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1、专题二 人称代词 指示代词 冠词 一人称代词 1.英语人称代词表格数 人称 主格 宾格第一人称 我 我第二人称 你 你他 他她 她单数第三人称它 它第一人称 我们 我们第二人称 你们 你们复数第三人称 他/她/它们 他/她/它们2.人称代词的用法1)作主语,用主格_(她)likes playing basketball._(他们)go to school at 8 oclock._(我们)are watching TV now.注:几个人称代词连用时的位置关系:几个人称代词同时作某一成分时,应将第二人称放在最前面,第一人称放在最后,如:You,she and I are good friend

2、s.2) 作宾语,放在动词或介词后,用宾格形式。如:Yesterday his father bought _(他)a new bike.I will go shopping with _(她)next Sunday.3) 作表语用宾格。如:The man in the photo is _(我).二指示代词指示代词包括 this, that, these, those,它们在句中既可作主语,也可用作形容词作定语。一般来说,this,these 表“近指” ,而 that ,those 表“远指” ,单数用 this,that,复数用 these,those.如:_(这)is Rosa._(那

3、些)are my friends._(这些)men are my teachers.注:these/those 用于疑问句时,答句一般用 they 代替。 This/that 用于疑问句时,答句一般用 it 代替。Whats this? _ is a book.What are these? _are books.1. 指示代词用作替代词有时为了避免重复,that 可用作替代词,用以替代前面提到过的人或事物,如前面名词是复数则用 those 来替代。如:The weather of China is much hotter than _of Japan.The cups made of gla

4、ss cost much more than _made of plastic.2. 在打电话时,通常用 this 指自己,用 that 指对方。如:Hello,_is Li Ming speaking. Whos _?在英文中介绍人时,也用 this.如:_is Mary, _is Tom.三.冠词冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,只能放在名词(或某些代词)前帮助说明这个名词(或代词)的意义。冠词分不定冠词和定冠词两种,也就是 a/an 和 the.1. 不定冠词 a/an 的用法。不定冠词 a 通常用于单数可数名词前,而 an 则用于以元音音素开头的单词前。(1) 不定冠词 a/an 表示

5、数量,与 one 的意思相近,但数的概念没有 one 强烈。 (a 用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,an 用在以元音音素开头的名词前)如:_egg _English book_umbrella _dog(2) 不定冠词还有 “每一”的意思。如:We have five English lessons _week.我们每周上五节英语课。(3) 表示某人或某物,但不具体说明。如:I saw _in the tree. 我看到树上有只鸟。_ friend from Beijing stayed in the hotel.一位来自北京的朋友待在宾馆里。(4) 用于某些固定短语a bit 一点 a lot

6、of 许多 a few 几个 in a word 总之 have a good time 玩得痛快 make a face 做鬼脸 give sb. a hand 帮忙 have a picnic 野餐2. 定冠词 the 的用法(1) 定冠词 the 特指某人或某物,时常与带有各种修饰语的名词连用。Please give me _on the bed. 请把床上的手表给我。_bag on the table is Jims. 桌上的书包是吉姆的。(2) 指说话双方都知道的人或事物。如:Please open _door.请把门打开。Lets meet at _cinema.我们在电影院见面。

7、_English teacher is coming. Be quiet!英语老师来了,安静。(3) 用在上文提到的人或事物的名词前,如:Long long ago,there was an old man with a dog. _dog was very old. One day ,_dog died. _old man felt very lonely.很久很久以前,有一个老人,他有一条狗,这条狗很老了。一天,狗死了。老人感到非常孤独。(4) 用在世界上独一无二的事物,或表示方向,方位的词前。in _ 在太阳下 on_在地球上on_ 在月球上in_在世界上in_在东方 in_在南方in_

8、在东南方 in_在西北边in_居中 on_在右边(5) 用在乐器名词前。如:She likes playing _.她喜欢弹钢琴。(6) 与部分形容词或分词连用,表示一类人或物。如:the young 年轻人 the weak 弱者 the old 老人 the rich 富人 the living 活着的人 the dead 死人 the beautiful 美丽的事物 the blind 盲人 专项练习:一用适当的代词或者冠词填空1. Either you or _am going to America.2. He is _youngest of the two boys.3. at_sa

9、me time have _talk_young man is waiting for you.二、用适当的介词填空 1Whats wrong _ your watch? 2One _ the students is in the classroom. 3My father teaches English _ a school. 4What are you talking _ ? 5He is sitting _ the front of the car. 6The eraser was passed _ one student _ another. 7Did you live _ Beiji

10、ng in 1997? 8When did you arrive _ the village? 9. Eating too much isnt good _ your health. 10I think Mary is _ duty today. 三、单项选择( )1. -Do you often play _soccer with your friends?-No,I dont like sports. I often play _piano in my free time.A.a,the B.the;/ C./;the D.the,a( )2. -Would you mind cleani

11、ng your room?-OK,Ill do it in_minute.A.the B.a C.an D./ ( )3The room was full _ smoke after the big fire. Aof Bwith Cin Dfor ( )4They arrived early _ a Tuesday morning. Aon Bat Cin Dof ( )5He got many gift_his birthday_his friends. A. on, from B. in, of C. at, to D. from, for ( )6The visitors _ Japa

12、n arrived _ Beijing Station last Tuesday morning. Afrom; at Bof; to Cfrom; to Dof; on ( )7_skirt is yours?AWhose B Where CHow DWhich( )8_ is this pen ? Its Wang Fangs.AWhos B Whose CWhere DWhich ( )9Kate and Mike do _ homework in the evening.Aones B his Cher Dtheir( )10There isnt _ water in the bott

13、le.Aany B some CnoDa ( )11This dictionary is _.Amy brothers one Bmy brothers Cmy brother one Dmy brothers ones( )12Why dont you get _ to read?AsomethingBeverything Canything Dnothing( )13These cups are ours. Those are _.Aothers Bothers Cothers Dotherss( )14I have six colour pencils; one is blue, another is red, and _are green.Aothers Banother Cothers Dthe others( )15_of us wanted to play the game again.AA great many BM



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