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1、九上Module1Unit 13 Listen and readBetty: OK,come in and sit down!Daming: Whats happening?Lingling: Were having a meeting.Daming: Thats news to me! Im doing my homework.Whats it about?Lingling: The school magazine.Daming: What school magazine?Betty: Right,listen up, everyone. Did anyone watch televisio

2、n yesterday evening? Did you see the interview with Becky Wang?Lingling: She sings with the band Crazy Feet. Shes my favourite singer.Tony: Yes, I saw it. She went to our school!Betty: Well, she started a school magazine called New Standard when she was a pupil here. So why dont we start a school ma

3、gazine, too? Ive written down some ideas. Well write a diary of school events, and tell everyone about the school concert and the dance club.Tony: And the school basketball matches.Lingling: But who will write the articles?Betty: Well write the articles. Any more ideas?Tony: I know! Ill do some revi

4、ews about our favourite bands and movies!Lingling: And Ill do an interview with Becky Wang!Betty: Brilliant! Anyone else?Daming: How about “Homework Help”?Tony: Yes, some ideas on how to get good grades!Lingling: Whats your homework,Daming?Daming: Im writing a composition called “What s a wonder of

5、the world?” Im reading about the ancient pyramids in Egypt.Betty:” Homework Help”. I think thats a fantastic idea, Daming.Unit 22 Read the passage and describe what you can see in the photo. Use some of the words in Activity 1.The greatest wonder of the natural worldWhen I arrived, it was early morn

6、ing and it was raining. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light, but beside the path, it was still very dark. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see.After about a kilometre, a stranger appeared in front of me. “Am I going

7、the right way”I asked. He knew where I was going. “Yes.” he replied, “youll ge there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rocks, and stopped. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see anything.Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. The sun rose behind me and bey

8、ond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world,I looked down to the Colorado River about 2 kilometres below me. If you put the three tallest buildings in the world at the bottom of the c

9、anyon, they still wont reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. How far is it? Its 20 kilometres, maybe more. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon disappeared into the distance. Over 400 kilometres long. The Grand Canyon is not just b

10、ig. It;s huge!That morning on the edge of the canyon, I asked myself a question. Its not “ How deep is it?” or “How wide is it?” or “How long is it? “ but “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world?” I know the answer. But what do you think?Unit 3 8 . Compete the passage

11、with the correct form of the phrases in the box.Around the worldStonehenge: a man-made wonder of the worldStonehenge is an ancient circle of stones in the south of England. It was built about 5,000 years ago. There are about 80 stones, and each is about five metres tall. The builders brought them fr

12、om hills in the west of the country over 200 kilometres away. It was probably a place to bury dead people, or somewhere to study the stars and the sky at night. Some of the stones are missing, but its still one of the most wonderful sights of the world. It is a wonder also because of this question:

13、How did people move these huge pieces of stone from so far? No one knows the answer.Module 2 Unit 13. Listen and readMr Jackson: Hello, Betty. Whats up? What are you doing in the library?Betty: I was looking for some old copies of the school magazine. If Ive got it right, it was called New Standard.

14、Mr Jackson: Thats right. As far as I remember, it was started by Becky Wang. We dont have a school magazine any more. Its a pity.Betty: Well, Im thinking about start it again.Mr Jackson: Sounds like a good idea! Go on.Betty: I was also looking for something by Confucius and by Shakespeare.Mr Jackson

15、: Really? Thats a bit difficult for the school magazine.Betty: Well, Id like a monthly article called “Great Books”you know, someone read a favourite work of literature and writes an article about it.Mr Jackson: I see. Confucius works are still read by manny people today, and were still influenced b

16、y his thoughts. Ans Shakespeares plays are seen by million of peope wvwry year. But How about American writer, Mark Twain, for example.Betty: I done know. Mark Twain was an important writer, but he isnt known as a great thingker like Confucius.Mr Jackson: No, but his book are still popular. In fact, he wrote my favourite book, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer. Perhaps thats what make “Great Books”theyre still read to


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