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1、附录 A 缩略语缩略语 英语解释 中文解释AAM/CM Administration Module/Communication Module 管理和通信模块BBA BCCH Allocation BCCH 分配BAM Back Administration Module 后管理模块BCC BTS Color Code 基站色码BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel 广播控制信道BCH Broadcast channel (transport channel) 广播信道 (传输信道)BIE Base Station Interface Equipment 基站接口设备BIT

2、S Building Integrated Timing Supply 大楼综合定时供给系统BM Basic Module 基本模块BS Base Station 基站BS1 Abis Interface Abis 接口BSC Base Station Controller 基站控制器BSIU Base Station Interface Unit 基站接口单元BSS Base Station Subsystem 基站子系统BTS Base Transceiver Station 基站收发信台CCA Cell Allocation 小区分配CBCH Cell Broadcast Channel

3、 小区广播信道CC Country Code 国家码CCCH Common Control Channel 公共控制信道CCS Common Channel Signaling 共路信令方式CDU Combiner and Divider Unit 合分路单元CGI Cell Global Identification 全球小区识别码CIC Circuit Identification Code 电路识别码CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 循环冗余校验CS-1 Code Scheme-1 编码模式1(9.05kbit/s)CS-2 Code Scheme-2 编码模式2(

4、13.4kbit/s)CS-3 Code Scheme-3 编码模式3(15.6kbit/s)CS-4 Code Scheme-4 编码模式4(21.4kbit/s)缩略语 英语解释 中文解释CTN Central Switching Network Board 中央交换网板DDBF Database File 数据库文件DPC Destination (Signaling) Point Code 目的信令点编码DRX Discontinuous Reception 非连续接收DTX Discontinuous Transmission 非连续性发射EE3M E3 Sub-Multiplexe

5、r E3 子复用设备EAC External Alarm Collection 外部告警采集ECSC Early Classmark Sending Control 早期类标发送控制EDU Enhanced Duplexer Unit 增强型双工单元EFR Enhanced full rate speech code 增强型全速率语音编解码EST Establishment 建立FFACCH Fast Associated Control Channel 快速随路控制信道FBC Photoelectric Conversion Board 光电转换板FBI Optical Fiber Inte

6、rface Board 光接口板FPU Frame Processing Unit 帧处理单元FTC Full Rate Transcoder 全速率码变换器、全速率变码器FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传输协议FUL Radio Signaling Link 无线信令链路GGALM Alarm board 告警板GCKS Clock source 时钟板GCTN Central switching Network board 中心交换网板GEMA Emergency Action board 双机倒换板GFBI Fiber Interface board 光纤接口板

7、GLAP LAPD Protocol Process board LAPD 协议处理板GMC2 Inter-Module Communication board, 模块通信板GMCC Module Communication and Control board 模块通信控制板GMEM Memory board 数据库接口板GMPU Main Process Unit 主处理单元GNET Switching Network board 交换网板GNOD Node Communication Board 节点通信板缩略语 英语解释 中文解释GOPT Local Optical Interface

8、Board 光纤通信板GPRS General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统GSM Global System for Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统GSNT GSM Signaling Switching Network Board 信令交换网板HHDLC High-level Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制HO Handover 切换HPA High magnification Power Amplifier board 高增益功放板HSN H

9、opping Sequence Number 跳频序列号HW Highway 母线IID IDentification/IDentity 识别IND Indication 指示IOMU iSite Operation and Maintenance Unit 操作维护单元板IP Internet Protocol 互联网协议、 网际协议LLAPD Link Access Protocol on the D-channel D 信道上的链路访问协议LPN7 Common Channel Signaling Processing Board 公共信道信令处理板MMA Mobile Allocati

10、on 移动台(频率)分配MAIO Mobile Allocation Index Offset 移动分配索引偏移MCC Mobile Country Code 移动国家码MCK Main Clock board 主时钟板MFU Microcell Frame Unit 微蜂窝帧处理单元MMU Multiplication and Management Unit 复用管理单元MNC Mobile Network Code 移动网编号、移动网编码MS Mobile Station 移动台(手机)MSC Mobile Switching Center 移动交换中心MSM MSC Subrate ch

11、annel Multiplexer MSC 侧子复用板MTP Message Transfer Part 消息传递部分NNCC Network Color Code 网络色码NSS Network SubSystem 网络子系统缩略语 英语解释 中文解释OOM Opration and Maintenance 操作维护OMC Operation and MaintenanceCenter 操作维护中心OML Operation and Maintenance Link 操作与维护链路OMU Operation and Maintenance Unit 操作维护单元OPC Originating

12、 Point Code 源信令点编码PPb Pb Interface Pb 接口PBCCH Packet Broadcast Control Channel 分组广播控制信道PBGT Power Budget 功率预算PBU Power Boost Unit 功率增强单元PCCCH Packet Common Control Channel 分组公共控制信道PCIC Packet Circuit Identity Code 分组电路标识码PCM Pulse-Code Modulation 脉冲编码调制PCU Packet Control Unit 分组控制单元PDH Plesiochronou

13、s Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列PDTCH Packet Data Traffic Channel 分组业务数据信道PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公用陆地移动(通信)网PMU Power and Environment Monitoring Unit 电源环境监测板PSU Power Supply Unit 供电单元PWC Secondary Power Supply Board 二次电源板RRACH Random Access CHannel 随机接入信道RSL Radio Signaling Link 无线信令链路SSACCH Slo

14、w Associated Control Channel 慢速随路控制信道SAPI Service Access Point Identifier 业务接入点标识SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part 信令连接控制部分SCU Simple Combiner Unit 简单合路单元SDCCH Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel 独立专用控制信道SITE Site 站点SM Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板SMBCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast 短

15、消息业务小区广播SMI Sub-Multiplexer Interface 子复用板缩略语 英语解释 中文解释SP Signaling Point 信令点SS7 Signaling System Number 7 七号信令STP Signaling Transfer Point 信令转接点TTA Timing Advance 时间提前量TC Transcoder 码变换器TCH Traffic CHannel 业务信道TCSM Transcoder and Sub-Multiplexer 码变换与子复用单元(器)TEI Terminal Equipment Identifier 终端设备标识T

16、ES Transmission Extension power Supply unit 传输扩展供电单元TEU Transmission Extension Unit 传输扩展单元TFO Tandem Free Operation 免汇接运营TMU Timing/Transmission and Management Unit 定时/传输管理单元TRAU Transcoder & Rate Adaptation Unit 码变换器/速率适配单元TRX Transceiver 收发信机TS Timeslot 时隙TSC Training Sequence Code 训练系列号(编码)VVSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 电压驻波比WWS Workstation 操作台A, Asub A-interface A 接口 AC Alternating Current 交流 AC Access Class (C0 to C15) 接入级别(C0 到 C15) ACCH Associ



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