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1、9A UINT1-2一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)1.-Here is 800-word report in todays newspaper. Its about the National Day military parade.-Its wonderful show I have ever watched.A. an, the B. the, an C. an, a most D. an, the most 2. Im sure I will get good grades (成绩) in this exam.If so, I believe your parents w

2、ill _ the result.A. be satisfied with B. be angry about C. be bord ofD. be worried about3.My parents dont allow me to go out after 6 p.m. What sentence elements is the underlined part?A. object complement B. adverbial C. attributive D. predicative4. You look nice red but black looks good her.A. on;

3、on B. on; in C. in ; on D. in ;in5. Id rather a pink dress a red dress.A. to wear; to B. to wear; than C. wear; than D. wear; to6. They promised your minds , or you will get your money back.A. change; successful B. to change; successful C. change; successfully D. to change; successfully7.The best co

4、lour my cousin is yellow, so she looks .A. represents ; energetic B. to represent ; energetic C. represents ; energy D. to represent ; energy8. Im very tired these days because of studying for the coming monthly exam.Why not _ muisc. It can make you _.A. listen to; relaxing B. to listen to; to relax

5、C. listening to; relax D. listen to; relax9. Could you please tell me _ in todays newspaper?Sorry, _.A. something special; special nothing B. special something; special nothingC. anything special; something specialD. something special; nothing special10. How long has he _ the phone? For half an hpur

6、.A. on B. made C. been on D.been in11. “Would you mind me _ here next to you?”“ _. Because you seem to have a fever(发烧 ).”A. to sit; Better not B. sitting; Better not C. to sit; Not at all D.sitting; Not at all 12. -Sorry for being late again. -_here on time next time, or youll be punished.A. Be B.

7、Being C. To be D. Been13. -Im _ to eat a horse now!-Really? But I dont have_ for you. Im so sorry!A. hungry enough; food enough B. enough hungry; enough foodC. hungry enough; enough food D. enough hungry; food enough14. Sandy was _a bad mood and nobody could _yesterday.A. with, cheer up her B. with,

8、 cheer her upC. in, cheer up her D. in, cheer her up15. “How many students have visited The Summer Palace?” “ .”A. No one B. Nothing C. None D. Either二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)On August 4, a drunken driver hit and killed a 16-year-old girl, Ma Fangfang. She was 16a street in Hangzhou. Ma Fangfang beca

9、me 17 victim(受害者 )of drunk driving.Two days afer Mas18 , a drunken driver in Shanghai killed a four-year-old boy and 19 five ers.On June30, a car hit and killed five people, 20a pregnant(怀孕的)woman, in Nanjing. The driver was found 21.These accidents have drawn 22 to the problem of drunk driving.On A

10、ugust 15, the Ministry of Public Security(公安部)started a 23 campaign(活动)to educate drivers about the24 of mixing drinking and driving.As part of the campain, police officers are watching bars, 25 and KTV in Beijing,Shanghai,Liaoning,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Hubei and Guangdong.In Beijing,some restaurants are

11、 putting up notices and telling drivers about their responsibility.“Usually if a group of guests come by car, the 26 wont drink. If he does, we will 27 him,”said a waitress from Longfuyuan restaurant in Beijing.28 drivers are drinking alcohol(酒)nowadays, since many know about the campaign, she said.

12、Wu Yuliang, a traffic police officer in Beijing, said some drivers think a glass of beer is not a problem. But a blood test will show that their alcohol level is more than 20mg for 100ml of blood. That is enough to affect their driving. 29 the two-month campaign, drivers who have a blood-alcohol lev

13、el of over 20mg for each 100ml of blood will get a fine of 500 yuan. Also, they will not be allowed to drive for three months.Why not join the campaign and be a good citizen? Warn your parents and relatives30 if they are going to drive.( )16A. up B .along C crossing D. through( )17 A. the other B .

14、the others C others D. another( )18 A. death B .die C dying D. dead( ) 19 A. hit B .hitted C hurt D. hurted( ) 20 A. includes B .besides C except D. including( )21 A. drinking B .drink C to be drunk D. drank( ) 22 A. laws B .rules C attention D. routes( ) 23 A. two months B .twomonths C two month D.

15、 two-month( ) 24 A. safety B .safe C dangers D. dangerous( ) 25 A. schools B . restaurants C hospitals D. factories( ) 26 A. guests B .friends C bosses D. drivers( ) 27 A. encourage B .remind C advise D. laugh at( ) 28 A. fewer B .few C little D. less( ) 29 A. At B .After C Before D. During( ) 30 A. dont drink B .not drink C not to drink D. to dri



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