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1、城市水源运输系统对于居民用水影响调查2014/11背景资料:随着环境资源保护这一理念在广大公众的意识中不断加深,水体污染这一最为突出也是最为严重的环境问题已经引起了广泛关注。然而,放心水源的另一重要因素城市水源运输系统的清洁度虽然在很大程度上直接影响了市民的健康指数与生活质量,却被公众视线忽视已久。事件介绍:根据中新网 2011 年 8 月的报道,江西瑞昌一工地上的施工人员以及,工地周边的小区居民,共计约 50 余人,在早餐后均出现消化不良等反应,部分患者有呕吐现象,经过初步调查认定为是饮用水中铜、氯含量超标所导致。猜测:由自来水厂分配入户的饮用水应当是经过严格提纯过的,如果在这样的情况下,还

2、会出现这样的事故,是否会是饮用水在从水厂到住户家中中的运输过程中受到污染,致使事件发生。行动:我们的团队组织了一个关于无锡水源运输管道质量测定的项目,并且着力探寻污染来源。我们做出两个假设:污染来自于城市地下运输水管道,或来自于居民住宅用水设备。考虑到调查的精准度与预料之内的误差,我们设计了在同城两区进行比较的研究方向。(此处插入团队分工明细)姓名 分工范子真朱玲彤 汪雨青陈久刘源主要负责滨湖区自来水厂的数据取样以及滨湖区居民住宅的用水取样。刘懿杰马致远黄家瑜尤缘吴声雨主要负责惠山区自来水厂的数据取样以及惠山区居民住宅的用水取样。数据收集:数据收集分为两个部分第一部分在惠山区进行,第二部分在滨

3、湖区。 (下文以惠山区为例。 )首先,我们以水中大肠菌群和沉积度作为水质测定指标,收集了无锡惠山区自来水厂的水样及数据。惠山区自来水厂为?和?提供最主要的居民水来源。其次,我们来到这两个主要的区域调查地点进行了水样采集。当然,基于我们的调查初衷与已在猜测中提出的顾虑,我们同时在居民楼供水水泵以及居民住房水龙头处都采集了水样。最后,通过比较水厂初端水,水泵中段水以及水龙头末端水中的水质测定标准数据,我们就能够最终推断城市水运输污染是处在地下运输系统,还是处在居民住宅用水设施,抑或两者皆是“罪魁祸首” 。第二部分在滨湖区进行,过程大同小异。数据分析:由此我们收集到了来自两个区域的三组数据,清晰而便

4、于比较。数据如下:(因特殊情况数据暂未获取)惠山区浊度 大肠菌群自来水厂居民楼供水水泵居民住房水龙头滨湖区浊度 大肠菌群自来水厂居民楼供水水泵The research on the influence of civic water transportation on household water2014/11Background: As the public consciousness of environmental reservation is being improved rapidly, the pollution of water body has solicited wide a

5、ttention as the most prominent environmental problem. However, the other aspect of water-pollution, the security of urban water transport system, though directly affects the living quality of citizens, is neglected by most.Event: According to the report of August in 2011 of Ruichang in Jiangxi Provi

6、nce, an amount of over 50 persons, including the constructors in a building site and the dwellers in the surrounding housing estate, had all revealed the negative health performance which mostly indicated as dyspepsia and etc. Some patients had emesis. The initial research had stated that the ADRs w

7、ere approximately the consequence of the overstepped content of copper and chloride in potable water briefly.居民住房水龙头Suppose: The potable water districted into every estate ought to be strictly purified and examined. This specific situation eventually triggered our speculation that if the potable wat

8、er has the possibility to be contaminated in the process of being transported from the water plant into dwelling houses and finally brought the accident about.Action: Our team conducted a project to determine the quality of the water transport system in our city, Wuxi. We also tracked whether the po

9、llution is from the underground transport system or from the pipes and equipment of the dwelling houses and make a comparison between the conditions of two districts in our city.Here is our division of labor.Name Division of LaborTrillion FanClaire JewSharon WongCathery ChenTony LauGroup A mainly ta

10、kes responsibility of taking water samples from Binhu water plant and the dwelling estates in Binhu District.Tom LauDwight MaGatling WongGroup B mainly takes responsibility of taking water samples from Huishan water Grace YouStella Wuplant and the dwelling estates in Huishan District.Data Collection

11、: The specific data collecting process is divided into two parts. Part One is possessed in Huishan District. Part Two is in Binhu District. (We will take Part One in the following statement as our example to explain our research flow.)Firstly, using the amount of coliform bacteria and turbidity degr

12、ee as indicators, we collected data of water samples from a water processing plant in Huishan District, which provides water for ? and ? . Secondly, we went to the two dwelling sites and collected water samples from water pumps which serves for the whole dwelling building and also from the water tap

13、s. Finally, by comparing the data of indicators in the plant, the pumps and the taps, we determines whether pollution exists in the general underground transport systems, in the private water equipment or both.Part Two which is carried on in Binhu District is rather similar to Part One.Then we appli

14、ed the whole process again in Binhu District and determine the difference in the degree of pollution in the two districts.The collected data are shown below.Data analyzation: We collect three groups of data from two regions which are as clear and easy for comparison as we actually need in order to g

15、et effective conclusion. The data are stated below: (The data still need some time to be poised.)Huishan District (Group B)Turbidity Amount of Coliform BacteriaWater PlantWater Pumps in BuildingsTaps in HousesBinhu District (Group A)Turbidity Amount of Coliform BacteriaWater PlantWater Pumps in BuildingsTaps in Houses


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