【步步高 北师大版】2016届高三一轮英语大一轮复习文档 选修7 unit 19 language

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1、- 1 -重点识记词汇1.trend n.趋势,倾向2.absence n.缺乏;缺席3.theory n.理论;学说 4.attain vt.达到;获得5.adequate adj.足够的,充分的 6.ensure vt.确保,保证7.accelerate vi.&vt.加速 8.target n.目标9.enlarge vt.扩大 10.guarantee vt.&n.保证11.adjust vt.调整;调节 12.catch on 学会,理解13.for ages 很久,很长时间 14.on purpose 故意地15.resemble vt.像;与相似 16.negotiate vt.

2、协商;谈判17.approval n.赞成;赞许;批准 18.purchase vt.购买19.on the other hand 另一方面 20.applicant n.申请人21.regulation n.规则 22.ambiguous adj.模棱两可的23.candidate n.候选人 24.sincerely adv.真诚地- 2 -25.fluency n.流畅度,流利度fluent adj.流畅的 26.embarrass vt.使窘迫27.congratulate vt.祝贺congratulate.on 向道贺28.inform vt.告知,通知 inform sb.of

3、sth. 通知某人某事29.accuracy n.精确度,准确度accurate adj.正确无误的30.thankful adj.为感到高兴的;感谢的 thankfully ad v.感谢地;令人感激地31.surround vt.环绕,围绕surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n.环境32.announcement n.通告;宣告announce vt .通告;宣告33.congratulate vt.祝贺congratulation n.祝贺34.unconscious adj.无意的;不知不觉的conscious adj .有意的;有知觉的35.punctua

4、l adj.准时的;守时的 punctually adv.如期地,准时地必背经典句式1.To put it simply,if you want to be a success in the business world,you need a high level of English competence.简单地说,如果你想在商业世界中成为一个成功者,你需要高水平的英语能力。2.By the time the Americans won their independence from Britain in the 1780s,there were thirteen colonies and

5、four million Englishspeaking people!到 18 世纪 80 年代美国人从英国人那里赢得独立为止,有十三个殖民地四百万人讲英语!3.Thirdly,you say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.第三,你们说我只要预付款就有折扣。4.Theres no point reading the news in English if youve already watched it in your own language.如果你已用母语看过这则消息,再用英语来读是没有意义的。必背经典句式5

6、.But sadly,the chances that we will all have the opportunity to live in an Englishspeaking country are small.但令人遗憾的是,我们都生活在一个讲英语的国家的机会是很小的。6.Im sorry,but we have to keep to the timetable,sir.- 3 -先生,对不起,我们得遵守时刻表。7.It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global langua

7、ge and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.早在 18 世纪,英语就被预测会成为世界母语而且过去的几十年已证明是这样。8.Quality input ensures quality output,whether it is speaking or writing.不管是说还是写,高质量的输入确保高质量的输出。构词记忆achievement /tivmnt/n.C功绩;成就mentadjustment / dstmnt/n.C&U调整;调节advertisement /dvtIsmnt/ n.C广告announcem

8、ent /nansmnt/n.C &U通知;通告;布告.词汇与派生A语境填词1There were 500 applicants(申请人) for the job.2Her remark was followed by an embarrassing(难堪的) silence.3Ive set myself a target(目标 ) of saving 5 a week.4He entered the local elections as a candidate( 候选人)5There are plans to enlarge(扩大) the recreation area.6They ha

9、ve just purchased(购买) a new house in the country.7She resembles(像) her sister in appearance but not in character.8He gave us an ambiguous (模棱两可的) reply.9I informed( 通知 ) him that I would not be able to attend.10They have guaranteed(保证 ) that any faulty parts would be replaced free of charge.B用所给词的适当

10、形式填空11In my opinion,you can depend on him,because he has been reliable and punctual (punctually)12Fluency (fluent) in French is required for this job.13Laboratory work needs not only accurate (accuracy) measurements but also correct calculation.14She can see it clearly. She can feel its warmth surro

11、unding (surround) her.15The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced (announcement) the news to the reporters.- 4 -.短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空take the form of,get ahead,catch on,stand out ,consist of ,keep in mind,be similar to,be aware of,inform.of ,approve of16.Would you mind repeating that? I didn

12、t quite catch on.17In this model,the return message might take the form of feedback or a formal reply.18By working hard,he got ahead of the rest of the class.19Canada is a country consisting of many different nationalities.20Being able to speak more than one language can make you stand out and get a

13、head.21I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation.22Be aware of your urges to quit,and overcome them.23We also tend to be similar to our friends and family on income and wealth measures.24And keep in mind that this holds true regardless of the length of your speech.25Inform a friend of your

14、 targets so they can help motivate you as well.B用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空in use,on the other hand,such as,on purpose ,the key to,for ages26.I came here for nothing else but to see you on purpose.27On the one hand,loss implies gain;on the other hand,gain implies loss.28Ive been knocking away for ages,but nobod

15、y has answered the door.29Quite simply,in todays world,English holds the key to a brighter future and a world of possibilities.30This not only had American words and expressions,but also introduced a new,simplified spelling which is still in use.31The curriculum focuses on English language skills us

16、ed in business meetings and in areas such as marketing and advertising.经典句式32By the time the old man realized the truth,the two cheats had run away.到这位老人意识到事实的真相时,那两个骗子已经逃跑了。33There s no point (in) telling him the truth at present.现在告诉他事实是没有用的。34The chances that our team can win the match are great.我们队能赢得这次比赛的机会很大。35Im



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