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1、2015 届新疆石河子市高级中学高一第一学月考试(2015 年度第 1 学月) 考试时间 年 月 日(120 分钟) 课程 教师签名_ _ 大题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 合计得 分本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。 共 120 分。考试时间 120 分钟。注意事项:1考试前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。2答选择题时,必须使用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。3答非选择题时,必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔, 将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。4所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。5考

2、试结束后,将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(选择题)一、选择题(20 分)1.( ) Excuse me, is this Lucys book ? No, this is _. _ is over there.A. mine; Hers B. my; Her C. my; Hers D. mine; Her2.( )Which of the two T-shirts do you prefer? _ is OK. I dont like their styles.A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All 3.( )How is your father? Pleas

3、e say hello to _ for me.A. she B. him C. it D. her4.( )Where _ for the past few years? A. are you B. have you been C. have you gone D. did you go5.( )I will never forget the day _ we spend together. A. when B. on that C. which D. while 6.( )I find the story really worth _. A. reading B. to read C. b

4、eing read D. to be read7.( )_Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.A. A B. An C. The D./8.( )If you try to sit on two chairs,you will fall _ them .For life,you must choose one chairA. between B. under C. among D. into9.( )Dont forget _an umbrella _you. Its going to rain.A. to take; to B.

5、 taking; to C. to take; with D. taking; with10.( )While I was standing _the window, I saw several boys running _the street.A. at; along B. on; at C. in; on D. to; in11.( )Because of Project Hope,_ children have better lives.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of12.( )The World Table

6、 Tennis Championship began_ the morning of May 25, 2010 Moscow, Russia.A. Fifty; in; in B. Fiftieth; on; in C. Fiftieth; in; on D. Fifty; on; in13.( )I think _ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam _ easy.A. three fourths, is B. third four, are C. three fourths, are D. three fo

7、urth, are14.( )What do you think of the lecture of Li Yangs Crazy English?I think its _, but someone thinks its much too _.A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boringC. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored15.( )The shop _ at 8:00 a.m. and it _ for ten hours every day.A. ope

8、ns; is open B. is opened; opensC. is open; has opened D. opened; opens16.( )I dont know _to do next?Its easy .Press the red button in 2 minutes.A. what B. how C. where D. when17. ( ) Excuse me, is this _ new camera?Yes, its _. A. your; my B. your; mine C. yours; my D. yours; mine18. ( ) Emma, can yo

9、u introduce_ to Alice? I want to meet her.A. him B. his C. me D. my19.( ) Its difficult for me to decide which one to choose, because _ of them are good. A. neither B. both C. either D. each20.( ) -Help _ to some cakes, Jim.-Thank you.A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves二、完型填空(10 分)It was yearbo

10、ok day and we were given an hour to sign each others yearbooks in the cafeteria. I was president of the class and I played sports. When I sat down at a table, people started to come over to get their yearbooks signed and to sign _21_.Among them, a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shak

11、ing. I had seen him around, and I knew he was always laughed at. He seemed _22_ of himself, and was so pale that it hurt us to look at him.He came up and asked me nervously, “Can you sign this?” I took his yearbook but I didnt know _23_ to write. I saw that there was the name “Ricky Sanders” written

12、 on the front of it. So I wrote: I put down the yearbook and turned around to get some signatures from some of my friends when I _24_ my yearbook was gone. I saw that Ricky had sat down with my yearbook. “What are you doing?” I asked him. He looked up calmly(平静地) and _25_said “Sign!”My friends broke

13、 into a loud laugh, and I saw that he was carefully frying to put a signature in my yearbook. He hadnt even finished the “R” yet. I thought for a while and _26_ to let him sign.It took him nearly five minutes to sign and when I got my yearbook back, there was a very shaky “RICKY”. He hugged(紧抱) his

14、yearbook and _27_. I couldnt help but smile back at him.In that moment, my _28_ changed completely.I gave him a high five and suddenly everyone at my table wanted his signature. He was asked politely to write in their yearbooks and the signature _29_ of his yearbook were filled up. He was smiling so

15、 big that it lit up the whole room.I changed school the next year, and I never saw Ricky again. However, I will never forget the day that he became the most popular guy in school. Whenever Im _30_, I still look back at that yearbook.21. A. mine B. his C. ours D. theirs22. A. unafraid B. unsure C. proud D. t



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