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1、1江 苏 省 南 通 市 实 验 中 学 2015 届 中 考 英 语 二 模 考 试 试 题第 1 卷(选择题 共 60 分)第 1 卷共 45 小题,请将答案按要求填写在答题纸上。一、单项选择(本题共 15 小题,每小题 l 分,满分 l5 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选顼,并将答案按要求写在答题纸上。1. The film is worth seeing _ second timeit reminds me of _ happy old days I spent in the country.A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. a; 不填 D.

2、 the; the2. Former president of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, passed away _ Monday morning, Mar 23. A. on B. at C. in D. by3. “One Belt, One Road” (一带一路) will serve to _ markets for China as well as other countries along.A. put up B. open up C. take up D. look up4. A quiet boy like Daniel would like to s

3、tay at home doing nothing _ going out.A. instead of B. less than C. such as D. together with 5. The company will offer a reward for the best designs, no matter how much they will _. A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay 6. Tim is crazy about exploring. He continues doing it _he meets up with many difficul

4、ties.A. though B. so C. but D. or7. Recycling is one way to protect the environment and reusing is_.Aanother B. the other C. other D. others8. Some word puzzles in this book are _ difficult that _ students can solve them.A. such; few B. such; little C. So; few D. so; little9. The chairperson receive

5、d about three _ applications to join the Bird Watching Club.A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds10. Do you miss your parents far away? Yes, very much. They _ the hometown for over two years.A. left B. have left C. were away from D. have been away 2from11. How is Susan? Oh, she lives a

6、broad, so I can _ see her.A. hardly B. greatly C. clearly D. nearly12. Must I finish the exercise in class?No, you _ . You may leave it as homework.A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt D. mustnt 13. Can you tell me _ in the future?A. how life will be like B. how will life be likeC. what life will be like D

7、. what will life be like14. She used _ on the right in China, so she is not used _ on the left in England at first.A. to driving; to driving B. to drive; to drivingC. to drive; to drive D. to drive; drive15. Ive just heard that the speech to be given by Ma Yun, the Alibaba CEO, has been cancelled.Oh

8、, no! _. A. Its wonderful B. It doesnt matterC. I have no idea D. I was looking forward to that 二、完形填空(本题共 15 小题;每小题 l 分,满分 l5 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将答案按要求写在答题纸上。My parents used to tell me how important school was for me, but I didnt think so. I paid little attention to it. But

9、 one thing let me finally 16 what my parents meant. One day, when I 17 a mobile phone store, I saw an advertisement on its door. It was hiring new workers!“Sir, are you hiring people?” I went 18 the shop and asked. “Yes, but you should be the man who we need,” the manager answered. He looked at me f

10、or a few 19 from head to foot. “Do you have a high school diploma(文凭)?”20 he, “Or do you have any work experience?”I felt so ashamed and 21 that I didnt know what to say, so I just turned around and left.I could not fall asleep that night, and I thought a lot about my 22 . “I must go to school or I

11、cant do anything without a good education,” I 23 to myself silently. I never went back to the store again 24 I 3finished my study and got a diploma.25 looked the same when I returned to the store: the same people and the same design. However, compared with last time, I had more 26 . The manager told

12、 me they needed new 27 . So it was a great chance for me.I 28 my diploma to the manager. He looked at it and said, “Great, you are in.”Now I am still working in the same store. With this experience, I always 29 people to attend school. Education helps you have a bright future. Now I am not worried a

13、bout my future because Im still 30 in my spare time.16. A. realize B. remember C. wonder D. imagine17. A. went through B. left for C. stepped into D. walked past18. A. out of B. into C. away from D. onto19. A. days B. hours C. minutes D. seconds20. A. continued B. answered C. warned D. reported21. A

14、. uncomfortable B. impolite C. unkind D. impatient22.A. hobbies B. future C. parents D. manager23.A. shouted B. listened C. said D. cried24.A. when B. while C. after D. before25.A. Nothing B. Everything C. Nobody D. Everybody26.A. grade B. luck C. confidence D. pleasure27.A. volunteers B. teachers C. students D. workers28.A. sold


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