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1、企业做 ISO9001质量管理体系有什么好处?认证要准备什么?摘要;In 1, ISO9001 quality management system provides a scientific quality management and quality assurance methods and means for the enterprise, can be used to improve the internal management level.做 ISO9001质量管理体系认证的好处:1、 ISO9001质量管理体系为企业提供了一种具有科学性的质量管理和质量保证方法和手段,可用以提高内

2、部管理水平。2、使企业内部各类人员的职责明确,避免推诿扯皮,减少领导的麻烦。3、文件化的管理体系使全部质量工作有可知性、可见性和可查性,通过培训使员工更理解质量的重要性及对其工作的要求。4、 可以使产品质量得到根本的保证。5、可以降低企业的各种管理成本和损失成本,提高效益。6、为客户和潜在的客户提供信心。7、提高企业的形象,增加了竞争的实力。8、满足市场准入的要求ISO9001 质量管理体系认证好处这么多,有什么条件限制呢?客户在做 ISO9001 体系之前,必须满足以下准备条件:1.营业执照;2 生产许可证;3,公司注册满 3 个月;满足了这几个条件,就可以准备开始做 ISO9001 质量管

3、理体系认证。其次,客户在做认证的过程中需要做以下几件事情:a.书面任命管理者代表b.成立 ISO 推动委员会c.成立 ISO9001 质量管理体系文件管理中心(1-2 人)d.现行组织机构、职责及各部门业务流程的确定并形成文档e.现行运作管理文件及运行记录的整理ISO9001 认证如何快速通过呢?认证机构为保证独立性,不能既认证,又帮你通过。找专业的认证咨询公司帮你做,是最好的办法,专业人做专业事。英文全译:The authentication mechanism to ensure the independence, not only authentication, and help you

4、 through. Looking for a professional certification consulting company do, is the best way, professional people to do professional things.行业领袖-联建 ISO认证 10天快速拿证的解决方案步骤:市场人员提供首款支付凭证 2 小时内提供合同评审给管理部审批管理部 3 小时提交加急申请给认证公司负责人,保证出证时间顾问收到合同评审 3 小时内签订认证合同(收款当天)顾问 1 天内提供上门服务指导顾问 3 天内完成审核准备6 天内安排现场审核7 天内现场整改完成8

5、 天提交审核资料给认证公司专家组技术评审9 天获得审核通过信息10 天出证书百度找联建 ISO,了解你所在行业的 ISO认证案例!(完)The ISO9001 quality management system certification has so many advantages, have what conditions?Before the customers in the ISO9001 system, must satisfy the following condition: 1 business license; 2 production license; 3, the comp

6、any registered over 3 months;To meet these conditions, will be ready to start the ISO9001 quality management system certification.Secondly, need to do the following things to do in the process of customer in certification:How the ISO9001 certification through the fast?The authentication mechanism to

7、 ensure the independence, not only authentication, and help you through. Looking for a professional certification consulting company do, is the best way, professional people to do professional things.The solution step industry leader - the construction of ISO authentication, 10 day fast license:The whole process is very simple, the customer needs to do very little, from the first payment voucher to smoothly to the certificate in just 10 days, let a person very at ease, and efficiency!


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