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1、From VOA Learning English, this is the Education Report.这里是美国之音慢速英语教育报道。Growing up can be hard in poor neighborhoods where crime is common.在犯罪司空见惯的贫困社区,成长是一件困难的事。That is the situation Marco Antonio Aguilar faced when he started at Garfield High School in Los Angeles, California.马可安东尼 奥阿基拉开始去加州洛杉矶加菲尔

2、德高中时就是这样的情况,The boy hated school. He says he had the wrong friends, often missed classes and even got into fights.他不喜欢上学,他说以前交了坏朋友,经常旷课甚至打架。The school suspended him, barring him from attending classes. He almost was sent to a school for problem students.学校让他停学,禁止他去上课。他差点被送到一个问题学生学校,But Marco Antonio

3、 changed his behavior. He says a talk with his mother helped him change. And he praises his teachers.但马可安东尼改变了行为,他说和妈妈的一次谈话改变了他,他现在开始赞扬老师们。With the help of the teachers that I receiving, knowing that they did care about me, the school did really help me, Aguilar recalls.“在老师们的帮助下,我明白他们是关心我的,学校确实帮助了我

4、。”Other students at Garfield High will never be suspended as Marco Antonio was.加菲尔德高中的其他学生永远不会像马可安东尼这样停学,The Punishment of suspension has been suspended.学校现在已经不再进行停学处分了。Jose Huerta, the Garfield High Principal took the action when he first arrived at Garfield more than four years ago.该校校长乔斯惠尔塔在 4 年前

5、刚来这里时就停止了这项处罚。You dont have to suspend kids. It doesnt get you anywhere. Its very simple, connect with students, Huerta said.“没必要让学生停学,一点用都没有,很简单,多与学生交流。”When Mr. Huerta came to Garfield, more than half the students were leaving school without finishing their studies.惠尔塔来到加菲尔德时,有一半以上的学生没有完成学业就毕业了。An

6、d at the same time, Garfield was suspending nearly 700 students yearly.同时,加菲尔德每年都有近 700 名学生停学。He said most of the suspensions were for behavioral problems known as willful defiance.他说大多数停学是因为所谓的“故意挑衅”行为,He said that could include something as minor as chewing gum in class.他说包括在课堂上嚼口香糖这样的小事。Under Mr.

7、 Huertas leadership, students involved in willful defiance first talk to a teacher, then a parent may get involved.在惠尔塔的领导下,故意挑衅的学生先是和老师谈话,然后父母可能会参与进来。Finally, group support can be provided if needed. Today, Garfield graduates 85 percent of its students.最后,如果有必要会提供团队支持。今天,加菲尔德有 85%的学生可以毕业。The reason

8、 we dont see vandalism or anything is because now theres a connection with our students. I love them.“现在我们不再看到有破坏或其他行为发生,是因为我们和学生建立了联系。我爱他们,Every time we have an assembly: remember guys I love you and we love you and they all respond with an applause because they dont always get that, Huerta said.每次

9、召开大会时,我都会说,孩子们,记住我爱你们,我们爱你,他们就会回报以掌声,因为他们不常得到这样的鼓励。”In last year, the Los Angeles Unified School District changed its punishment policy, the whole district banned suspension to punish students for willful defiance.去年,洛杉矶联合学区改变了出发政策,整个学区禁止将停学作为惩罚故意挑衅学生的手段。Superintendent John Deasy came to Los Angeles

10、 Unified in 2011.总监约翰戴西 2011 年来到洛杉矶联合学区,He says he started working on the suspension policy problem then.他说从那时起开始处理停学政策问题,He said there were far too many suspensions, and he said there were far too many suspensions of minority students.他说太多学生被停学,少数族裔学生被停学的更多。Dan Losen is with The Civil Rights Projec

11、t at the University of California at Los Angeles.丹卢森就职于洛杉矶加州大学民权项目,Mr. Losen said schools that suspend many students do not have better records or rates of graduation.他说让很多学生停学的学校的毕业率并不高。The U.S. Departments of Justice and Education recently called for the change as well.And thats the VOA Learning English Education Report. Im Marsha James.美国司法和教育部最近也呼吁改变这一做法。这就是美国之音慢速英语教育报道,我是玛莎詹姆斯。精彩推荐:深圳企业英语培训 http:/


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