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1、一、 选出下列每组中不同类的一项。(10 分)()1、A.funny B.kind C. know()2、A.maths B.music C. class()3、A.like B. is C. are()4、A.polite B.teacher C.student()5、A.Chinese B.Tuesday C. PE二、 英汉互译。(10 分)1. 看电视_ 2.wash my clothes _3.做作业_ 4. every day _5.听音乐 _ 6. beef noodles _7.在周末_ 8.a cooking class _9.看书_ 10. play football _三

2、、单项选择。(20 分)( ) 1. What do you have _Tuesdays?A. in B.on C. at ( )2. _ you know Mr Wang ?A . Do B .Does C . Are ( )3. _ your music teacher ? Miss White.A . Where B. Whos C. Whats( )4. Whats she like ? _.A. She is our new music teacher . B .She is Amy.C. She is very polite .( )5.I _ TV on the weekend

3、.A . see B . look C . watch( )6. Do you often do _ at school?A . home work B . homework C. homeworks( )7.I have music On Mondays . What _ you ?A . at B . for C .about( )8.I m _. I d like some water.A .hungry B .tired C . thirsty( )9.What do you have on Sundays ?I have a _.A .basketball class B . the

4、 weekend C . on Fridays( )10.She_ some bread and chicken. A .would like B . woulds like C .like四、给下列句子选择恰当的英文表达,把序号填在括号内。(20 分)( )1. 这些蔬菜真新鲜。 A. Its a storybook.( )2.你经常在这儿踢足球吗? B.Theyre delicious, too.( )3.请洗一下这些蔬菜。 C. I have tomatoes,carrots and onions.( )4.它是一本故事书。 D. What would you like to eat ?

5、( )5. 他们也很美味。 E. Do you often play football here?( )6.男孩们很愿意帮忙。 F. The boys are helpful. ( )7.你的英语老师很严厉吗? G. Please clean the vegetables. ( )8.你想要吃些什么呢? H. The vegetables are so fresh. ( )9.小心! I. Is your English teacher strict? ( )10. 我有西红柿、胡萝卜和洋葱。 J. Be careful ! 五、 连词成句,注意大小写以及标点符号。(10 分)1.you, d

6、o, often, football, play, (?)_2. like, is, what, he , (?)_3 . would, to, eat, What, you, like, (?)_4. much, beef, very, like, I, (.)_5 .favourite, is, My, chicken, food, (.)_六、情景交际。 (20 分)( )1.当你要表达你喜欢三明治,他们很健康时,你会说:_A. I like sandwiches. They are healthy.B. I like sandwiches. They are fresh.C. I ha

7、ve some sandwiches. ( )2. 别人想你询问你最喜欢的食物时,他会说: _A. Do you like oranges?B. Whats your favourite food ?C. Whats your favourite drink?( )3. 如果你想要吃鸡肉, 你会说: _A. I like chicken.B. I like to eat chicken.C. I d like some chicken.( )4. 如果你想要喝橘子汁喝茶时,你会说:_A. I have some orange juice and tea. B. Id like some ora

8、nge juice and tea. C. Id like some orange juice .( )5. 你想告诉对方“她是一名英语老师”,你会说:_A. She is an English teacherB. He is an English teacher .C. She is a music teacher.( )6.你想问对方“她长什么样?”,应说:_A. What would she like ?B. What do you do on Mondays?C. What is she like?( )7.你想知道你同学在星期三上什么课,你可以问:A. What do you do

9、on Wednesdays?B. What do you have at Wednesdays?C. What do you have on Wednesdays?( )8.你想问 Tom 的数学老师是谁时,你可以说:A. Whos your maths teacher,Tom ?B. Whos your teacher, Tom ?C. Whos your music teacher, Tom ?( )9.你想告诉别人“她又高又年轻”应说:A. He is tall and young . B. She is tall and young. C. Her is tall and young.

10、 七、阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10 分)Amy:Hi, Sarah! What do you have for lunch ?Sarah : Salad . Its delicious. What about you ? Amy : I have chicken.Sarah : I also like vegetables. They re healthy.Amy : Me too. Theyre fresh and healthy.Sarah : My favourite food is meat(肉). But I cant eat too much now.Amy : Wh

11、y?Sarah : Because Im fat now. I have to (不得不) eat more vegetables.Amy: Thats right. You need (需要) to have more vegetables. Sarah : Oh, I know. Whats your favourite fruit ?Amy : I like apples . They are sweet. Sarah : I like apples,too. But bananas are my favourite fruit. ( )1. Sarah has salad for lunch.( )2. Amy likes salad. Theyre deliciouss.( )3.Amy likes vegetables. Theyre fresh and healthy.( )4. Sarah cant eat too much meat now.( )5. Bananas are Amys favourite fruit.



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