
上传人:豆浆 文档编号:33520183 上传时间:2018-02-15 格式:DOCX 页数:2 大小:14.76KB
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1、翻译:路畔的蔷薇(郭沫若) 路畔的蔷薇清晨往松林里去散步,我在林荫路畔发现了一束被人遗弃了的蔷薇。蔷薇的花色还是鲜艳的,一朵紫红,一朵嫩红,一杂是病黄的象牙色中带着几分血晕。我把蔷薇拾在手里了。青翠的叶上已经凝集着细密的露珠,这显然是昨夜被人遗弃了的。这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子的欺绐?还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?昨晚上甜蜜的私语,今朝的冷清的露珠我把蔷薇拿到家里来了,我想找个花瓶来供养她。花瓶我没有,我在一只墙角上寻着了一个断了颈子的盛酒的土瓶。蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁流泉,清洁的素心。你在这破土瓶中虽然不免要凄凄寂寂地飘零,但比遗弃在路旁被人践踏了的好罢

2、?Laneside RosesAt early daybreak I headed to the nearby woodland for a leisurely stroll and I came across a bouquet of discarded roses lying beside a tree-shaded lane.The roses were still fresh-colored. One of them was lilac, one was magenta, and one was dull-ivory with touches of crimson.I held the

3、 roses in my hand.Their lush-green leaves were wet with morning dewdrops, and it appeared they were left behind the night before.Were they symbolic of the shattered dream of a girl ditched by a heartless boyfriend, or the lost innocence of a youth exploited by a wanton woman? Or, had the sweet words

4、 of yesterday become the fleeting dews of morn?I brought the roses back home, and tried to find a vase to put them in.There was no vase. All I could find was a wine jug at a room corner with a broken-off neck.I whispered: “Little roses, I may not be providing you with luxuries, but I promise you the purest of spring water and the dearest of my heart. Desolation and emptiness are going to grip you in this broken jug, but wouldnt that be better off for you than to be abandoned on the roadside and stepped on by uncaring passers-by?”


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