20th british literature题目

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《20th british literature题目》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《20th british literature题目(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、问题 1 2 分 保存presents in his works strong Christian nihilism, which is reflected explicitly by his famous saying “The dirty dog, he doesnt even exits!” in his play against the God, Endgame. A. W. B. Yeats B. John OsborneC. Samuel BeckettD. George Bernard Shaw 问题 2 2 分 保存Which writer belongs to “stream

2、-of-consciousness” school? A. Virginia Woolf B. Thomas WolfeC. Thomas HardyD. Sommerset Maugham 问题 3 2 分 保存Rudyard Kipling was the spokesman for imperialist sentiment. Which one is NOT his work? A. Dubliners B. Plain Tales from the HillsC. The Second Jungle Book D. The Jungle Book问题 4 2 分 保存_is Gals

3、worthys masterpiece which gives a profound and true-to-life picture of the English society from the 80s of the 19th century up to the 20s of the 20th century. 问题 5 2 分 保存G. B. Shaws play Mrs. Warrens Profession is a realistic exposure of thein the English society. A. slum landlordismB. political cor

4、ruptionC. inequality between men and womenD. economic exploitation of women 问题 6 2 分 保存The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrences. A. Sons and Lovers B. Women in LoveC. The Rainbow D. Birds, Beasts,

5、and Flowers问题 7 2 分 保存The statement that a sensitive young man is at first shaped by excessively powerful and oppressive forces of his environment but gradually realizes the pressure and rebels against it and tries to find his own identity mat well sum up the major theme of _. A. Woolfs Mrs. Dallowa

6、yB. Conrads Heart of Darkness C. Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young ManD. Hardys Jude the Obscure 问题 8 2 分 保存Sameul Beckett is an absurdist dramatist who is well known for his daring formal experimentation. His works are strongly suggestive of the two prominent literary phases modernism and

7、postmodernism. The most famous of his plays is _written in 1952. 问题 9 2 分 保存The theory of psychoanalysis put forward first by _exerts great influence over modern literature.A. Carl JungB. William JamesC. Sigmund Freud D. Jacques Lacan 问题 10 2 分 保存The modernist writers such as Dorothy Richardson, Jam

8、es Joyce and Virginia Woolf are mainly concerned with the _. A. historical events of English peopleB. external world C. material achievements of human beingsD. inner life of an individual 问题 11 2 分 保存Joyce seems to mean that the novel_ describes the mental activities of two Dubliners in a single day

9、, while Finnegans Wake, his second novel, describes the sub-conscious world in which a man lives through a good part of his life. 问题 12 2 分 保存Virginia Woolfs novel, published in1925, made her reputation as an important psychological writer. 问题 13 2 分 保存John Fowless novel _is a metafiction model of p

10、ostmodernist form of writing fiction in the form of fiction, trying to use burlesque and parody as a means to reveal the discrepancy between the imitation and the original. 问题 14 2 分 保存written by Iris Murdoch is remarkable for its meta-fictional structure, containing various narrators and narrative

11、descriptions, and its multi-dimensional psychology. A. The Black Prince B. Under the Net C. Brunos DreamD. The Bell问题 15 2 分 保存“She frankly wanted him to climb into the middle class, a thing not very difficult, she knew. And she wanted him in the end to marry a lady.” is taken from D. H. Lawrences n

12、ovel. 问题 16 2 分 保存Modernism upholds a new view of time by emphasizing thetime over the chronological one. 问题 17 2 分 保存_, which bears a strong thematic resemblance to “The Waste Land”, is generally regarded as the darkest of T. S. Eliots poems. 问题 18 2 分 保存Between 1912 and 1922 there came a great poe

13、try movement_ in England and America to express the modern sense of fragmentization and dislocation. T.E. Hulme is considered the first outstanding theorist of this movement. 问题 19 2 分 保存A typical Forsyte, according to John Galsworthy, is a man with a strong sense of , who never pays any attention t

14、o human feelings. A. propertyB. humorC. justice D. morality 问题 20 2 分 保存In the beginning of 20th century, the seminal developments in the fields of philosophy and psychology that impacted literary creativity and criticism are Bergsons notion of _and Freuds theory of psychoanalysis. 问题 21 2 分 保存Eliot

15、s poem, The Waste Land, is mainly concerned with the _of a modern civilization. A. spiritual integration B. material achievement C. spiritual breakupD. social reform 问题 22 2 分 保存In My Last Duchess, “She smiled, no doubt,/ Wheneer I passed her/This grew; I gave commands; /Then all smiles stopped toge

16、ther.” The last line of the above quoted passage implies that she_. A. obeyed his order and stopped smiling at everybody, including the duke.B. obeyed his order and stopped smiling at anybody except the dukeC. was murdered at the order of the duke D. refused to obey the order and never smiled again问题 23 2 分 保存_is claimed as the best Irish poet since W.B.Yeats, and his work h


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