翻译资料 (48)

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1、2012 第 6 周翻译练习英译汉:As the Arctic half night dissolved suddenly in the pink and then the glaring yellow of the onrushing June day, the Eskimo curlew recognized at last the familiar S-twist of the ice-hemmed river half a mile below. In the five hundred miles of flat and featureless tundra he had flown

2、over that night, there had been many rivers with many twists identical to this one, yet the curlew knew that now he was home. He was tired. The brown barbs of his wing feathers were frayed and ragged from the migration flight that had started in easy stages below the tropics and had ended now in a f

3、rantic, non-stop dash across the treeless barren grounds as the full frenzy of the mating madness gripped him.随着北极的夜空突然融入粉红色的天空里,然后耀眼金秋的六月的一天来临的时候,爱斯基摩鸟终于停留在最熟悉的呈 S 弯曲型的半英尺之下的河流结冰的边缘处。在五百英里的平原和无庸置疑的苔原上,他整夜都在飞翔。那有许多弯曲的河流和她家的那条一样,但他还是知道现在这条是她的家。她疲惫不堪,那对棕色的倒钩型的羽翼在迁徙的途中磨损不堪,迁徙的旅程从低于热带地区的简单阶段开始,结束于在荒漠贫瘠地

4、带疯狂的无休止的飞行。当交配的狂潮来临的时候。The curlew set his wings and dropped stone-like in a series of zigzagging side-slips. The rosy-pink reflections of ice pans on the brown river rushed up toward him. Then he levelled off into a long glide that brought him to earth on the oozy shore of a snow-water puddle well b

5、ack from the river bank.爱斯基摩鸟梳理着她的翅膀,像石头般停留在一系列弯弯曲曲的枝条上面。棕色的河面上,冰盘型的蔷薇色的反光冲洗着他。然后缓缓地滑行将他带进河岸及其水坑中。Here for millenniums the Eskimo curlew males had come with the June time spring to claim their individual nesting plots. Here on the stark Arctic tundra they waited feverishly for the females to come se

6、eking their mates of the year. As they waited, each male vented the febrile passion of the breeding time by fighting savagely with neighboring males in defense of the territory he had chosen. In the ecstasy of the home-coming, the curlew now hardly remembered that for three summers past he had been

7、mysteriously alone and the mating fire within him had burned itself out unquenched each time as the lonely weeks passed and, inexplicably, no female had come.千百年来,雄性的爱斯基摩鸟在春天的时候来到这里来声称他们的个人筑巢计划。在全部的北极苔原地区,他们赤裸裸地等待雌性来寻求自己的伴侣的一年。当他们等待的时候,每位雄性在选择了的占领地上以周边的雄性们展开野蛮的争斗来发泄繁殖期间狂热的激情。在狂喜的回家之行爱斯基摩鸟现在还很难忘记过去 3

8、 个夏季,那神秘般的孤独和交配的火焰燃烧着他。他在孤独中度过了好几个星期,莫名其妙地,竟然没有女性到来。The curlews instinct-dominated brain didnt know or didnt ask why.爱斯基摩鸟的直觉支配着的大脑不知道这是为什么He had been flying ten hours without stop but now his body craved food more than rest, for the rapid heartbeat and metabolism that had kept his powerful wing mus

9、cles flexing rhythmically hour after hour had taken a heavy toll of body fuel. He began probing into the mud with his long bill. It was a strange bill, curiously adapted for this manner of feeding, two-and-a-half inches long, strikingly down-curved, almost sickle-like. At each probe the curlew opene

10、d his bill slightly and moved the sensitive tip in tiny circular motions through the mud as he felt for the soft-bodied larvae of water insects and crustaceans. The bill jabbed in and out of the ooze with a rapid sewing-machine action. 他已经连续飞了 10 个小时没有停留了。但是现在她身体获取食物的渴求超过休息的欲望,因为在长时间严重的身体消耗之后,心跳加速和新

11、陈代谢正在一小时一小时的阻止他有力的翅膀进行肌肉伸缩。他开始用它长长的嘴在泥土里探寻。这是一个奇特的嘴,能够好奇般的调整进食方式。她又 2-3 英尺长,明显的成倒钩型,看起来就像一个镰刀。在每一次的探寻中,当他感受到水中昆虫或者甲壳动物柔软的幼体时,她便轻微的张开嘴巴,并且通过泥土呈圆形的移动着她敏感的小舌。她的嘴巴猛击进去,并且以缝纫机动作般迅速的动作拖出泥面。There were still dirty grey snowdrifts in the tundra hollows but the sun was hot and the flat Arctic world already te

12、emed with life. Feeding was good, and the curlew fed without stopping for over an hour until his distended crop at the base of his throat bulged grotesquely. Then he dozed fitfully in a half-sleep, standing on one leg, the other leg folded up close to his belly, his neck twisted so that the bill was

13、 tucked deeply into the feathers of his back. It was rest, but it wasnt sleep, for the curlews ears and his one outside eye maintained an unrelaxing vigil for Arctic foxes or the phantom-like approach of a snowy owl. His body processes were rapid and in half an hour the energy loss of his ten-hour f

14、light was replenished. He was fully rested.在苔原上侧一面飘飞着脏兮兮的灰色的雪,一面却烈日当空。平坦的北极世界已经充满了生命。吃东西很好,爱斯基摩鸟不停的吃了差不多一个小时,直到他吃的东西都撑到喉咙管,是在不能再吃的时候。然后他在半睡的状态下,断断续续的打起了瞌睡,用一条腿站着,另一条腿折叠起来靠近他的肚腹站在一条腿,另一腿折叠起来接近他的肚腹。 他的脖子也弯曲着以致于她的嘴能够深深地挤进他背上的羽毛。这是在休息,不是在睡觉,因为他的耳朵和一只露在外边的眼睛的时刻监视着外边的战况。就像北极的狐狸或者雪猫头鹰那样。她身体的消耗很快,在半小时之内,他就流

15、逝掉了 4/10 的能量。他便完全的休息了。The Arctic summer would be short and there would be much to do when the female came. The curlew flew to a rocky ridge that rose about three feet above the surrounding tundra, alighted and looked about him. It was a harsh, bare land to have flown nine thousand miles to reach. It

16、s harshness lay in its emptiness, for above all else it was an empty land. The trees which survived the gales and cold of the long winters were creeping deformities of birch and willow which, after decades of snail-paced growth, had struggled no more a foot or two high. The timberline where the trees of the sub-arctic spruce forests petered out and the tundra Barren Grounds began was five hundred miles south. It was mostly a flat and undrained land laced with muskeg ponds so close-pa


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