花语 英文版介绍

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《花语 英文版介绍》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《花语 英文版介绍(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Dear classmates, good morning.First of all ,i want to say that its a pleasure for me to have this opportunity to stand here and show you my PPT. Today, the theme of the my PPT is the Language of flowers.Please watch the big screen.William Blake 威廉.布莱克To see a world in a grain grenof sand,一沙一世界,And a

2、 heaven in a wild flower.一花一天国,There are a lot of flowers in the world, chrysanthemumchrysanthemum | krsnmm, roses, tulips, cherry, lily, plum and so on, do you know how to express these flowers in English?If not, please look at the big screen, and then, please write in your notebook.I also want to

3、know, which flower do you like best?ok,all of you Finished!yes?RoseFirst ,let us look at the first flower, rose.There are many colors of roses rz.For example,red, pink, blue, yellow,black and so on.But each color of roses has different symbolic(symbolic) significance.Red roses symbolizesymbolize | s

4、mblazromantic and passionate passionate | pnt热情的 love and unity unity | junt.Pink Roses symbolize perfect happiness , Brilliant brilliant | brljntcomplexion complexion | kmplekn漂亮的肤色 and the glow gl热情 of your smile.,Black Rose - It means that You are my obsessionobsession | bsen迷住 . White Rose - It

5、means that I am worthy of you 值得; spiritual spiritual | sprtl精神上的 love; Innocence innocence | nsns纯真; 清白 and Puritypurity | pjrt /pj-纯洁, 清白; Secrecy secrecy | skrs 秘密, 保密 and Silence.Blue rose symbolize innocenceinsns and simplicitysimplicity | smplst简朴, 朴素 which color of roses do you like best?I mo

6、st like the color of rose is blue, I think blue rose is very beautiful, from high school I have been love it.As Everyone knows that in China Sending flowers to each other is a tricky tricky | trkthing The number of different roses have different meanings.Do you know it? If you do not know , Now let

7、us take a look at the meaning represented a different number of flowers. If you give her a rose, it means she is your one and only. 1 -you are the only one2 -just the two of us in the world3 -I love you6 -mutual mutual | mjutl相互的; 共有的 love and deep respect9 -firm emotion10 -be perfect in every way11

8、 -whole-hearted17 -Merry meet; merry part. merry | mer好聚好散adj. 快乐的, 嬉戏作乐的, 愉快的88 - make up for the mistake.弥补错误。99 -stickingstk together forever 坚持100 -a harmonious harmonious | hrmns /hm-adj. 和睦的, 和谐的, 调和的 union lasting a hundred years 和谐联盟长达一百年108 -propose propose | prpzv. 计划, 建议, 打算; 打算, 求婚 marri

9、agemarriage | mrdn. 结婚; 婚姻生活; 婚姻111 -endless endless | endlsadj. 不停的, 无尽的, 无穷尽的 love 无尽的爱123 -Freedom to Love 自由度的爱365 -miss you every day 每天都想念你999 -the same with 99 roses,stickingstk together forever1000 -will never change until death 至死不渝1001 -Always and Forever 直到永远Now you know about it, I beile

10、ve that when you send roses to your girlfriend, you must know how many branches to send it.Cherry cherry | ter n. 樱桃, 樱桃色, 樱桃树 adj. 樱桃口味的; 樱桃色的; 樱桃木的; 鲜红色的 Blossom blossom | blsmv. 开花; 发展成 ; 生长茂盛; 出现 n. 花; 开花; 全部花朵; 开花期 It symbolizes spirit of elegant elegant | elgnt,strong,plain plen(朴素的)and indepe

11、ndant,the symble of hardworking,brave and wisdom 优雅的精神 ,坚强,平原(朴素的)和独立,勤劳、勇敢和智慧 After the severe severe | svr /-vadj. 严厉的, 剧烈的, 严格的winter , It is cherry blossoms that firstly bring the breath of spring to Japanese , each year ,from march 15th to April 15 th is the Japanese “cherry blossom Festival”彼岸

12、花 equinox flower i:kwinks The moment of beauty , the eternal eternal | tnladj. 永恒的; 不灭的; 永远的 Moment红色彼岸花(曼珠沙华)和白色彼岸花(曼陀罗华) 。曼珠沙华,出自法华经:本名摩诃曼陀罗华曼珠沙华,意思是,开在天界之红花,又叫做彼岸花、天涯花、舍子花,它盛开在阴历七月,花语是“悲伤的回忆” 。 彼岸花,开一千年,落一千年,花叶永不相见。 传说,很久很久以前,一个城市的边缘开满了大片大片的曼珠沙华,也就是彼岸花,它的花香有一种魔力,可以让人想起自己前世的事情。守护彼岸花的是两个妖精,一个是花妖叫曼珠

13、,一个是叶妖叫沙华。 他们守候了几千年的彼岸花,可是从来没有见过面,因为开花的时候,就没有叶子,有叶子的时候就没有花,花与叶从来没有同时出现过。他们疯狂地想念着彼此,并被这种痛苦折磨着。终于有一天,他们决定违背神的规定偷偷地见一次面。那一年的曼珠沙华红艳艳的花被惹眼的绿色衬托着,开得格外妖艳美丽。 神怪罪下来,这也是意料之中的。 曼珠和沙华被打入轮回,并被诅咒永远也不能在一起,生生世世在人世间受到磨难。从那以后,曼珠沙华也叫彼岸花,意思是开放在天国的花,花的形状像一只只在向天堂祈祷的手掌,可是再也没有在这个城市出现过。 这种花是开在黄泉路上的,曼珠和沙华每一次转世在黄泉路上闻到彼岸花的香味就能

14、想起前世的自己,然后发誓不分开,在下一次再次跌入诅咒的轮回。 Carnationk:nein(in general)- health and energy; fascination fascination | fsnen 魔力; 魅力; 入迷 It also means that I will never forget you.Carnation is most suited to send mother and teacher. Tulip tulip | tulp /tju-郁金香 -(general) fame femn. 名望, 传说, charity charity | trt慈善; perfect loverRed:相信我,爱的宣言 believe me, declaration declaration | deklrenn. 宣告, 宣布, 说明 of love yellow 阳光般的笑容 Theres sunshine in your smile Purplepurple | prpl /p-adj. 紫色的, 华而不实的, 帝王的:永恒的爱 Love ForeverGardenia gardenia | grdn /gd-栀子花


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