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1、当夜幕笼罩这座城市的时候,酒吧在都市美仑美奂的夜色中偷偷展露着她的笑脸,不张扬,不炫耀,在这流光溢彩的世界中显得分外的恬静。放松抑郁的心情,忘却疲惫的身心,在那柔美的灯光、浮动的烟雾、流淌的音乐中感受生活、感受美好吧。 在酒吧已经成为时尚生活象征的今天,让我们一起去 PUB 开心品味各种洋酒,还有那些随酒而来的惬意 Chat 吧! Chapter 1 酒吧文化我知道 Chapter 2 酒单大全-好酒任你挑 Chapter 3 相识有缘人-酒吧搭讪完全手册 Chapter 4 京沪酒吧资讯大公开 Chapter 1 酒吧文化我知道 什么是 PUB? The public house (pub)

2、as we know it today, is really an invention of the 18th century. Before then, there were alehouses that sold beer brewed on the premises often by women, known as alewives or brewsters. More salubrious were inns, much larger establishments, which might offer food, stabling for horses, and a variety o

3、f dining and meeting rooms. 我们今天所知道的公共酒店(pub)是 18 世纪的发明,在那之前有卖啤酒的啤酒店,这些啤酒常常是由妇女们在店内酿造的,我们称她们为啤酒店女主人或者酿酒人。更让人觉得身心愉快的地方是那些建得更宽大的酒馆,在那里可以提供食物、马厩和各种类型的餐厅及会议室。 The 18th and 19th centuries saw a massive rebuilding of pubs in reaction to changing tastes, and the opening of new establishments to meet new de

4、mand in industrial and suburban areas. Since the Second World War, a further revolution has taken place as pubs have had to compete with an increasing range of leisure pursuits. Many started selling food, while others became theme pubs in the hope of attracting young people. 适应于不断变化的品位和新建筑的开放风格,在 18

5、 和 19 世纪大量的酒吧被重建以迎合工业和城镇的新要求。从二战开始,酒吧发生了更大的变革,以便和范围不断扩大的休闲娱乐业竞争。许多酒吧开始卖食物,而另外一些则成为希望吸引年轻人的主题酒吧。 Pub Culture of Britain 英国酒吧文化 The British pub is renowned the world over as a unique social centre, the focus of community life, an influence on popular culture, a source of history and a tourist attracti

6、on. 英国酒吧以独特的社交中心、社会生活的焦点、对流行文化的影响、历史资源和旅游吸引力而闻名于世界。 If you havent been to a pub, you havent been to Britain. Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers

7、 is considered entirely appropriate and rea1ly quite normal behaviour. 你如果没去过酒吧,那就等于没有到过英国。 在因其冷漠保守而出名的英国社会里,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社会交往。在大不列颠群岛上,把和陌生人友好地交谈看作是完全适宜的正常行为的唯一场所,可能就是吧台了。 Pub-goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interested in chatting. Concentrate on those who have bought drinks and are

8、 still loitering at the bar. Look for people with open body language, facing outwards into the room. Those who have moved to sit at tables are probably not seeking company. 上酒吧的人如果有兴趣交谈的话,会用非言语方式表现出来。注意那些已经买了酒可还在吧台前晃荡的人。找那些面朝外对着屋里到处看的、用形体语言表示可接触 的人。而那些已经离开吧台,找到椅子坐下的人可能只想独酌。 If you are haring by Brit

9、ish friends or business contracts, one of your hosts will probably buy the first round, but you should be quick to offer the next. The right time to offer to buy a drink is when their glasses are still a quarter full. The line of Its my round-What are you having? is one of the most useful sentences

10、in the English language. 你如果和英国朋友在一起或者和英国人洽谈商业合同,接待你的主人中有一位可能买第一轮酒,而你应该很快表示买下一轮的。在对方杯子里的酒还剩下四分之一时,就是你该提出买酒的时候了。这轮由我买 -你喝的是什么?是英国语言中非常有用的一句话。 Most pubs have no waiters-you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. Amazingly for the British, who love queues, there is no formal line-up-the bar staff are ski

11、lled at knowing whose turn it is. You are permitted to try to attract attention, but there are rules about how to do this. The key thing is to catch the bar workers eyes. You could also hold an empty glass or some money, but do not wave them about. Do adopt an expectant, hopeful, even slightly anxio

12、us facial expression. If you 1ook too contented and complacent, the bar staff may assume you are already being served. 大多数英国酒吧都没有服务员,你得到吧台去买酒。令人感到惊讶的是,就爱排队的英国人而言,酒吧里居然看不到正式的队伍。而酒保有本领知道该轮到谁了。你可以做些动作引起酒保的注意,但有规可循。关键是要吸引酒保的注意。你可以举起空杯子或钱,但不要摇晃。你脸上可以流露等待、期望,甚至略带焦急的表情。你如果显得太满足和得意的样子,酒保会认为他们已经为你提供服务了。 Spea

13、king of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity. The correct behaviour is to offer them a drink. Pubs pride themselves on their egalitarian atmosphere. A tip in cash would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture. 说到小费 ,你可千万别给酒保现金以表示谢

14、意。正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。酒吧为自己的平等气氛感到自豪。现金小费会使人想到酒保是伺候人的,而请喝一杯则是友好的表示。 American Pub Culture 美国酒吧文化 Typical American pubs, often known as bars offer a place for inner-city workers to relax after a hard days work and meet up with friends. A focal point of this type of pub is the television set, which will be tu

15、ned into news programs, serial television shows and sports programs, such as baseball or American football. Many of these pubs have large-screen televisions, and use these to entice customers in. 传统的美国酒吧,常常被叫做BAR,它们为城市中辛苦工作一天的人们提供一个放松身心和朋友聚会的场所。在这种酒吧中最重要的就是电视机,经常播放新闻节目、电视连续剧以及像棒球和足球这类体育节目。许多酒吧会放置一台大

16、荧幕的电视机,用他们招揽顾客。 American pubs are a great place to go for a good meal and a glass of beer or wine with friends. They usually offer a full menu including such things as hamburgers, steaks, salads and snacks. A lot of these pubs also feature a comprehensive selection of imported wines and beers as well as local beer on tap. During the day, when a sports final is on television, the pub can get pretty noisy. Many American


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