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1、大 型 电 力 变 压 器 安 装 使 用 说 明 书通 用 部 分Instruction of Installation for Large Scale Power TransformerCommon Section山 东 泰 开 变 压 器 有 限 公 司ShanDong TaiKai Transformer Co.,Ltd大型电力变压器安装使用说明书- 1 -本说明书为大型电力变压器安装使用说明书的通用部分,用户在使用本公司产品之前,务必仔细阅读该安装使用说明书及其它随机出厂资料,避免由于误操作而造成产品的损坏。如有疑问,请与制造厂联系,以便妥善处理。This instruction i

2、s the common section of installation for large scale power transformer, in order to avoid damaging product due to wrong manipulation, please read this instruction and other delivery documents carefully before using product. If there are problems that are not involved here, please inform us to solve

3、them in time.说明书的组成Contents of the instruction1 变压器主体的起吊;Lifting of transformer main body2 变压器的运输;Transportation of transformer3 变压器的检查及验收;Inspection and acceptance of the transformer 4 变压器的储存及保管;Storage and custody of the transformer5 现场安装前的准备;Preparation for an on-site installation6 变压器总体安装前的检查;Co

4、mplete inspection before installation7 变压器总体复装;Re-assembly for transformer 8 抽真空及真空注油;Vacuum pumping and vacuum oil-filling 9 变压器投运前的检查;Inspection before operation10 试验;Test11 运行与维护;Maintenance in Operation1 变压器主体的起吊1 Lifting of transformer main body1.1 起吊主体时,应按照变压器总装图要求,吊挂所有主体吊拌,使吊绳长度相等且受力均匀,吊绳与垂线夹

5、角小于 30,要保持平稳不倾斜。1.1 Hang all lifting lugs when lifting the transformer body. All lifting rope length and stress must be equal. The angle between lifting rope and vertical line is not bigger than 30. Keep the transformer body stable and no-incline when lifting大型电力变压器安装使用说明书- 2 -1.2 利用千斤顶支撑起主体时,所有千斤顶支

6、架要同时受力,各千斤顶的升降要同步,速度要均匀。1.2 All jacks should be stressed simultaneously when supporting the transformer body. Elevation and descending of all jacks should be simultaneous, and the speed should be uniform.2 变压器的运输2 Transportation of transformer2.1 变压器本体运输2.1 Transportation of transformer main body2.1

7、.1 变压器本体无论铁路运输、汽车运输、人工辊杠载运及水运,变压器都要可靠固定,不得有移位,整个运输过程中都应遵守表 1 规定,并且在油箱上装设冲击记录仪,该记录仪记录变压器从制造厂运输到现场的过程中受到冲击的情况。2.1.1 The transformer is fixed reliably during transportation, the displacement is not allowed, and the transportation should obey rules as table 1. On the tank there is impact recorder, which

8、 records impact state from manufacturer to installation site.表 1:变压器运输过程中应遵守的规定Table 1:the transportation rules of transformer主体沿长轴方向倾斜角度sloping angle along long axis 15主体沿短轴方向倾斜角度sloping angle along minor axis 10一级路面35km/hOn first class road, the speed 35km/h公路运输时车速speed on load 其它路面20km/hOn other

9、road, the speed20km/h人工辊杠在轨道上移动speed by rolling速度3m/minspeed 3m/min纵向3glongitudinal impact3g横向2gtransverse impact2g冲击加速度impact acceleration垂直3gvertical impact3g2.1.2 变压器本体运输的封装2.1.2 Package for transportation1) 充油运输Transportation with oil油箱内注入合格的变压器油,油面高度在箱盖以下 100mm 处,所有密封部位均需密封良好,不得渗漏油。Fill qualifi

10、ed oil to 100mm beneath tank cover for transformer transported with oil. All 大型电力变压器安装使用说明书- 3 -sealing parts are all right and no-leakage.2) 充氮运输Transportation with N2油箱内充入高浓度干燥氮气(纯度99.9%) ,箱内压力达 0.02-0.03MPa,在产品运输过程中氮气压力低于 0.02 MPa 时应补充氮气,当氮气压力高于 0.03 MPa 时应放气,若因温差较大的原因允许最低氮气压力 0.015 MPa;最高氮气压力 0.

11、035 Mpa。Transformer is filled with N2 during transformation (purity is bigger than 99.9%), The initial positive pressure in the tank shall keep between 0.02 and 0.03 MPa, N2 should be supplied when the pressure value is less than 0.02MPa during transformation, N2 should be vent when the pressure val

12、ue is bigger than 0.03MPa, the permitted minimal N2 pressure is 0.015MPa, the permitted maximum N2 pressure is 0.035MPa.2.2 变压器组件、附件运输2.2 Transportation of components and accessories2.2.1 不能与变压器主体一起运输的组部件、附件,均按拆卸一览表拆卸,按装箱单装箱后单独运输。2.2.1 The accessories that do not permitted transportation together wi

13、th main body should disassemble and transport according to package list. 2.2.2 单独包装运输的套管,注意包装箱不得承受过大的冲击力,要在车中可靠固定。2.2.2 The bushings are transported in their primary packages. Should fix reliably in order to avoid impact during transportation. 2.2.3 带有绝缘件的零部件应充油运输,所使用的变压器油必须为合格油。2.2.3 The insulation

14、 parts are transported with qualified oil.3 变压器的检查及验收3 Inspection and acceptance of the transformer 3.1 主体验收3.1 Inspection and acceptance of main body用户收到变压器后,应验证产品铭牌及合格证书是否与订货合同规定的型号相一致,然后进行下列一般性检查、记录。After receiving the transformer, at first check whether it is conformity with the contract accordi

15、ng to the nameplate and other documents, then make the following general check.3.1.1 检查变压器主体有无损伤、变形、开裂等现象,检查变压器主体与运输车之间包括限位块是否移位或破坏,固定用的钢丝绳是否拉断现象,是否有明显的撞击和其它损伤;如果发现有设备损坏的迹象(由设备外观情况看) ,应停止卸货,并将情况通知运输部门和制造厂,以便及时查找原因,明确责任,研究处理。3.1.1 Check whether the transformer is damaged and deformed or not, check wh

16、ether the position blocks between main body and transportation vehicle are displaced or not, check whether all fastening ropes are loosen or not, if the abnormal evidence occurred, should stop unload and inform manufacturer and transportation department in order to solve them in time.大型电力变压器安装使用说明书- 4 -3.1.2 检查氮气压力是否在 条规定的范围之内。3.1.2 Check the N2 pressure according to 检查冲击记录仪的记录是否在表 1 规定的范围之内。3.1.3 Check record of



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