[英语考试]SAT Essay结构与范例 Essay Formats and Sample

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《[英语考试]SAT Essay结构与范例 Essay Formats and Sample》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[英语考试]SAT Essay结构与范例 Essay Formats and Sample(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、满分网()Essay FormatsFORMAT I: the one-example essaySelect one suitable illustrative example from your personal experience, or your reading, or knowledge of current affairs, history, science etc. and use this as the basis for a discussion of the topic. The example should be specific and real rather tha

2、n invented. It is best to avoid religion or politics or anything controversial. There is no word limit but a limited space is provided. The space you have to fill is approximately one and a half sides of A4 paper. The space is sufficient to write a five-paragraph essay. You will have to write in pen

3、cil. Format of the essay:Paragraph 1: Introduction Try to create interest in the topic.The introduction can be general but must include a thesis statement to point the reader in the right direction. Paragraph 2: Part I of the example Describe the situation and cover about half the “example” here. Pa

4、ragraph 3: Part II of the example Finish the “example”. Paragraph 4: Discussion/analysis Explain what your example shows. Extract the conclusions/moral lessons to show how it supports your thesis. Paragraph 5: General conclusion Show how the example leads to more general conclusions about the topic.

5、 (If possible, relate to material from the introduction to round the essay off.) Sample essay 1 is an essay that uses this formatOne of the memorable images from Eisensteins classic silent film on the Russian Revolution is the toppling of a statue. The destruction of the statue symbolizes the throwi

6、ng out of the old order along with its heroes and replacing it with a new. Considering this human tendency to ring out the old and ring in the new it is surprising that any heroic figures from the past survive in the history books, but they do. There are some heroes who do not get erased from the pa

7、ges.One of my personal all-time heroes is Marie Curie, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. At a time when women were not allowed to enter the University of Warsaw, her home city, Marie worked as a governess before getting the opportunity to enroll in the Sorbonne in Paris. She 满分网()graduated at

8、the top of her class and became the first woman to take a degree in physics from the Sorbonne.But it is not simply for her breaking out of traditional molds that she is remembered. Her scientific work on radiation led to her two Nobel Prizes: the first joint with her husband, the second alone, after

9、 Pierre Curies death. She nearly did not get the second prize because of rumors of misconduct in her private life. But she bravely went to Stockholm, despite opposition, and said that she believed that there was no connection between her private life and her scientific work. She died of cancer cause

10、d by exposure to radium, one of the elements that she discovered.Many great people from the past have had their reputations destroyed by exposure of their human frailties. But some, like Marie Curie, achieve such greatness that they will be remembered for their achievements. She symbolizes the human

11、 quest for knowledge and the capacity to sacrifice self for a higher goal. Women everywhere will gain strength from seeing one woman who could not he suppressed by outdated conventions.We need our heroes for the inspiration they offer to us and to future generations. Names such as Curie should not,

12、and in fact cannot, be erased form the History books: they tell us so much about the human capacity to strive for excellence.FORMAT II: the two-example essayParagraph 1: Introduction Explain, in your own words, what the issue is. Include a thesis statement, which is a clear statement of your point o

13、f view. Paragraph 2: Point one in support of your thesis Explain the point you are making with the aid of a specific example. Paragraph 3: Point two in support of your thesis Explain the point you are making with the aid of a specific example Paragraph 4: Qualification Explain that, under certain ci

14、rcumstances, the opposite point of view might be correct. (This is to show that you are aware of all aspects of the issue, even though you are 80-90% convinced of your thesis.) Sometimes this paragraph is replaced by another point and/or further discussion or reasoning. Paragraph 5: Reinforcement of

15、 thesis 满分网() Show how your viewpoint, despite the qualification you have just made, is more persuasive under the present circumstances. Sample essay 2 is an essay that uses this formatEvery age, and every culture has its heroes. In some times and places the heroes have been gods or god-like creatur

16、es from mythology, or mortals apparently much above the mass of humanity. But today, sports stars, film stars, and political leaders with clay feet have replaced Ram, Achilles, Cleopatra, and Alexander. In fact there are almost no heroes of any age that can withstand our tendency to debunk. There are figures who will always be in the history books, but they wont always be regarded as heroes.Lets consider Julius Ca


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