2015五年级下册unit 6 work quietly!第2课时导学案及答案

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1、m人教版 PEP 五年级下册Unit 6 Work quietly!第二课时学案Learning aims(学习目标)1. 掌握新单词和短语 :doing morning exercises, havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.2. 掌握句型:What is Chenjie /she /he doing?What are the students /they /you doing?Important &difficult points(重难点)1. 能掌握新的单词和短语。2. 能理解并运用新的句型。导学探

2、究Step1 : 预习温故(用时 5 分钟)1. T: When is your birthday? S: My birthday is on April 8th.T: Whose storybook is that ? S: Its yours. T: Whose pen is that ? S: Its Sarahs . /Its hers.T: Is he drinking water ? S: Yes, he is .T: Are these rabbits eating ? S: No, they arent.(板书这些句子,也可留空让学生填)2. Review unit5s con

3、tent. Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时 15 分钟)1. T: Look at the picture .Whats Chen Jie doing?S: (做早操 ) doing morning exercises.T: Follow me doing morning exercises.Use the same way to learn other words: havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music.(老师要板书单词的原形 )2. Sentences: T: What is Chen Jie / h

4、e /she doing? S: He / She is eating lunchT: What are the students / they/you doing? S: They /We are listening to music. Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)m1. Teacher say English, students say Chinese, And then exchange.2. Teacher show word card, student say words.3. 灵活运用本节课句型:S1: What is Zhang Peng doing ?

5、 S2: He is reading a book.S1:What are Sarah and ChenJie doing ? S2: They are eating lunch.Step 4. 达标检测(用时 7 分钟)1、根据图片提示,填入适当的短语。1. She is _ _ _.2. We are _ _ _.3. Sarah is _ _.4. I am _ _ _.5. Look! Who is _ _ _.二、对号入座。( ) 1. eating lunch A. 它的( ) 2. drinking water B. (正在) 上英语课( ) 3. its C. (正在) 喝水(

6、 ) 4. having an English class D. (正在) 吃午饭( ) 5. bamboo E. 竹子三、用单词 is ,am ,are 填空。1. What _ Chen Jie doing?2. What _ the students doing ?3. Whose storybooks _that ?m4. I _ reading a book now.5. _ she eating lunch ? Yes, she is. 参考答案:一、根据图片提示,填入适当的短语。1.doing moning exercises2.having English class3.eat

7、ing lunch4.reading a book 新 课 标 第 一 网5.listenning the music二、对号入座。1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.E三、用单词 is,am ,are 填空。1.is 2.are 3.is 4.am 5.Is学生小结:这节课我学到了_Step 5.布置当堂作业(用时 2 分钟)1、抄写单词:havingclass, eating lunch, reading a book, listening to music2、熟读单词和短语。 w W w .x K b 1 .c o MTitle 板书标题 Unit 6 Work quietly ? Lets learn P59Board Design 板书内容设计What is he /she doing ? What are they/you doing ?doing morning exercisesHe/ She is havingclasseating lunch w They / We are reading a booklistening to music 教学反思: 新课 标第 一 网



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