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《supplement to ppt(2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《supplement to ppt(2)(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Supplement to PPT of Sophisticated Business EnglishProf. Guoping Gui、Lecture 11.BEC Cleric English2.*-武汉大学是中国教育部直属的最著名的综合大学之一。Wuhan University is one of the most prestigious comprehensive universities directly under the Chinas Ministry of Education. 3.*_ transfer (使用权) v.s assignment (所有权)转让4. I loo

2、k forward to your earliest reply! v.s I anticipate your reply at your earliest convenience! V.s ego 5.*Could you specify the scope of work for me? 6.*-market/export-oriented 导向型的7.*- Bid reviewing/ reviewing board 8.*-allocate v.s distribute (收入)分配9.*-under v.s in accordance with v.s in light of (lo

3、cal conditions ) v.s on abasis/ Workers are paid on a piece basis while cleric/supporting staff are paid on a time basis. 10. *-assignment 1.(投资,产权) 转让 2. (分配、分派)*-Expatriate Assignment 3.11. *-as opposed to .12. *-vertical v.s horizontal a.13. *-delegate n. vt. 14. *-line manager/ v.s functional ma

4、nagers v.s regional manager . 15. *exclusive a. 16. *-deal in vt. 17. *-exert sbon sb. 18. *-be vested with the authority/right to do sth. Lecture 219. *S.P: The competition is becoming increasingly fierce at the job market.!20. *-Resume (US) v.s C.V (Curriculum Vitae )简历 In the curriculum of our WT

5、O second degree, we have 40 courses, of which, 30 are compulsory courses , 10 are optional courses. 21. S. P: We are to run a 7-day customized program on team-buiding for the acquired firms employees. 22. Labor-management conflict/negotiation23. * corporate a. 24. *-to set an attainable objective in

6、 life. 25. *-implement/implementation n. 26. *-established 1.2.327. *-to keep sb informed of/about sth. The management of a listed firm is bound to keep the public informed about the business performance of the company. 28. *- the latest development n. /latest/novel /emerging / 29. *-define vt. 界定30

7、. *-assign. vt. Assignment 1.2.*-(股权,产权,所有权,投资,合同的)转让,3。分配分派31. *-allocate/allocation v.s distribute/distribution 32. *-assessment v.s evaluation v.s appraisal n. 评估33. *-Asset Appraisal Report 资产评估报告34. *-to look into the employees grievances .35. *-bonus v.s benefits v.s allowance v.s dividends v.

8、s subsidy*-base pay36. S. P: be entitled to sth/to do sth. 37. *-breakdown n.细分,分解;S.P: May I have the breakdown of sth?38. *-jeopardize/jeopardy vt.危及,伤害39. *-The First Affiliated High School to Huazhong Normal University. 40. The Pay-off is really encouraging! 41. *-Are you looking for someone who

9、 is (Job-description)? If your answer is positive, I think your search is over as I am the very person you have been hunting. 42. Lecture 3 Operations Management 43. *merchandising firms 销售类企业 v.s manufacturing firms 制造类的企业44. *- business processes 业务流程45. *-established a. 1.成功的 2.老牌 3。既定的46. *-S.P:

10、 to measure A against B. 47. *-generate vt. 创造(收入, 利润,效益,销售业绩等) v.s create vt/ 48. *-priority 49. * S.P; to give priority to sth/sb/doing sth.予以倾斜,优先考虑50. 武汉市人民政府对本工业园从事无污染运作的高技术企业予以倾斜。The Peoples Municipal Government of Wuhan shall give priority to businesses on this industrial estate engaged in po

11、llution-free high-tech operations.51. *-alternative . n = choice , *-alternative proposal 备选方案;*-as an alternative to sth/doing sth. 作为。 。 。的替代。 52. *-The meddicine does not live up to what it is claimed in the TV commercial. 53. *-customize vt. 量身定做的54. *-The management brought in consultants to ru

12、n a 7-days customized program on team-building for employees of the acquired firm. 55. *-cater for the needs of sb. 56. *-corporate culture 企业文化57. *-to make trade-off between/among sth. 58. *该项目将提前一个月投产:This project shall be put into operation one month ahead of schedule.59. *-航班因能见度低将 晚点 40 分钟:The

13、 flight is behind the schedule by 40 minutes because of poor visibility. 60. *-qualitative v.s *-quantitative approaches. 61. *-to place/put a premium on sth. 62. *-S. P: to place an order with sb for sth. 63. *-N+oriented a 导向性的 64. 2012- 03-18 Lecture 465. *-作为企业的核心竞争力,电子商务在企业经营中发挥日益重要的作用:As the c

14、ore competency of a business, E-commerce is playing an increasingly important role in their operations. 66. *-S. P: to make/maintain trade-off between/among sth. 67. *-I would appreciate your arranging for an interview with me at your earliest convenience!68. *- It pays to shop around. 69. *-Bid on sth. Vt. 70. *-Invitation for Bids 招标71. *-real estate = real property = realty v.s premises. 72. *-residen



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