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1、 雷锋日记双语1958 年 9 月我懂得一朵花打扮不出春天来,只有百花齐放才能春色满园的道理。September, 1958“I understand the theory that one flower can not make the spring. Only thousands of flowers blossoming together can bring spring to the garden.”1961 年 1 月 18 日在我们前进的道路上,不可能不遇到一些暂时的困难,这些困难的实质,“纸老虎” 而已。问题是我们见虎而逃呢,还是“遇虎而打” ?“ 哪儿有困难就到哪儿去,” 不但

2、“遇虎而打”,而且进一步 “找虎而打”,这是崇高的共产主义风格。January 18, 1961On the path of moving forward, it is impossible to avoid some temporary difficulties. The nature of these difficulties are paper tigers. The problem is. Are we going to run away or fight, when we are facing these paper tigers?Go to the place where the

3、difficulties are. Not only, fight with the tigers when we meet them but also search for the tigers ourselves. This is way for the sublime communist1961 年 10 月 3 日人生总有一死,有的轻如鸿毛,有的却重如泰山。我觉得一个革命者活着就应该把毕生精力和整个生命为人类解放事业共产主义全部献出。我活着,只有一个目的,就是做一个对人民有用的人。当祖国和人民处在最危急的关头,我就挺身而出,不怕牺牲。生为人民生,死为人民死。October 3rd, 1

4、961Death is unavoidable in life. Some death is as light as a feather, but some is as heavy as the Tai mountain. I feel as a revolutionary, I should devote my energy and entire life to the emancipation of human beings. My only goal in life is to be useful for the people.When our country and people ar

5、e in a great danger, we have to step forward bravely and not fear sacrifice. For the people we will live or sacrifice our lives1961 年 9 月 11 日人民的困难,就是我的困难,帮助人民克服困难,贡献自己的一点力量,是我应尽的责任。我是主人,是广大劳苦大众当中的一员,我能帮助人民克服一点困难,是最幸福的。September 11th 1961The Peoples difficulty, is my difficulty。 It is my responsibly

6、 to contribute my own strength to help people overcome difficulty. I am a leader of the country. I represent the ordinary hard working people. The greatest happiness for me is to help others overcome difficulty凡是脑子里只有人民、没有自己的人,就一定能得到崇高的荣誉和威信。反之,如果脑子里只有个人、没有人民的人,他们迟早会被人民唾弃。March 1961If you only have

7、the people and not yourself in your heart, you will achieve honor and prestige. Contrary to this, if you only think of yourself and not the people, they will despise you单丝不成线,独木不成林。一个人是办不了大事的,群众的事一定要发动群众、依靠群众自己来办。我一定虚心向群众学习,永远做群众的小学生。只有这样,才能做好工作,才能不断进步。 我深切地感到:当你和群众交上了知心朋友,受到群众的拥护,这便会给你带来无穷的力量,再大的困难

8、也能克服,无论什么艰苦的环境中,都会使你感到温暖和幸福。June, 1960One piece of silk does not make a string. One single tree does not make a forest. One single person can not succeed on his own. You have to motivate people and depend on them to accomplish the task as a group. I must learn from the people humbly and be a student

9、 of them. Only in this way will the work be better and progress be made constantly. I deeply feel that when you become one with the people and earn their support - this will give you infinite power. The ability to overcome the biggest difficulties, no matter how difficult the situation is, will alwa

10、ys give you warmth and happiness Excerpts from Lei Fengs Diary雷锋日记节选之五 2012-03-14 09:48 特别推荐:2012 双语直通车一九六 0 年六月五日要记住: “在工作上,要向积极性最高的同志看齐,在生活上,要向水平最低的同志看齐。”June 5th, 1960“Remember always, at work the comrade with the most ambition is the one you regard as your equal but in life you should regard the

11、 comrade who has the lowest living standard.”愿你做暴风雨中的松柏,不愿你做温室中的弱苗。January 18th, 1960Comrade Lei Feng:“I want you to be pine trees in a storm, not sprouts in a greenhouse!”青春啊,永远是美好的,可是真正的青春,只属于这些永远力争上游的人,永远忘我劳动的人,永远谦虚的人。October 10th, 1958“Youth! Forever beautiful! But real youth can only be found i

12、n people who strive for success, putting work before self and are humble, eternally.”我懂得一朵花打扮不出春天来,只有百花齐放才能春色满园的道理。September, 1958“I understand the theory that one flower can not make the spring. Only thousands of flowers blossoming together can bring spring to the garden如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸土地?如果你是一线阳光,

13、你是否照亮了一分黑暗?如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉,你是否永远守在你生活的岗位上?如果你要告诉我们什么思想,你是否在日夜宣扬那最美丽的理想?你既然活着,你又是否为了未来的人类生活付出你的劳动,使世界一天天变得更美丽?我想问你,为未来带来了什么?在生活的仓库里,我们不应该只是个无穷尽的支付者。June 7, 1958“If you were one drop of water, do you moisten the field? If you were a ray of sunshine, do you brighten the darkness? If y

14、ou were a morsel of food, do you provide others with nutrition? If you were the tiniest bolt, do you stay in place and fulfill your duty? If you want to tell others your ideals, do you preach them day and night? When you are alive do you always remember to work hard and realize your efforts will affect future lives and let the world become more beautiful day by day? I want to ask you: What do you contribute to the future? In life you must be a giver and not just a taker



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