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1、北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)I诚信申明本人申明:我所呈交的本科毕业设计(论文)是本人在导师指导下对四年专业知识而进行的研究工作及全面的总结。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢中所罗列的内容以外,论文中创新处不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得北京化工大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而已经使用过的材料。与我一同完成毕业设计(论文)的同学对本课题所做的任何贡献均已在文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。若有不实之处,本人承担一切相关责任。本人签名: 年 月 日(请先进行页面设置,页边距和页眉页脚要与模版一致)题目:宋体,三号字,居中,加粗。“诚信申明”部分独自一页。正文部分:宋

2、体,小四号字。重要提示:本页内容不要修改。个人姓名、年月日必须由学生用黑色签字笔或钢笔手写,其他部分使用该标准行文。诚信申明 至 目录页单独编排页码,格式为“,”。北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)II(空一行)从高校追求就业率研究大学生就业中的政府行为独立学院的企业文化环境对教学理念的影响王斌公共事业管理专业公管 0601 班学号 060401001指导教师张三副教授(空一行)摘要(空一行)独立学院是近年发展起来的一种新的高等教育办学模式。随着在校学生人数的增多,新情况和新问题相应而出。旧的高校学生管理体制已不能适应独立学院这个特殊的环境,在实践中也露出很多弊端。探索独立学院学生管理体制以


4、部分。宋体,小四号字。段落设置为:固定值,22磅,段前、段后均为0 磅。题目:宋体,三号字,居中,加粗宋体,五号字,居中副标题:宋体,四号字,居中宋体,五号字,居中“关键词”三个字:左起顶格,黑体,四号字,加粗。具体关键词:宋体,小四号字,词与词之间空一格。各行第一个关键词须与第一行第一个关键词对齐。指导教师 XXX 职称名称。宋体,五号字,居中题目到摘要之间的排版为:段落设置为:15行距。段前、段后均为 0宋体,五号字,居中北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)III(空一行)Study on Governments Behavior in Graduates EmploymentImpact

5、 on teaching concept in the corporate culture context of Independent Colleges(空一行)Abstract(空一行)Independent institute is a new form of higher education developing in recent years. New situation and new problem arise with the number of students in independent institute increasing. The old management s

6、ystem of college students can not been make the best in independent institute. Exploring a new management system of students works is vital to enhance and improve the work in independent institute. This paper attempts to construct a framework and practical implement of managing students work in inde

7、pendent institute by comparing with its host university, analyzing the practice of the students management work and thinking of the meaning of management improvement in independent institute .In the process of writing, this paper decrypts the specific circumstances of an independent institute, which

8、 reflects the theory with practice.Key words: independent institutestudents management management systemtragic sourcesview on naturephilosophy of lifemeliorist具体关键词:新罗马 “Times New Roman” 字体,小四号字,词与词之间用空格隔开。非专有名词都用小写。每个关键词之间空四个英文空格,不加标点符号;各行第一个关键词须与第一行第一个关键词对齐。“Key words”: “Times New Roman” 字体,四号字,左起

9、定格,加粗。新罗马 “Times New Roman” 字体,四号字,居中,加粗。摘要具体内容:新罗马 “Times New Roman” 字体,小四号字。顶格起段,段落设置为:1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为 1行。副标题:新罗马 “Times New Roman” 字体,四号字,居中。题目:新罗马 “Times New Roman” 字体,三号字,居中,加粗。1.5 倍行距,段前段后0 行。北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)IV(空一行,1.5 倍行距,段前段后 0 行)Contents(空一行)Introduction.1Chapter 1The Rise of Neo-Conservat

10、ism in the U.S. .31.1Origin and Development of Neo-Conservatism.31.2Main Features and Positions of Neo-Conservatism .41.3Background for the Rise of Neo-Conservatism .4Chapter 2The Impact of Neo-Conservatism on American Foreign Policy. 62.1Major Foreign Strategies in American History.62.2The Bush Doc

11、trine and the War on Terrorism.72.3American Foreign Policy towards the Middle East.92.4The Promotion of Democracy and the Color Revolution.12Chapter 3The Adjustment of Bush Administrations Foreign Policy.153.1Transformational Diplomacy.153.2Reshaping the Relations with Other Major Powers.17Conclusio

12、n .18Appendix.18Bibliography .19Acknowledgement.20(目录正文:小四、加粗,1.5 倍行距,段前段后 0 行,采用电脑自动生成目录。特别注意:目录为两级目录即可)标题中实词、第一个词的首字母要大写。三号,加粗,居中北京化工大学北方学院毕业设计(论文)1(每一章开始时都要空一行)IntroductionThe nineteenth-century British anthropologist Edward Tyler makes about the famous definition of culture: Culture is a kind of

13、 complicated body and includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, customs, other abilities and habits learned from society. This definition is in his book Primitive Culture (1981:1). Language is the carrier of culture and the tool of communication. Language translation, as a bridge for cross-cultural communication, plays an indispensable role in promoting cultural exchanges and in enriching the process of human culture. In the 1990s, Andre Lefevere, American scholar and the professor of Texas University, and Susan Bassnett, British


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