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1、1美 国 文 学 史 及 选 读 试 题I. Multiple Choice 101. Who is different from others according to the division of writing period? A. Washington Irving B.William Cullen Bryant C. Captain John Smith D. James Fenimore Cooper 2. The American Romantic Period lasted roughly from _ to _. A. 1798-1832 B. 1810-1860 C. 1

2、860-1864 D. 1776-17833. How many syllables(音节) are there in this first line of Raven?(“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,”)A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 16 4. What dominated the Puritan phase of American writing?A. theology B. literature C. esthetics D. revolution5. At the initial

3、 period of the spread of ideas of the Enlightenment(启蒙) was largely due to _.A. typography B. journalism C. revolution D. the development of paper-making industry6. Who has been called the “Father of American Literature”? A. Walt Scott B. Geoffrey Chaucer 2C. Washington Irving D. Philip Freneau7. Wh

4、o is the first American prose (散文)stylist that acquired international fame?A. Captain John Smith B. Washington IrvingC. Benjamin Franklin D. E. A. Poe8. Who is the writer of To a Waterfowl?致水鸟A. Anne Bradstreet B. Thomas HardyC. William Cullen Bryant D. Walt Whitman9. Thomas Paine is a _?A. novelist

5、 B. dramatist C. poet D. pamphleteer 小册子作者10. Edgar Allan Poe mainly writes _A. short stories B. literary critic theories C. poems D. dramas II. Blank-Filling 201. _s reports of exploration, published in the early 1600s, have been described as the first distinctly American literature to be written i

6、n English.2. Hard work, _, piety, and _were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest American writing, including the sermons, books and letters of such noted Puritan clergymen as John Cotton and Cotton Mather. 3. Most Puritan verse was decidedly plodding, but the work of two 3writers,

7、Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor, rose to the level of_4. From 1732 to 1785, Franklin wrote and published his famous _, an annual collection of proverbs.5. On January 10, 1776, Paines famous pamphlet _ appeared. It boldly advocated a “Declaration for Independence”, and brought the separatist agitat

8、ion to a crisis.6. As a poet, _heralded American literary independence: his close observation of nature distinguished his treatment of indigenous wild life and other native American subjects.7. The attitudes of Americas writers were shaped by their _environment and an array of ideas inherited from t

9、he _traditions of Europe.8. Romantic writers placed increasing value on the _ expression of emotion and displayed increasing attention to the _ states of their characters.9. Cooper launched two kinds of immensely popular stories: _ and _.10.The central figure in Coopers Novels, _ goes by various nam

10、es of Leatherstocking, Deerslyer, Pathfinder, and Hawkeye.III. Chinese Alternation of English Literary Terms 101. Puritanism2. Romanticism43. Sketch Book4. Thanatopsis5. The Wild Honey SuckleIV. Give a brief comment on American Crisis. 15V. Answer the following questions. 25 1. What does the word “P

11、ower” in To a Waterfowl refer to? 52. What is your understanding on Helen in the poem To Helen? 5 3. What is the tone of Thanatopsis? 54. List some sound devices used in Raven 10VI. Translate this poem by E. Dickinson. 20 There is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any horses like a page Of prancing poetry.This traverse may the poorest take Without oppress of toll; How frugal is the chariot That bears a human soul!


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