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1、1九年级英语学月检测卷注:把卷的正确答案填入卷的答题卡内一、找出与下列句子画线部分意思相同或相近的选项(分)1. At present theyre very young .A. Now B. Before C.after 2.She told me that she didnt give up trying to help him .A. give in B. stop C.start 3.You like talking about it rather than studying itA.instead B.instead of C. quite than 4.Shes terrified

2、 of speaking in front of other people . A. afraid B. afraid to C.afraid of 5. Social situations dont bother you at all A. in the slight B.in slightest C.in the slightest二、从下列各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案, 并将其字母代号填入题前括号内(40 分)6.Henry _be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now .A. mustnt B. may not C.

3、 cant D. must 7. Although he is very tall ,_he runs very slowly .A. but B. / C. so D. and8.I am waiting for my friend ._, I will go swimming alone .A.If he doesnt come B.If he came C.If he will come D.If he comes 9. There _an English film here tomorrow .A.has B. is going to be C.will have D.is going

4、 to have10.We went to the country _a very cold morning .A. on B. in C. at D. for11.Professor Yi Zhongtian _to the Talk Show on CCTV-1 last weekend .A. was invited B. invited C. invites D. is invited12. I dont like musicians _ cant write their own lyrics.A. whose B. who C. which D. whom13. If he were

5、 here , he _you.A. would help B. will help C. helps D. help14. Mother often tells me _ in the river. Its too dangerous. A. not to swim B. dont swim C. not swim D.to swim15.If you dont know the meaning of the word , youd better _in a dictionary .A. look up it B. look for it C.look it up D.look for it

6、16.The book is a little expensive. It _me 10 dollars.A. paid for B. spent C.cost D .spend17-Jim likes cooking . -_.A.So do I B.So I do C.So am I D.So I am .18.Could you tell me _? A. how long the Great Wall is B. how long is the Great Wall C. how long the Great Wall was D. how long has the Great Wal

7、l19. He _smoke a lot , but now he doesnt smoke at all .2A. does B. was C. was used to D. used to 20. In our city, _ college students want to work in West China in the future. A. million B. millions of C. million of D. three millions of 21. If I had more money , I _ that expensive house . A. will buy

8、 B. would buy C. am going to buy D. bought 22.Visitors _ to go into this little room .A.do not allow B. did not allow C. is not allowed D. are not allowed 23.Your bedroom needs _, because it is too dirty .A. cleaned B. clean C.to clean D. cleaning 24.Its going to rain . Youd better _ your umbrella i

9、f you go out .A. take B.not take C. to take D. not to take 25. How beautiful our school is! Yes, trees and flowers _ everywhere.A. can see B. can be seen C. cant see D. can be see 26.What a lovely cat ! It _ Lilys . She loves cats and I know she has one .A.cant be B. can be C.mustnt be D. must be27.

10、Mary is very outgoing . She is easy to _.A. get along B. get along with C. go along D. get along to 28.Our English teacher has come up _ a good idea .A.on B.at C. with D .at29.My brother and I used to go to sleep _ the light on .A. in B.with C.to D .and 30.His sister is really shy ._she doesnt know

11、anyone there ?A. When B. However C. Whatever D. What if 31.The Internet provides us_ a lot of_ we need. A.for; informations B.with; information C.with; informations D.for; information32. _the person in trouble is not polite .A.Laughing B. Laughing with C. Laughing at D . Laugh at 33. I am allowed to

12、 stay _until 11:30 p.m on weekends .A. to B. up C. with D . on 34. When we practice speaking English with friends in class , we often end up _ in Chinese .A. speak B. spoken C. speaking D . to speak 35. Lots of great changes _ in my school since 2000 .A. have taken place B. happened C. happen D . have been taken place 36. I dont know how to change these English _ _ Chinese .A. to B. in C. into D. for 37. On the first day of October 2009, our great country had its_ birthdayA. fifty B. sixty C. fiftieth D. sixtiet38.-I dont like the places_the weather is always cold.-I dont do, either.3A.when B


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