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1、2016 英文圣诞节晚会主持词合:Good afternoon, boys and girls! Welcome to our Christmas party! (大家下午好,欢迎大家来参加我们的圣诞聚会)Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky.(伴随着从空中徐徐飘落的雪花,)Mandy: With the Christmas carols resounding in our ears.(伴随着耳边响起的圣诞颂歌)Jack: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends a

2、nd ourselves.(伴随着在我们身边传递的圣诞礼物)Mandy: with the kindest Santa Claus in red walking towards us .(伴随着和蔼的圣诞老人向我们走来)合: Lets shout, “Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!” (让我们大声的说出:圣诞来了,圣诞快乐!)Jack:Hello,Im jack. Im honored to have the chance to be your host today. Id like to extend our a warm welcome to y

3、ou on behalf of the QiXiang Education. I wish everyone a very happy Christmas . (大家好,我是今天的主持人,杰克,非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的聚会。我谨代表启翔教育机构的所有老师,祝大家度过一个愉快的圣诞节。)Mandy:Before we go , Id like you to know that we plan various interesting programs and games for todays party . We hope you would join them and have som

4、e fun .(在聚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今天的聚会准备了很多丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的开心。)Jack: First of all, Lets welcome our principal Mr. Liu to give us a welcome speech .(首先请我们刘校长致欢迎词。).Mandy: Thank you, Mr. Liu . (感谢刘校长)Jack: Now , the first program , all the students should learn the PPT about the Christmas.(现在,我们的第

5、一个节目是所有学生一起学习与圣诞节有关的 PPT).Mandy: Now , I will ask some question about Christmas . Who can answer the question. Who can get gift !(现在,我将提出有关圣诞节的问题,谁知道答案,谁将得到礼物!)1.每年的几月几日是耶稣诞生的日子呢?(12月25日)2. 平安夜是哪一天?(12月24日)3. 耶稣是在哪里出生的?(马槽上)4.圣诞节和我们中国的什么节日相似(春节)5. 小朋友们知道圣诞色有哪几种颜色吗?(红绿白)6.圣诞老人都耳熟能详吧,他是骑什么来的呢?(驯鹿雪橇)7.

6、圣诞老人是把圣诞礼物是装在哪里送给小朋友的呢? (袜子)8.“圣诞快乐”用英文怎么说?(Merry Christmas)9.“圣诞老人”用英文怎么说?(Santa Claus or Father Christmas )all the students should sing the songwe wish you merry Christmas(现在,让我们大家一起唱这首歌we wish you merry Christmas.Jack: What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody. (多么好听的歌曲啊,大家都做得很好)Mandy: now, lets

7、 enjoy the second program. Welcome Kel and kids.(下面让我们欣赏第二个节目。欢迎 Kel 和幼儿班的小朋友们。).Jack: Thanks for their great performance! (感谢他们的演出)Mandy: Oh, here comes the first exciting moment , handwork time, “Christmas cards”. We hope all of the students take part in this handwork . Everyone finish the “Christ

8、mas cards “and write your wishes on this card.(现在我们迎来了第一个兴奋的时刻,手工制作圣诞贺卡,我们希望所有的学生都参加圣诞贺卡的制作,每人在完成的圣诞贺卡上写上自己新年的愿望。).Jack: Its very interesting, isnt it? (这多么有趣啊,不是吗?)Mandy: Yes. We are very happy. Next program is the “Written-English newspaper” showtime.We will select who is NO.1 , NO.2 , NO.3.(是的。我们

9、非常开心,下一个节目是英语手抄报的展示时间,我们将评选出第一名,第二名,第三名。).Mandy: Boys and girls, the exciting moment is coming, we present the Christmas gift! (男孩们,女孩们,让人兴奋的时刻来临了,我们将派发圣诞礼物了)Jack: Lets invite our Father Christmas. (让我们邀请圣诞老人)Mandy: How lucky they are! (他们真幸运啊!).EndJack:Thanks for the great performance of our students !(感谢同学们精彩的表演)Mandy:Thanks for all the friends here!(感谢到场的所有来宾)合: Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas , Lets look forward to our next gathering ! Merry Christmas again! See you.(今天我们相聚在一起庆祝圣诞节,让我们期待明年的再次相聚。圣诞快乐!再见)



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