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1、广告 13 栾奕 2013312102英译汉翻译作业 7一、句子翻译:翻译下列句子,注意斜体部分中术语、句型、介词的译法1. Just what is fever? Simply defined, its a state in which your body temperature has risen abnormally. 那么什么是发烧?简单的说,就是你体温不正常升高的状态。2. It is s reported that 2 million people have been inoculated. Then blood slides are examined with microscop

2、e.据报道两百万人已经接种注射。血样用显微镜检查过。3. Among women who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day, the percentage of premature deliveries was double that among nonsmokers. 每天抽一盒多烟的女人流产几率是不吸烟者的两倍4. The morbidity in that area is reduced to 30%. 这个区域的发病率降低到二、篇章翻译:这篇文章词汇难度不大,句子也不复杂,因此字数多了些。 Animal DefensesAn ani

3、mal needs to protect itself from its enemies. If its defenses are not good enough, it will not survive. Every creature has some kind of defense. The elephant has enormous size and strength. A deer has speed. An armadillo has an armor of thick, horny plates. A cat has claws. A butterfly flies in a zi

4、gzag way, making it difficult to catch.动物需要保护自己,躲避天敌。如果防护措施不够,他就无法逃生。每种生物都有特定的防护措施。大象体型巨大且强壮有力。鹿速度飞快。犰狳身体如盔甲坚硬。猫爪子锋利。蝴蝶曲折飞行,难以捕捉。At the first sign of danger, most animal try to escape. For some animals, this means running away as fast as they can. Antelopes, gazelles, and many other mammals that liv

5、e in open country depend on speed. So do fish, insects and birds.一感知到危险,大多数动物试图逃跑。对一些动物来说,这意味着尽快的逃离。羚羊,瞪羚和其他许多生活在开阔地方的哺乳动物依赖速度。鱼类,昆虫和鸟类亦是如此。Many animals escape by hiding. The brightly colored little fish around coral reefs are an example. Each fish vanishes into its own hole in the coral when troubl

6、e comes. Some small land animals try to keep their enemies from seeing them by holding perfectly till in the tall grasses or bushes. Rabbits have been known to “freeze” in this way for half an hour or more. 许多动物通过隐藏自己来逃生。比如生活在珊瑚礁周围的颜色鲜艳的小鱼。当遇到危险时,每条小鱼都钻进自己珊瑚礁上的洞中。一些小型的 陆生动物试图藏在高高的草丛和灌木丛,以此躲避敌人。据了解,兔

7、子就可以这样一动不动保持半小时或者更久。Some animals are able to hide from their enemies because they match their surroundings. For example, an insect called the walking stick lives in trees and looks almost exactly like a small brown twig. Because of this, it is practically invisible to its enemies. The color of the s

8、kin or coat of desert animals, such as the horned toad and the desert rat, matches the sandy color of the desert.一些动物躲避敌害是通过适应环境。例如,一种叫做手杖的昆虫住在树上,看以来就像是棕色的小树枝。正因如此,敌人看不到他们。就像蟾蜍和沙漠鼠一样,沙漠动物的肤色与沙子的颜色相符。Some fish can change their color to match different backgrounds. The flounder, for example, will turn

9、 a grayish-brown color if it is to close to a sand area under the water. Its back will even show little speckles that look like grains of sand. Other creatures change color when the seasons change. In winter, the Arctic fox and the rock ptarmigan change from brown to pure white.一些鱼可以改变肤色以适应环境。例如比目鱼靠

10、近水下砂区的时候可以变成浅灰棕色。背部还会有斑点,以便看起来像砂砾。其他生物随季节的改变而改变肤色。冬天时,北极狐和岩雷鸟从棕色变成纯白色。Special armor is a way of hiding for some creatures. Certain armadillos are covered with thick plates. When they roll themselves into tight balls, enemies cannot get at their soft flesh. Turtles and tortoises have hard shells to g

11、uard their tender bodies. They pull their heads and legs quickly into the safety of their shells. Clams, oysters, and similar sea creatures have shells that snap shut. 特殊的铠甲也是隐蔽自己的方法。犰狳身披厚重的铠甲。当他们紧紧蜷缩成球时,敌人无法伤害他们柔软的部分。乌龟和和陆龟有坚硬的壳保护自己柔弱的身躯。他们可以快速地缩回头部和四肢。蛤,牡蛎和类似的海洋生物都有可以紧闭保护自己的壳Many animals have spec

12、ial ways to discourage attackers. Some play a game of “make believe” to fool their enemies. The opossum is especially famous for pretending to be dead when attacked-it “plays possum.” The hog-nose snake, a perfectly harmless, non-poisonous creature, puts on a big show to scare off a would-be attacke

13、r. First it rears up and hisses, pretending to be ready to strike. If this does not succeed the snake suddenly collapse and begins to twitch and roll about as if in agony. Then it flops on its back looking dead.许多动物都有特殊的方法赶走袭击者。有些通过假装来动物愚弄敌人。负鼠以遇袭时装死而闻名 他假装死了。猪鼻蛇是无害无毒的生物,它会装腔作势吓走潜在的袭击者。首先它站立起来,发出嘶嘶的

14、声音,假装准备要攻击了。如果这不奏效,猪鼻蛇会突然崩溃,开始抽搐,痛苦地蜷缩。然后摔倒在地看上去死了Other beasts drive away their enemies with unpleasant smells, or even with smoke screens. When a skunk is alarmed, special glands near its tail shoot off a spray with a terrible odor. Stink bugs can release foul-smelling gases.其他动物通过难闻的气味赶走敌人,甚至用烟幕。当

15、臭鼬警惕时,尾巴附近的特殊腺体喷出气味难闻的喷雾。臭虫可以释放恶臭气体。If trapped, most animals will fight. The porcupine raises its sharp quills and lashes out with its spiny tail. Horns, hoofs, claws, teeth, tusks, and stingers are some other animal weapons. Poisonous snakes can bite and kill. The sting of the scorpion is very pain

16、ful. The ostrich can kick like a horse. The sharp teeth and claws of meat-eating animals, such as lions, can be used as deadly weapons. 如若被困,大多数动物会反抗。豪猪竖起他尖利的刺,急速挥动他的刺尾。角,蹄子,爪子,牙齿,獠牙和刺是其他动物的武器。毒蛇可以咬并杀了猎物。蝎子的蛰十分疼痛。鸵鸟可以像马一样踢。像狮子这样的食肉动物的锋利牙齿和爪子,都可作为致命武器。新 3 53,54,广告 13 栾奕 20133121021. In the belief that 自以为2. In the interest of 符合 的利益3. Be suitably qualified to 胜任4. Be subject to 受控制,服从5. There is nothing secretive about 没有秘密可言6. The following case is a typical example of



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