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1、- 1 -11-1 在中国共产党中央委员会的经济工作会议中,中国的旅游业被定为国民经济的新增长点。这不仅提高了旅游业在经济和社会发展中的地位,同时也为旅游业在下个世纪的发展铺平了道路。通过检查,评选出了 54 个旅游城市,这样的评选不仅改善了城市旅游环境,也加快了城市旅游业国际化和现代化的进程。尽管国际市场的环境并不好,但是我国的旅游业仍然保持持续的增长,海外游客的稳定增长促进了国内旅游业的发展。1998 年,旅游业的总收入为 3430 亿元人民币,比去年增长了 10.2%,为实现国民经济预定的增长目标做出了巨大的贡献。征得国务院的同意,我们引进了关于试建中外合资旅游机构的暂行办法,由于这一办

2、法的颁布,形成了进一步扩大旅游业对外开放的新构架。这一办法会帮助我们打开吸引游客,从海外旅游业中引进先进的管理经验的渠道,这同样也会给国内的旅游业市场带来新的竞争。Tourism industry was designated as a new economic growth point in the national economy at the conference on economic work held by the central committee of the communist party of China. The move promoted the status of t

3、ourist industry sector in the economy and social development, paving the way for the rapid development of tourist industry in the next century./The top 54 tourist cities were selected throughout the country by examination, the event has not only improved the environment for urban tourist development

4、, but also has speeded up the internationalization and modernization of tourist cities./Continuous growth was obtained despite the adverse circumstance of the international market. A steady growth in overseas travelers has given an impetus to the domestic tourist industry./In 1998, the total volume

5、of income from tourism amounted to 343 billion yuan, an increase of 10.2 % over the previous year, contributing greatly to realizing the preset growth target with regard to the national economy./A Provision Method for Trial Establishment of Sino-Foreign Joint-venture Travel Agency was introduced wit

6、h the approval of the State Council. A new structure to further expand the opening of tourist industry has emerged thanks to the promulgation of the Method. It will help open new channels for attracting expertise from overseas travel services, which will also bring about a new competitiveness in the

7、 domestic travel service market./1-2. Not long ago, the secretary general of the world tourism organization said, “ the Asia financial crisis has slowed down the development of world tourism, but the Chinese tourism industry has maintained a high growth speed” He predicted that by 2020, china will b

8、ecome the largest tourism country in the world.世界旅游组织秘书长日前认定,金融危机使世界旅游业放慢了增长速度,而中国旅游业却继续保持着强劲增长势头,他预测到 2020 年,中国将有望成为世界第一旅游大国。The secretary general was attending the 98 China International Tourism Fair, held in Shanghai. At the fair, he quoted a survey report as saying: Due to the financial crisis i

9、n Asia, the number of tourists coming and going between the Asian countries has dropped by a large margin since summer 1997. The growth speed of world tourism decreased from 5.5 percent in 1996 to 3.8 percent in 1997.秘书长出席了上海 98 中国国际旅游交易会,他援引世界旅游组织一份分析报告说,由于金融危机的影响,亚洲各国之间出入境旅游人数从 1997 年夏季开始大幅度减少,世界旅

10、游业的增长速度因此由 1996 年的 5.5%下降到去年的 3.8%.From January to August 1998, the number of tourists entering China totaled 41.3284 million people/times, or an increase of 12.22 percent over the figure for the corresponding period of last year. Foreign exchange earnings generated by tourism reached 8.198 billion

11、US dollars, or an - 2 -2increase of 5.55 percent over those of the corresponding period of last year. The number of overseas tourists coming to China has kept growing, except from the other Asian countries, the number of whose tourists has shown a slight reduction.1998 年 1 至 8 月,我国旅游入境人数达 4132.84 万人

12、次,比 1997 年同期增长 12.22%。 旅游外汇收入达 81.98 亿美元,比 1997 年同期增长 5.55%。国际客源市场中,除亚洲市场有所下降外,其它各大洲市场均有增长。The secretary general pointed out that chinas tourism industry has shown a rising trend during the Asian financial crisis, and the Chinese people should be proud of this, he said. In 1990, the number of foreig

13、n tourists entering china ranked 12th in the world, and in 1997, the sixth; and its foreign exchange earnings generated from tourism ranked 25th in the world in 1990, and eighth in 1997. The constant depening of chinas reform and opening to the outside world has greatly promoted the development of c

14、hinas tourism. It is predicted that by 2020, the number of tourist worldwide will be about 1.6 billion, of whom 137 million will come to China. 秘书长指出,中国旅游业在亚洲金融危机中仍出现上升势头,是值得自豪的。 1997 年中国的旅游入境人数在世界上的排名由 1990 的第 12 位上升到第 6 位,旅游外汇收入则从第 25位升至第 8 位。 他认为,中国改革开放的不断深入使旅游业随之得到了强劲发展,预计到2020 年,全世界旅游人数将接近 16 亿

15、,其中 1.37 亿人将到中国旅游。The secretary general said that he like china very much, because china is a “very lovely country”, it has beaches, plains and mountains, as well as one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, he pointed out. He is right: Chinas 5000-year history of civilization is an invalu

16、able tourism resource which is attracting more and more tourists from all over the world.秘书长说,他非常喜欢中国,因为中国是个“十分可爱的国家” ,他不仅拥有海滩,平原和山脉,而且是世界文明古国之一。中国五千年文明史就是最大的旅游资源,正在越来越多地吸引着世界各地的旅游者。1-3 自从改革开放政策的实施,中国旅游业的发展比国民经济的总体发展还要快。举个例子,从 1978 年到 1996 年,旅游业所得外汇从 2.6 亿美元增加到 102 亿美元。也就是平均每年增长了 22%。国际旅游业的发展经历了几个历史阶段。随着 92 中国旅游业取得巨大成功。旅游部门又连续推出 93 中国山水游,94 中国文化古迹游,95 中国民俗风情游,96 中国度假胜地游,97中国旅游年。98 中国城市乡村游和 99 中国生态游等特色旅游。这些活动为国家挣得了外汇,促进了旅游业和国民经济的发展。旅游基础设施也在不断地得到调整,改进,完善,旅游胜地的规划也越来越合理,在旅游业的发展中,我们加强了结



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