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1、1高三英语第一轮复习:语法 6 副词(adv.)(第四周)第一讲:副词的定义,分类,构成及句中的位置 【高考副词主要考点】主要题型:选择填空,完形填空,改错考点内容:1. 副词词义辨析 2. 副词短语与习惯用语辨析 3. 某些副词的位置 4. 短文改错I. adv.的定义:修饰 v.,adj. ,其他 adv.或全句的词,表示时间,地点,程度,方式等。找出下列句子中的 adv1. You are standing near the camera. Can you move a little farther?2. Miss Long usually goes to school by bus.3

2、. The two old passengers fell into the sea. Unfortunately, neither of them could swim.4. I wont go with you. Its much too hot today.II. adv 的分类1. 普通副词(按意义分类)1) 时间副词:today 今天, yesterday 昨天, the day before yesterday 前天, tomorrow 明天, the day after tomorrow 后天, tonight 在今晚, now 现在, then 然后, early 早, lat

3、e 迟地, lately 近来/最近, recently 近来,this这个(如:this week 这个星期), next下个(如:next Sunday 下周日), last上个( 如:last week 上周), every 每一个(如:every week 每周), soon 不久/很快地, immediately 立即/马上, finally 最后/ 终于, shortly 不久/ 立刻/马上, before 以前, ago 在以前(如:two years ago 两年前), in+一段时间之后(如:in three days 三天后), from now on 从现在起, from

4、 then on 从那时起, 等等 表示时间的副词位置虽然比较灵活,可以放在句首、句中、句末,但通常放在句末。先说小,后说大:I could not understand the text then. 确切的时间副词可放句末和句首They talked with Tom about it yesterday.2) 频度副词:all the time 始终/一直, always 总是, usually 通常, often 经常, s ometimes 有 时 , seldom/rarely(很 少 , never 从 不 , occasionally 偶尔/间或, constantly 时常/

5、不断地, frequently 时常/ 频繁地, 等 等 表示动作的频率的副词 常位于行为/实义之前;He seldom goes to the movies. 放在 be 动词,助动词和情态动词之后:She is always acting like that.every now and then 时常/有时, now and then 偶尔/有时, at times 有时,偶尔, from time to time 有时/不时, at times 有时/偶尔, once in a while 偶尔/ 有时,等等3) 地点副词:here 这里, there 那里, everywhere 到处

6、, anywhere 任何地方, inside 在里面/往里面, outside 在外面/向外面, above 在上面/向上面, below 在下面/ 到下面, forward 向前, home 在家/回家, upstairs 在楼上/往楼上, downstairs 在楼下/ 往楼下, ahead 在前/向前, around 四处/周围,等等 表示地点,常放在谓语 V 之后:He went away. He lived abroad.如有宾语,放在宾语后:地点副词表示位置和方向,一般可用 where 提问:He lived abroad. (Where did he live?)2He ask

7、ed me to stay there. (Where did he ask you to stay?)4) 方式副词:slowly 慢慢地, happily 幸福地/快乐地, hard 努力地/艰苦地, quickly 快/迅速地, sadly 哀伤地/伤心地, quietly 悄悄地/安静地, carefully 认真地/ 小心地, properly 恰当地/正确地, silently 寂静地/沉默地, anxiously 焦急地 /不安地, suddenly 突然地/意外地, normally 正常地 /通常, fast 快/迅速, well 很好地/ 充分地, calmly 平静地/

8、冷静地, politely礼貌地, softly 柔和地/轻声地, warmly 温暖地/亲切地,等等 方式副词没有固定的位置。不过,常放在被修饰的 V 之后或放在句末He ran quickly. I can do it well.He moved forward quietly. He quietly moved forward.He is quietly moving forward. Quietly, he moved forward.5) 程度副词:very 非常, much 非常/很, very much 很/ 非常, quite 相当, rather 相当, little 少,

9、so 这么/ 那么/如此, too 太, enough 足够地/充分地, hardly 几乎不/ 简直不, still 还/ 仍旧, perfectly 完美地/完全地, extremely 非常/极其, entirely 完全地/彻底地, almost 几乎/差不多, slightly 轻微地,等等 程度副词的位置相对比较固定,常放在被它修饰的 adj.,adv.或 v.之前The book is very good.I almost believed his story. I nearly missed the bus.6) 语气副词:indeed 确实, certainly 当然, ob

10、viously 显然地, besides 此外, luckily/fortunately幸运地, unlickily/unfortuntely 不幸地,等等 语气副词常放句首,修饰全句,表示强调说明,或表示说话人的语气和态度Geographically, Shanghai is in a good position for development.Unfortunately, he wont be here tomorrow evening.2. 疑问副词:(引导特殊疑问句)when 什么时候, where 在哪里, how 怎样, why 为什么When will the project b

11、egin? Where does he work?3. 连接副词:(引导名词性从句,状语从句)when 什么时候, where 在哪里, how 怎样, why 为什么, whether 是否, whenever无论何时, wherever 无论何地, however 无论如何/不管怎样I do not know why you will not come with me.4. 关系副词:(引导定语从句)when, where, whyI cannot figure out the reason why he rejected my offer.This is the room where I

12、 lived ten years ago.III. adv.的构成1. 本身为 adv.: ago, now, often, very 等2. 与 adj 同形:enough 足够的;足够/ 相当, early 早的;早, fast 快速的;快, first 第一(的) ;首先 , still 静止的;还/ 仍然 , deep 深的;深深地, high 高的;高/ 向高处, long 长的;长久地/始终, last 最后的;上次/最近, hard 硬的/困难的/ 刻苦的/努力的;努力地/ 艰苦地/猛烈地, late 迟的/晚的;迟到/晚, upstairs 楼上的;在楼上/ 往楼上, wide

13、 宽阔的/ 广阔的;广阔地/广泛地, cheap 便宜的 /劣质的;便宜地3. adj.+ly 构成 adv.:careful 仔细的/小心的carefully 小心地/仔细地, recent 最近的/ 最新的 recently 最近 /近来, brave 勇敢的bravely 勇敢地, quiet 安静的quietly安静地, silent 寂静的/沉默的 silently 寂静地/沉默地, fortunate 幸运的/侥幸的fortunately 幸运地/侥幸地,gentle 温和的/轻柔的gently 温柔地busy 忙碌的busily 忙碌地, easy 容易的easily 容易地/

14、轻易地, angry 生气的angrily 生气地, heavy 重的/大量的heavily 沉重地/猛烈地, happy高兴的/幸福的happily 幸福地/ 快乐地, noisy 喧闹的/吵杂的noisily 喧3闹地, lucky 幸运的/侥幸的luckily 幸运地,等等4. 加前缀 a: ahead 在前/ 向前, abroad 在国外/到国外 , aloud 出声地/大声地, aside 在旁边/ 到旁边, alone 单独地, 等等5. 加后缀:ward(s):backwards, forwards, upwards, 等等6. 注意以下 adv 的意思(加 ly 变副词后,意思

15、发生变化的副词):highly 高度地/非常 widely 广泛地 nearly 几乎 lately 近来/最近 hard 努力地 hardly 几乎不 deeply 深深地/深刻地IV. 副词在句中的位置1. a. enough 足够地/十分地(adv.) ,修饰 adj 和其他 adv 时放在后面:The book is _ _ for you to understand.这本书对你来说完全可以看得懂。They cannot walk _ _. 他们走得不够快。Im _ _ to handle my own affairs. 我已经长大了,可以处理我自己的事情。b. 另:enough 足够的(adj.)修饰 n 时,可放在 n.前,也可放在 n.后:I have _ _ to buy the book.我有足够的钱买着本书。We have _ _ for everyone.我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。2. a. both, all, often 及 always 等频度副词+ 实义动词; b. be 动词 /情态动词/助动词+ both, all, often, always 等They _ _ late for school.他们总是上学迟到。We _


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