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1、年产 110 吨肝素酶发酵车间工艺设计摘要肝素酶指一类能够特异性裂解肝素和类肝素主链糖苷键的酶,被用于清除血液中的肝素,测定肝素的结构,以及抗肿瘤等医学方面的研究。国外对肝素酶的研究已有 40 多年历史,涵盖菌种筛选、发酵产酶、分离纯化、克隆表达等领域。我国起步很晚,目前仅见中科院(北京)微生物研究所和四川大学有关于肝素酶研究的报道。目前世界上研究最多、最深入的肝素酶仍然由肝素黄杆菌发酵生产而来。本文通过肝素酶发酵工艺的研究,包括灭菌工艺研究、提取工艺的研究、浓缩和干燥工艺研究及成型工艺研究,将其研制成工艺切实可行、质量稳定可控的酶制剂。并对肝素酶制剂车间生产工艺进行研究,对工艺流程、物料衡算

2、、热量衡算、车间布置、管道布置、三废处理、设备造型等关键工艺进行设计,为肝素酶车间工艺的设计提供依据。关键词:肝素酶;车间布置;工艺流程图AbstractIn these pieces is in under the guidance of TCM theory, combined with clinical doctors the application and selected clinical experience for many years, has qingrejiedu, spleen and stomach, invigorate the circulation of bulg

3、e, clinically used for chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, accompanied by intestinal metaplasia atypical symptoms.His own by these, spreading hedyotis herb, rhizoma coptidis, etc of ten herbs, of which one of these for his own gentleman medicine, therefore, in these extraction technology on the basis

4、of the experimental research, the application form of his own from the traditional one, developed into taking convenient oral solid preparation, change one carry inconvenience, shortcomings and so on perishable.In this article, through these pieces of research of preparation process, including crush

5、ing and sterilization technology research, the extraction process of study, concentration and drying process and molding process research, to develop it into practical technology, stable quality control of traditional Chinese medicine compound preparations.And in these pieces tablet workshop product

6、ion process, the process flow, material balance, heat balance, workshop layout, piping layout, three wastes treatment, equipment design on the key technology such as modelling, provide the basis for these pieces workshop process design.Key words:Heparinase.Plant layout;Process flow diagram目录摘要 .1Abs

7、tract .21 绪论 .51.1 概述 .51.1.1 肝素酶简介 .51.1.2 肝素酶的分类及结构 .51.1.3 肝素酶的稳定性 .71.2 课题研究的目的意义 .81.3 课题研究内容、设计方法 .91.4 设计依据及原则 .92 工艺流程概述 .102.1 文献报道的合成工艺简述 .102.2 各步生产流程 .112.4 工艺流程框图 .122.5 工艺条件及生产安排 .153 物料衡算 .163.1 衡算基准和设计基础数据 .163.2 年产 110 吨肝素酶发酵车间物料衡算 .164 热量衡算 .164.1 热量衡算的意义 .164.2 对于每一个单元操作进行能量衡算 .175 设备选型 .185.1 发酵罐 .185.2 电热蒸发发生器 .205.3 种子罐的设计与选型 .206 管道选型设计 .206.1 概述 .206.2 管道设计原则 .216.3 车间管道设计要求 .217 车间布置 .



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