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1、 数控车床主轴组件监控系统的设计【摘要】 机械工业的生产水平是一个国家现代化建 设水平的主要标志之一,机械工业肩负着为国民经济各个部门提供技术装备和促进技术改造的重要任务,在现代化建设的进程中起着主导和决定性的的作用。因此,近些年来,数控机床被广泛的应用于我国的制造业,在国内工业发 达的地区已经得到普及,由此对社会生产力的提高起着巨大的推动作用。数控车床是数控机床中基本设备之一,随着制造业高效率、高精度、高柔性发展的需要,人们对数控车 床提出了越来越高的要求,而主轴是数控车床的重要组成部分,主轴 的运转状态的好坏关系到加工质量,随着 检测 技术和计算机技术的发展,通 过用传感器对数控车床主轴的

2、主要参数的测量,从而了解数控机床的运转状态,现用加速度传感器和磁电式转速传感器对数控车床主轴的振动与转速进行测量,将信号通过放大,滤波,采集等中间电路传输给 转换器,通过转换 器将模拟信号转换为数字信号,再将其通过单片机传输给计算机,观察计算机上的界面来了解数控车床主轴的运转状态。【关键词】 数控机床,数控车床,主 轴,传感器,转换器,单片机CNC lathe spindle component monitoring system designLiu Le(Grade02,Class5,Major : Mechanical design and manufacturing and automa

3、tion, Mechanical engineering department, Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong ,Shaanxi)tutor:huang chong liAbstract: Mechanical industry production level is a national modernization level, the main mark of mechanical industry shouldering each department for national economy to provide technical

4、 equipment and promote technological transformation is an important task in the process of modernization, plays a decisive role in leading and. Therefore, in recent years, the CNC machine is widely applied in our manufacturing, industrial developed area in China, which has gained popularity of socia

5、l productivity improvement plays a great role in promoting. CNC lathe is one of basic CNC equipment manufacturing, with high efficiency, high precision, high flexibility to the needs of the development of CNC lathe, people put forward higher request, and CNC lathe spindle is an important part of the

6、 operation state, good quality, with the relationship to processing and computer technology development, through the use of CNC lathe spindle sensor measurements of the main parameters, and understand the operation state, CNC using magnetoelectric sensor and the acceleration of CNC lathe spindle spe

7、ed sensor measurements of vibration and rotational speed, the signal, filtering, acquisition by amplifying circuit transmission among such to the A/D converter, through the simulation signal converter will convert digital signal, the single-chip computer, transmission through observation on the comp

8、uter interface to understand CNC lathe spindle operation condition.Key words: CNC machine, CNC lathe, spindle, sensor, A/D converter, SCMI目 录1.前言.11.1数控机床的发展情况.11.2问题的提出及解决方案.22.数控车床.32.1数控机床的工作原理、组成.32.2数控车床的组成.42.3数控车床的工作过程.52.4数控车床的特点.62.5数控车床的主轴部件的参数.82.6测量量的选择.93.传感器选择及信号处理.113.1传感器的选择原则.113.2传

9、感器的选择.133.2.1用加速度传感器测振动.133.2.2用磁电式传感器测转速.143.2.3用扭矩传感器测量扭矩.153.2.4用电涡流位移传感器测量位移.163.3信号的处理 .183.3.1信号的过滤 .183.3.2信号的放大 .183.4电路的设计 .193.4.1用加速度传感器测振动的电路 .193.4.2磁电式转速传感器测转速电路 .213.4.3用应变式扭矩传感器测扭矩电路 .214.接口电路的设计 .234.1A/D转换器 .234.1.1A/D转换器的工作原理 .234.1.2 A/D转换器的主要技术参数 .244.2 A/D转换器的选择 .254.2.1 ADC0809的内部结构 .264.2.2信号引脚 .274.3单片机的选择 .284.4 MCS-51单片机与 ADC0809的接口的连接 .284.5通讯接口的选择.295.实验测量 .30II5.1软件简介 .305.2测量实验 .305.2.1用加速度传感器测振动 .325.2.2用磁电式传感器测转速 .35总 结 .38致 谢 .39参考文献 .40第 1 页 共 40 页1.前言1.1数控机床的发展情况工业技术的发展水平是衡量一个国家技术水平的重要标志之一,在一定程度上反映了该国的技术经



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