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1、本 科 毕 业 论 文基于 MATLAB 的数字图像处理的设计与实现The designing and implementing of digital image processing based on Matlab学生姓名 :学号 :专业 :实习单位 :指导教师 :I基于 MATLAB 的数字图像处理的设计与实现【摘要】数字图像处理是一门新兴技术,随着计算机硬件的发展,数字图像的实时处理已经成为可能,由于数字图像处理的各种算法的出现,使得其处理速度越来越快,能更好的为人们服务。数字图像处理是一种通过计算机采用一定的算法对图形图像进行处理的技术。目的:改善医学图像质量,使图像得到增强。方法:利

2、用Matlab工具箱函数,采用灰度直方图均衡化和高通滤波的方法对一幅X线图像进行增强处理。结果:用直方图均衡化的算法,将原始图像密集的灰度分布变得比较稀疏,处理后的图像视觉效果得以改善。高通滤波对于局部细节增强显著,高通滤波后使不易观察到的细节变得清晰。结论:使用Matlab工具箱大大简化了编程工作,为医学图像处理提供了一种技术平台。经过直方图均衡化和高通滤波处理后的医学图像,视觉效果得到改善。【关键词】MATLAB;医学数字图像处理;直方图均衡化;高通滤波;图像增强The designing and implementing of digital IIimage processing bas

3、ed on MatlabDepartment of Medical Information Management and Information System 【Abstract】Digital image processing is an emerging technology, with the development of co mputer hardware, real-time digital image processing has become possible due to digital image processing algorithms to appear, makin

4、g it faster and faster processing speed, better for people services .Digital image processing is used by some algorithms computer graphics image pro cessing technology. Objective: To improve the quality of medical image by enhancing the det ails. Methods: Two processing methods, the gray-level histo

5、gram equalization and highpass f iltering were applied to enhance an X-ray image by using Matlab toolbox functions. Results: By the means of algorithm histogram equalization, the dense gray-level distribution of the original image became sparse, and the output image was refined. The highpass filteri

6、ng strengthe ned the distinctly observed details, while the highpass filtering improved more the local detail of image. Conclusion: Matlab toolbox is helpful for simplifying the programming and provides a platform for medical image processing. The visual impact of medical images processed by histogr

7、am equalization and highpass filtering improves.【Keywords】 MATLAB;medical digital image processing ;histogram equalization; highpass filtering;image enhancement目录1 绪论 .1III1.1 课题研究目的及意义 .11.2 国 内 外 研 究 现 状 .22 数字图像处理的简介 .42.1 什么是数字图像 .42.2 数字图像处理概述 .52.2.1 基本概念 .52.2.2 研究内容 .62.2.3 基本特点 .72.2.4 主要应用 .72.3 图像处理文件格式 .82.3.1 MATLAB 图像文件格式 .82.3.2 图像类型 .93 MATLAB 基本知识介绍 .113.1 MATLAB 的概述 .113.2 MATLAB 产生的历史背景 .113.3 MATLAB 语言的特点 .123.4 MATLAB 在图像处理中的应用 .134 方法 .154.1 图像的预处理 .154.2 空间域处理 .154.2.1 直方图均衡化 .



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