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1、 八年级(上)英语知识点Module 1 Amazing thingsUnit 1 Encyclopaedias1Key words1.*encyclopaedia n.百科全书 2. Italian n.意大利人 ( Italy n.意大利)3. scientist n.科学家 (science n.科学:理科)4. intelligence n.才智;智慧 (intelligent adj.智力的,聪明的)5. perhaps adv 可能;大概6. include v.包括;包含 (includes 第三人称单数) 7. suddenly adv.突然;忽然8. win v(在比赛中)获

2、胜,赢 (winner n.优胜者;冠军)9. human a.人的10. inventor n 发明家 (invent v. 发明: invention n. 发明)11. born v ( be born)出生12. artistic adj.有艺术天赋的 (art n. 艺术;artist n. 艺术家)13. invention n.发明14. even adv.(强调出乎意料) 甚至15. nobody pron.没有人16. dollar n.元(美国、加拿大等属国货币单位)(dollars 复数)17. dinosaur n.恐龙18. musician n.音乐家(music

3、n.音乐;musical adj 音乐的)19. countryside n,乡村,农村20. ability n.才能 ;能力 (able adj 有能力的)21. notebook n.笔记本22. however adv.然而(but,同义词)23. *fossil n.化石二Key phrases1. in the countryside 在乡村;在农村2. die out 灭绝;消失3. go for a walk 去散步4. be born 出生5. used to 曾经6. as . as 像一样; 如同7. look up(在词典或参考书中)查阅;8. see a doctor

4、 看医生9. (be) like 像10. human being 人11. find out 了解(到); 弄清12. more than 多于13. learn about 学习14. (be) famous for 因为而出名15. remember to do sth.记得做某事16. help sb. (to) do 帮助某人做某事17. at the end of 在的尽头/ 末端3、Key language points1. look up(在词典或参考书中)查阅;查检look after 照顾 ;照看look for 寻找look forward to 期盼look out 当

5、心;注意I dont know the word. I have to look it up in the dictionaryMy mum is ill. I should look after her.My purse is missing. I am looking for it.Im looking forward to visiting London again.Look out! The car is coming.2. as+形容词/副词原级+as 像 一样; 如同The wall is as white as snow.so. as像一样 (用于否定句)She is not a

6、s/so tall as her twin brother.She does not write as/so carefully as Tom.3. more than = over 多于My grandfather is more than 80 years old.There are more than 50 students in our class.4. (be) famous fo =(be) well-known for 因为而出名Shenzhen is famous for its tall buildings.Da Vinci is famous for the Mona Li

7、sa.5. die out 灭绝 ;消失 Dinosaurs all died out suddenly.die of+疾病、饥饿的死因The old man died of hunger.die from+负伤、劳累、交通事故的死因Thirty people died from the traffic accident last Sunday.6. invent v 发明 ;创造invention,n.发明;创造inventor,n.发明家Who invented the telephone?Its a very useful invention.Necessity(需要)is the mo

8、ther of invention.Who is the inventor?7. used to do 曾经He used to go to school by bus, but he walks to school now.Did you use to live in the countryside?be used to (doing) sth.习惯Mum is used to getting up early.Are you used to the cold weather in the north of China in winter?8. help sb. (to) do sth.帮助

9、某人做Can you help the old man (to) carry the heavy bag?help sb. with sth.帮助某人做Its kind of you to help me with my English.9. find out 了解(到); 弄清find v.(found, found)找到;发现found 创建;创办We found out Peter broke the model dinosaur.I looked for my notebook but I couldnt find it.His grandfather founded the fact

10、ory many years ago.10. go for a walk 去散步Its time to go for a walk. Going for a walk every day is good for your health.四、Key grammar:A. some1. some 与 any 意为“一些; 若干” ,可修饰可数名词和不可数名词。You should drink some milk every day.Do you have any ideas about this plan?2 .some 用于肯定句;any 用于否定句、疑问句和条件句。I want to buy

11、some books .He does not have any brothers or sisters .Are there any pictures on the wall?If you give him any help ,he will be very happy .3.表示委婉客气时用 some,不用 any:Would you like some coffee?4.所提问题希望得到对方肯定回答时,用 some,不用 anyCould you lend me some money ?Can I drink some more soup, please?B. Somebody, any

12、body, nobody, ect.1.这些词的用法和 some & any 的用法基本一致。2.someone=somebody 某人Anyone=anybody 任何人No one =nobody 没人Something 某事;某物Anything 任何事;任何物Nothing 没有东西There is not anybody/anyone in the garden .=There is nobody/no one in the garden .-Is there anything in the bottle ?-No, There is nothing in it . 3.不定代词+形

13、容词:something interesting ;anybody differentIs there anything special in today s newspaper ?There is somebody new in the classroom .Unit 2 Numbers一Key words1.number n.数字2. gram n.克(重量单位)3. India n.印度 (Indian adj 印度的;n.印度人)4. promise v.许诺;承诺5. chessboard n.国际象棋棋盘6. rest n.剩余部分7. realize v.认识到;意识到8. tr

14、affic n .交通9. instructions n (pl)指示;命令10. son n.儿子11. wise adj.充满智慧的(wisdom n .智慧)12. prize n.奖赏;奖品13. double v(使)加倍14. gold n.金子;黄金(golden adj,金黄色的)15. copy v:抄写 ;誊写16. accident n.(交通)事故(accidents)17. check v 检查;核实18. chess n.国际象棋19. challenge v:向(某人)挑战20. grain n.谷粒21. amount n.数量;数额22. instead ad

15、v 代替;顶替23. correctly adv 准确无误地;正确地(correct adj 正确的)二Key phrases1 .a long time ago 很早以前2. and so on等等3. would like sth.想要4. make money 赚钱5. follow ones advice 听从某人的建议6.all year round 全年;整年7. useto do用做,8. promise sb. sth.许诺某人某事917. the number of的数量10. Challenge to向(某人)挑战11. copy down 抄写; 誊写12. order sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事13. teach sb. (how) to do sth.教某人 (怎样)做某事14. from then on 从那以后15. in a year 一年以后16. instead of 代替17. makeInteresting 使有趣三Key language points1. a long time ago 很早以前(通常用于故事开头)=long long ago=many years agoA long time ago, there lived an old



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