体部分):根据字数要求写若干句,描述图中主要的信息点(数据) ,注意涵盖趋势的最高值、最低值及某个时段的趋势。在有比较的图表中,既要作单方面的描述,更要注重双方的比较(如范文 A) 。至于时态,对标示了过去年月的图表,描述时通常用过去时态;而未标明过去时间的,则用现在时。常用句型:Group 1: According to the chart, As can be seen from the table, It can be seen from the graph that, We can see from the figure that

9、, etc. 2Group 2: The number (percentage) ofincreased (rose, grew, climbed; decreased, dropped, fell, reduced) fromin June toin December. The number remained steady (stable) from June to December at about The figures peaked (reached the highest point; reached the lowest point, reached the bottom, bot

10、tomed out) in December at 20%.* 结尾句(结尾段)写出总体趋势,得出结论。若字数够了,这部分也可忽略不写。要注意的是,图表作文只需对图表所提供的信息加以客观的、准确的描述,无须对这些信息进行评论,不要表达个人情感、观点,无需添加个人色彩。因此,I think, In my opinion, 等都是画蛇添足之词。关于图表作文的评分,建议重点仍应放在文字上,只要考生描述的信息基本准确,字数够了,那就以文字为重,而不在乎是否遗漏了哪个信息。 图表作文范文A. The chart below shows the percentage of male and female

11、smokers in Britain between 1970 and 1990. Write a passage describing the information contained in the chart.1970 1980 1990 9080706050403020100MenWomenSample passageThis chart shows the percentage of male and female smokers in Britain during the period between 1970 and 1990. From the chart we can see

12、 that the percentage of male smokers dropped gradually from 90% in 1970 to 80% in 1980 and then sharply to 50% in 1990. On the other hand, the percentage of female smokers increased gradually from 30% in 1970 to 50% in 1990. It is interesting to point out that, in the 20 years from 1970 to 1990, the

13、 number of male smokers was towards a decrease while that of the female smokers was on the rise, at the rate of 10% increase each ten years. As a result the two figures became the same in 1990, both being 50%. B. The graph below shows the number of registered nurses (in millions) in China from 1960

14、to 1990. Write a report describing the information shown in the graph.360y 62y 64y 66y 68y 70y 72y 74y 76y 78y 80y 82y 84y 86y 88y 90y1210086420Sample passageThis figure shows the number of full-time registered nurses in China between 1960 and 1990. According to the figure, the number of registered

15、nurses from 1960 to 1962 decreased sharply from about 5 million to about 2 million. This decreasing trend, however, was followed by a rapid increase over the next three years. The number dropped again from 1964 to 1965 and then went up gradually until 1976 when there was a leveling off of the number

16、 (when the number remained steady / when there was hardly any change in the number of) for the next ten years at about 8 million. The years between 1986 and 1990 saw a sharp rise in the number of registered nurses. Although there were fluctuations in the number of nurses from 1960 to 1990, the trend was towards an increase.(3) 议论文、辩论文 这类体裁的作文要遵循三个原则: 1、开头要观点鲜明,直截了当; 2、中间段落(或中间部分)要提出 2 到 3 个论据对全文观点予以证明。3、结尾以不同的措词重述、呼应主题;Topic: Discuss induc



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