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1、0陕西师范大学远程教育学院函授生毕业论文论文题目 论中英习语的文化差别 姓名 李小艳 学号 14115109005 专业 英语 年级 2014 级 层次 专升本 教学点 榆林函授站交论文时间 2016 年 1 月 20 日评 语成绩_ 评阅教师_备注:论文成绩采取优秀、良好、及格、不及格四个等级进行评阅1Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Idiomatic PhrasesAbstractIdioms are social products, carrying a nations civilization. Life can be

2、used and seen anywhere. They have rich cultural connotations, reflecting the different ethnic groups in history, geography, religion, customs and ways of thinking. So it is necessary to compare their culture. In this paper, the author will discuss the idioms in five levels: living environment, custo

3、m, religion, allusion, and acknowledge of objective things. The translation of idioms in both languages should not only be a simple conversion, but also cultural exchanges.Key Words: Idioms; culture; culture differences 2CatalogueAbstract.1Introduction.31 Cultural differences between English and Chi

4、nese Idioms.31.1 Differences in living environment.31.2 Differences in Customs.41.3 Cultural Differences in Religious Beliefs.51.4 Allusion.61.5 Different opinions on objects.7Conclusion.8Bibliography:.93IntroductionLanguage carries a rich connotations about culture, however, the idiom, as the essen

5、ce of a language, is even more so. A lot of forms of fixed, brachylogy, concision, and full of implications, rather ethnic characteristics of the idioms are from in English and Chinese long history. The idiom has a strong cultural identity and is the core and essence of language and an important par

6、t of society and culture. These idioms and this nations customs, history and culture are linked in countless ways. “Culture is a complex body, including physicals, knowledge, beliefs, arts, ethics, law, customs, and the rest of the ability and habit which learned from the community.”A nations values

7、, social customs, ways of thinking are all most vividly manifest in the idiom. 1 Cultural differences between English and Chinese Idioms. About Idiomatic phrases, “ Oxford” explanation is that the idiom is divided into two meanings:(1) language of a people or country ;specific character of this ;(2)

8、(gram)succession of words whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings of the constituent words but must be lean as a whole. Therefore, the Idiomatic phrases, including idioms, proverbs, sayings, phrases, slang and allusions.From the Linguistic Weltanschauungs, the natio

9、nal life of the Earth is only one; therefore, the commonalities of different ethnic language and culture must exist. However, “different ethnic languages, because the physical environment and located in different geographical, social and cultural philosophies of origins are diverse, and thus there m

10、ust be its own unique national identity. In any case, cultural differences, the reality is prevailing at this stage.”1.1 Differences in living environment As the United Kingdom is located in an island nation, English people has always been good at sailing; the maritime industry has always occupied a

11、n important position, a lot of English idioms are 4nautical terms which used by sailors, and later people on the ground who also gradually use it. Such as: all at sea (All at sea, as a metaphor for at a loss),hang in the wind (Swaying in the wind, as a metaphor for hesitating to do things), three sh

12、eets in the wind(three sails feet shaking, as a metaphor for drinking too much), all hands to the pumps(All have gone to pumping, as a metaphors foe critical issues, we must go all out), in the same boat(This is the sailor said: “with somebody at the same boat”, and, later, people use it to express

13、“the situation is the same to somebody”) and so on. China has vast territory, although near the sea, and the coastline is very long, but the maritime industry has been in a backward state. Though with the navigation-related idiom there are a few, such as “same boat”, “through thick and thin”, “the d

14、rowned disaster” , etc .China mainly locates in the Asian continent, is a landlocked country, the land is vital for people, people can not live without the land, so there are many agriculture-related idioms in Chinese, such as: “Tu yangjie he”, “the collapse of soil bang”, “extermination”, “home-gro

15、wn”, “comeback” and so on.In the Chinese cultural atmosphere, summer is often linked with the intense heat, there are many idioms describing the hot summer, such as: “Jiao yang si huo”,“scorch like fire”and so on. The United Kingdom is located in the North Temperate Zone, summer weather is cool and pleasant, and it often together with lovely, warm and good, beautiful the words. In Shakespeares sonnets, Shake



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