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1、东北农业大学学士学位论文 学号 A哈尔滨轻型车厂底盘装配线平衡改善研究学生姓名:凌磊指导教师:所在院系:工程学院所学专业:工业工程研究方向:装配线平衡东 北 农 业 大 学中国哈尔滨2015 年 5 月Northeast Agriculture University Bachelors Degree Thesis RegistrationNumber:ARESEARCH ON ASSEMBLY LINE BALANCING PROBLEM OF HARBIN LIGHT VEHICLE CHASSISCandidate:Ling LeiSupervisor: College: Engineer

2、ing CollegeProfession: Industry EngineeringResearch Direction: Assembly Line BalancingNortheast Agriculture UniversityHarbin ChinaMay 2015摘要I摘 要近年来哈尔滨轻型车厂各产品的装配线平衡率总是处于不理想的水平,大概为 70%左右,低于同行业企业的 85%的水平。这种现状已经严重的影响了哈尔滨轻型车厂的市场竞争力。因此本文的目的就是要提高哈尔滨轻型车厂的装配线平衡率,以此获得可观的经济效益和潜在的企业潜力。本文以哈尔滨轻型车厂底盘装配过程为研究对象,首先采用

3、工业工程中的作业测定技术测定底盘装配线改善前的各工序标准时间数据,分析计算得出了改善前的装配线平衡率水平。接下来细分工作要素,选择启发式平衡方法对底盘装配线进行重排,并应用工作平均化的方法解决启发式平衡方法后个别工作站工时利用率相差过多的情况,对比改善前取得了很好的改进效果。最后对改善的效益进行了评价,意义重大。 通过对比改善前后的各相关指标,哈尔滨轻型车厂底盘装配线平衡率从最初的 71.89%提升到现在的 88.96%,在缩短装配线节拍的同时,减少了底盘装配线的工作站数和作业人数;在降低产品装配工时的同时,提高了装配线的产能,取得了丰硕的经济效益,每年的净节省 50 多万元。装配线研究改善过

4、后,极大地解决了哈尔滨轻型车厂平时工作要素拆分不细,成效偏低和标准数据测定不准确的问题。关键词:装配线平衡;作业测定;工作站;启发式平衡算法;工作平均化AbstractIResearch on Assembly Line Balancing Problem of Harbin light vehicle chassisAbstractIn recent years, the assembly line balancing rate of the light truck factory in Harbin is always in the unsatisfactory level, about

5、70%, and the level of 85% is lower than that of the same industry. This situation has seriously affected the Harbin light car factory market competitiveness. So the purpose of this paper is to improve the assembly line balance rate of Harbin light truck factory, in order to obtain considerable econo

6、mic benefits and potential enterprise potential.The Harbin light duty truck chassis assembly process as the research object. First of all, the industrial engineering work before chassis assembly line to improve the standard time of each process data is determined by the technology and analysis are g

7、iven in this paper to improve the assembly line balancing rate. Next subdivision elements, heuristic balance method the chassis assembly line to rearrange, method and application of the mean heuristic balance method for solving individual workstations working hours the rate difference is too much an

8、d contrast improvement achieved very good improvement effect. Finally, the benefit of the improvement is evaluated, and it is of great significance.Through the contrast before and after the improvement of the relevant indicators, Harbin light duty truck chassis factory assembly line balance rate inc

9、reased from initial 71.89% to 88.96% now, in shortening the assembly line beats at the same time, reduce the chassis assembly line station number and the number of jobs; and improve the productivity of the assembly line in reducing assembly working hours and achieved fruitful economic benefits, the

10、annual net savings of more than 50 million yuan. After the improvement of the research of assembly line, it has solved the problem that the normal working elements of Harbin light truck factory are not fine, the results are low and the standard data is inaccurate.Keywords: assembly line balance; wor

11、k measurement; workstation; heuristic algorithm; average work目录I目 录摘 要 .IAbstract .I1 前 言 .11.1 论文研究的背景、目的与意义 .11.1.1 论文研究的背景 .11.1.2 论文研究的目的 .11.1.3 论文研究的意义 .21.2 装配线平衡简述 .21.3 国内外研究现状 .31.4 研究的主要内容和方法 .51.4.1 研究的主要内容 .51.4.2 研究的主要方法 .52 哈尔滨轻型车厂底盘装配线平衡改善前状况 .- 6 -2.1 哈尔滨轻型车厂及主要产品介绍 .- 6 -2.2 底盘装配线改善前各工作站具体作业说明 .- 6 -2.3 底盘装配流程介绍 .



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