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1、ShuZhou WeiQuan Mold Design Review Checklist苏州伟泉精密模具有限公司设计点检表Page 1 of 10Program(项目)Customer(客户) :Mold Number(s)模具编号: Product Data(产品资料)Product Part No.(产品编号)Rev. (版本)Product Part Name(产品品名)Material (材料)Texturing / Polishing (外观要求)Mold Data (模具资料)No. of Cavities:(腔数) Shrinkage Factor Used: (收缩率)Desi

2、gn Review Approval(设计检查批准)Name(姓名) Signature & Date(确认,日期)Tool Designer(模具设计者):Tool Designer Checked (模具设计检查者) : Tooling Project Engineer(模具设计主管工程师): Customer Project Engineer (客户项目工程师):ShuZhou WeiQuan Mold Design Review Checklist苏州伟泉精密模具有限公司设计点检表Page 2 of 101.0 Mold Base / Press(模架/压板)Yes No N/A1.1

3、 Will the mold fit between the specified press tie bars? 模具外形尺寸是否适合机床导柱?1.2 Are the minimum & maximum shut heights of the mold base within the specified press limits? 最大,最小模厚是否在机床范围内?1.3 Are the leader pins long enough? 导柱是否足够长?1.4 Are the leader pins vented to prevent an air trap and grease grooves

4、? 导柱是否有排气和油槽?1.5 Is one leader pin offset or different diameter? 是否有一只导柱偏置或直径不同?1.6 Are insulator sheets needed? 是否需要隔热板?1.7 Does the mold have side locks? Are they the appropriate size for the mold size? 有无锁模块?它们的尺寸相对模具尺寸是否适合?1.8 Does the mold have a sufficient number of eye bolts? 是否有足够的起吊孔?1.9 Do

5、es the mold base have a shipping strap? 是否有吊模块?1.10 Does the mold knock out pattern fit the specified press? 顶出机构是否符合机床要求?1.11 Are extra ejector plate screws necessary to prevent plate separation? 顶针板上 是否需要增加螺钉以防顶针板分离?1.12 Have pry bar slots been specified between all mold plates? 所有模板之间是否有撬模槽?1.13

6、Are runner shut-offs necessary? 是否需要流道开关?1.14 Have all interchangeable details been polarized to prevent miss-assembly? 是否所有可互换的零件有标识以防装配错误?1.15 Are there a sufficient number of support pillars? 支撑柱是否足够?1.16 Are support pillars located to be effective & not interfere with knockouts or ejector pins?

7、支撑柱位置是否有效与机床顶杆撞击位置、顶针相干涉吗?1.17 Has the mold base steel been specified? 模板材料是否指定?1.18 Has the cavity sequence been identified on the mold base? 模板上是否有模腔顺序标识?1.19 Is the dimension of press Top and bottom clamping plate 25 MM? 上、下固定板压模处是否是 25MM?1.20 开闭器是否有定位和预压槽,口部是否有 R 角,排气?1.21 固定 SP 螺丝过孔是否有间隙,小拉杆在脱料

8、板上是否有间隙?Item (条款)Comments (注解)ShuZhou WeiQuan Mold Design Review Checklist苏州伟泉精密模具有限公司设计点检表Page 3 of 102.0 Cooling (冷却)Yes No N/A2.1 Have the largest possible waterlines been used? N.P.T. is preferred. ? 冷却水路尽可能大吗?优先采用 1/4 .CTP: USA( N.P.T).(CHINA)PT ,(UK)BSP2.2 Is there a minimum of .18 wall thickn

9、ess surrounding waterlines? 冷却水路最小壁厚是否小于.0mm?2.3 Are waterlines needed in the mold base? 模板是否需冷却 ?2.4 Is there sufficient cooling in the cavity & mold base? 模腔和模板冷却是否充足?2.5 Is cooling needed in the slides? 滑块是否需要冷却?2.6 Are fittings located so they do not interfere with the press tie bars or mold cla

10、mps? 连接管位置与机床导柱和合模时是否相干涉?2.7 Have all water connections been recessed? 所有连接头是否凹入模内 ?2.8 Are the Ins & Outs for all circuits marked & numbered? 所有冷却水回路是否都有 IN,OUT 标识和编码如 IN1 OUT1?2.9 Is the centerline distance at least 1.10 between water ins & outs? 冷却水路进出口中心最小间距是否小于 28.0mm?2.10 Are face seal o-ring

11、grooves trepanned to prevent the o-ring from migrating into the waterline? O 型槽是否是环行的以预防 O 型圈滑入孔内? 2.11 On round cavities, have radial seal o-rings been stepped to by-pass any sharp edges? 圆型芯上的 O 型槽是否无尖角 ?,2.12 Are the cooling water connection recessed into the mold base? 冷却水接头是否要沉入模胚?Item (条款)Comm

12、ents (注解)ShuZhou WeiQuan Mold Design Review Checklist苏州伟泉精密模具有限公司设计点检表Page 4 of 103.0 Venting (排气)Yes No N/A3.1 Have the cavities, cores & inserts been vented? 模腔、模芯和镶件都有排气吗 ?3.2 Have the runners been vented a minimum of .001 deep? 流道是否排气槽深最小.02mm?3.3 Has the mold base been vented? 模板是否排气?3.4 Are al

13、l vents shown on the tool design? 在设计中排气道有显示吗?Item (条款)Comments(注解)ShuZhou WeiQuan Mold Design Review Checklist苏州伟泉精密模具有限公司设计点检表Page 5 of 104.0 Runner and Gate (流道和浇口)Yes No N/A4.1 Has the runner system been sized by MoldFlow? 流道系统是否经过模流分析?4.2 Are runner sizes as small as practical? 流道尺寸是否尽可能小?4.3 I

14、s the runner system naturally balanced? 流道系统是否平衡?4.4 Are all runners, gates, sprue orifice & sucker wells been specified? 所有流道、浇口、注口及冷料井是否都有显示?4.5 Are all runner intersections radiused? 流道交叉处是否圆滑过渡?4.6 Are ejector pins located at all runner intersections? 流道交叉处是否有顶杆?4.7 Are runners designed to stay

15、on the movable half of the mold? 流道冷料是否会留在动模侧?4.8 Will the runner fall free from the mold? 流道冷料是否能顺利脱落 ?4.9 Is the sprue bushing located on the centerline of the mold? 浇口套是否在模具中心线上?4.10 Has the sprue length & diameter been minimized as much as possible? 主流道长度和直径是否尽可能小?4.11 Is the sprue bushing keyed

16、 to prevent rotation? 浇口套是否防止旋转?4.12 Is the sprue bushing locked in to prevent it from backing out? 浇口套是否固定以预防脱出?4.13 Are gate inserts part of the mold design? 是否有浇口镶件?4.14 Are runner inserts part of the mold design? 是否有流道镶件?4.15 Are the ejector pins at the gates far enough away to allow the runners to flex without breaking the gat


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