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1、Air pollution tops public concerns空气污染成最受关注话题Air pollution, corruption and the wealth gap are the three issues of most concern to readers ahead of the annual parliamentary sessions of China, dubbed as two sessions, according to an online survey by the China Daily website.中国日报网一项网络调查显示,在一年一度的“”召开之际,读

2、者最关注的三大问题分别为:大气污染、腐败问题以及贫富差距。The issue of pollution has grown in importance for people since last years survey which then showed the top three issues as being the cost of living, the environment and employment.与去年相比,污染问题对于人们的重要程度有所提高。去年的调查显示读者最关注的三大问题为:生活成本、环境和就业。This year is crucial for the deepeni

3、ng of reforms, with attention being focused on how the two sessions will handle the ongoing development of the country and further improve peoples livelihood.今年是深化改的关键一年,人们在关注“”如何应对国家当前的发展并进一步改善人民生活。The survey was posted on the China Daily website and its mobile phone apps as well as the Sina Weibo

4、and WeChat platforms with 3,886 readers responding, 60 percent of whom were from countries other than China.该项调查发布在中国日报网、手机客户端、新浪微博及微信平台上,3886 名用户参与了调查,其中 60%的人非本国人士。The majority of respondents said air pollution is the most urgent issue needing to be addressed and they expect the two sessions to pu

5、t forward practical measures to tackle the problem.大多数调查对象表示,大气污染是当务之急,需予以解决,他们期待“”能提出一些切实可行的措施来解决该问题。Im looking forward to a brighter sky in Beijing and other major cities across the nation. Tougher measures should be taken to curb pollution from industry. Now we have no choice but to rely on the w

6、ind to blow away pollutants and bring fresh air, one reader said.“我期待在北京及国内其他大城市看到一片更蔚蓝的天空。政府需采取强硬措施来控制工业污染。目前我们别无选择,只能靠风把污染物吹走,带来新鲜空气。”一名读者如是说。The anti-graft drive, income distribution, cost of living and fair education were the other top concerns for respondents. I strongly support the current ant

7、i-corruption drive. I hope President Xi can maintain this policy for the duration of his term in office, another reader said.反腐运动、收入分配、生活成本及教育公平也受到了较多关注。“我强烈支持当前的反腐运动。我希望在任期间能坚持执行这一措施。”另一名读者说道。 corruption krpnvideo n. 贪污,腐败;堕落 parliamentary ,p:lmentrivideo adj. 议会的;国会的;议会制度的 crucial kru:lvideo adj. 重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的 reform rif:mvideo n. 改,改良;改正 vt. 改,新;重新组成 vi. 重组;改过 adj. 改的;改教会的 session senvideo n. 会议;(法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)开会;学期;讲习会 repond video 推荐学习


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