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1、城市垃圾收集箱创新设计摘 要垃圾箱作为城市必需的公共设施,设计首先要与城市的生活环境相适应。由于生活垃圾的多样性,垃圾箱设计也应分类。针对液体垃圾的处理,垃圾箱设计应为塑料封闭性的,并且投放处应设计的大一点,这样既解决了腐蚀铁制垃圾箱的问题,又保证异味的不再扩散,居民用起来也方便。对大块垃圾的处理,垃圾箱设计应为一个大型的地下垃圾箱,这样垃圾比较容易安放,也比较的美观。人性化垃圾箱设计的理念也很重要,在物质水平稳定提高的情况下,城市的文明程度也慢慢提高到精神的层面。城市的公共设施不但要满足人们锻炼、生活的基本需求,还要赋有人文公共艺术内涵,丰富人们的审美观念,让人们感到身心愉悦,同时也可以增强

2、人们的城市主人翁意识。由于现代社会普遍存在着严重的生态及能源危机, 城市生态环境及公共设施形态的整体规划与合理设计必将需要艺术公共性的更多参与,以显示对人性及其尊严的普遍关切与维护。公共艺术在其实体对空间的占有、包围或点缀上,形态和规模大的可以是群体性或单体的雕塑、壁画或装置性作品构成的园林设计,小些的可以是经过精心创意制作的一组水体装置、一片绿荫与几条座椅与几个电话亭、一盏路灯与几个垃圾箱,甚至是一组城市单位的指示牌等。垃圾箱设计看似微不足道,它也可以反映一个城市的文明程度。因此,务必重视对垃圾箱设计。 关键词:垃圾箱,城市文明,生态环境AbstractCity garbage as a n

3、ecessary public facilities, design should first of all and city life environment. Because of the diversity of life garbage in, garbage box design should also be classified. For liquid waste disposal, garbage box should be designed for plastic sealing, and the Secretariat should design a bit, so as t

4、o solve the corrosion of iron trash problem, and ensure that the smell of the longer diffusion, residents use up too easily. The large garbage, trash should be designed for a large underground dustbin, garbage easier so placed, also more beautiful. Humanization bin design concept is also important i

5、n the material level, improve the stability of the situation, the level of civilization in the city also slowly increased to spirit level. City public facilities should not only satisfy people exercise, basic life needs, but also endowed with the humanities and public art connotation, rich peoples a

6、esthetic idea, let people feel happy, but also can enhance peoples city master consciousness. Because modern society exists serious ecological and energy crisis, city ecological environment and public facilities form of overall planning and rational design will need the public of art more involved,

7、to display on the human nature and dignity of the general care and maintenance. Public art in its entity space occupation, surrounded or embellishment, morphology and size can be a group or single body sculpture, painting or device works constitute the landscape design, the smaller can be carefully

8、creative production of a group of water device, a shade and a few seats with several telephone booth, a street lamp and several garbage box, or even a group of units in the city of signs. Garbage box design seems to be not worth mentioning, it can also reflect the degree of civilization of a city. T

9、herefore, we must attach importance to the design of garbage bin.Key words: trash, city civilization, ecological environment目 录摘 要 IAbstract II目 录 III第 1 章 绪论 51.1 垃圾箱概念 51.2 垃圾箱研究意义 51.3 垃圾箱的发展趋势 6第 2 章 垃圾箱研究调查报告 62.1 调查目的 62.2 调查对象及方法 62.3 调查内容 72.4 调查结果归纳 112.5 调查结果分析 12第 3 章 垃圾箱设计要点 143.1 与垃圾箱尺寸设计相关的人体测量学尺寸 143.1.1 手功能高 143.1.2 地区男女人体尺寸表 143.2 垃圾箱尺寸结果及简评 153.3 垃圾箱的结构 153.4 垃圾箱的颜色 15第 4 章 城市垃圾箱创新设计 164.1 设计概念 164.2 设计定位 164.3 产品的功能分析 164.4 产品方案的形态分析 164.5 产品方案的色彩分析 164.6 产品方案的人机关系分析 164.7 设计草图 174.8 设计方案分析(三视图和彩色效果图) 194.9 创新方案二 204.10 设计原理(杠杆原理) 21总 结 22致 谢 23参考文献 24



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