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1、工业设计专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Industrial Design一、培养目标. Educational Objectives 培养适应 21 世纪社会主义现代化建设需要的德、智、体全面发展的高素质的设计人才。主要从事工业产品设计、视觉艺术传达设计和环境艺术设计。This program is designed to nurture talents in design of industrial products, visual images and environmental art.二、基本规格要求.Skills Pro

2、file毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识和能力:1. 具有较扎实的自然科学和艺术学科的基本知识,具有较好的人文社会科学、市场经济、管理、环保等基础知识,具有正确的运用本国语言、文字的表达能力;2. 较系统地掌握本专业必需的设计理念、设计方法等知识和视觉艺术传达知识;3. 具有较强的表现技能、动手能力、美学鉴赏与创造能力及计算机应用能力;4. 熟悉本专业领域内的专业方向,了解其学科前沿及发展趋势;5. 具有较强的自学能力和创新意思,具有初步的科学研究、科技开发及组织管理能力。Students of this program will acquire:1. Solid grounding in bot

3、h natural sciences and humanities & arts, advanced mastery of Chinese language;2. Theories, methods of industrial design and the art of visual communication;3. Computer application skills, all-round development in the creation, appreciation, expression of industrial arts; 4. Understanding of the tre

4、nd and current stage of development of industrial design, self-learning ability and innovative thinking, capability of scientific research, development and production management.三、学制与学位. Length of Schooling and Degree修业年限:四年Duration:4 years授予学位:工学学士Degrees Conferred:Bachelor of Engineer四、学时与学分. Hour

5、s/Credits总学分:227.5Total Credits: 227.5课内教学学时/学分:2649/165.5 占总学分的比例:72.7%Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2649/165.5 Percentage in Total Credits:72.7%工业设计专业本科培养计划22其中:Including:通识教育基础课学时/学分: 921/57.5 占总学分的比例:25.3%Class Hrs/Crs of General Education:921/57.5 Percentage in Total Credits:25.3%学科基础课学时/学分:10

6、56/66 占总学分的比例:29%Class Hrs/Crs of Basic Courses of Disciplines:1056/66 Percentage in Total Credits:29%专业课学时/学分:672/42 占总学分的比例:18.5%Class Hrs/Crs of Specialized Courses:672/42 Percentage in Total Credits:18.5%集中性实践环节周数/学分: 52/52 占总学分的比例:22.9%Weeks/Credits of Major Practical Training:52/52 Percentage

7、in Total Credits:22.9%课外活动和社会实践最低要求学分:10 占总学分的比例:4.4%Minimum Credits of Extracurricular Activities and Practice:10 Percentage in Total Credits:4.4%五、主干学科. Major Disciplines工业设计 Industrial Design、机械工程 Mechanical Engineering六、主要课程. Main Courses机械设计基础 The Fundamental of Machine Design、人机工程学 Human Facto

8、rs Engineering、产品设计方法与程序 ID process and Methodology、产品设计 Product Design、计算机辅助设计 CAD华中科技大学 2001 年版本科专业人才培养计划23七、教学进程计划表. Table of Teaching Schedule院(系):机械科学与工程学院 专业:工业设计School (Department): School of Mechanical Science & Engineering Specialty:Industrial Design其 中Including各 学 期 学 时Hours Distribution o

9、f in a Semester课程类别Courses Classi-fied课程性质Courses Nature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs 课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper- ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0100012毛泽东思想概论Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought 36/2 12 24必 修Required 0100031邓小平理论概论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory 70/4

10、30 40必 修Required 0300021思想道德修养Morals and Ethics 51/3 27 24必 修Required 0100041马克思主义政治经济学原理Marxist Political Economy 36/2. 4 32必 修Required 0100021马克思主义哲学原理Marxist Philosophy 54/3 22 32必 修Required 0300011法律基础Fundamentals of Law 34/2 10 24必 修Required 1200011军事理论Military Theory 16/1 16必 修Required 0400011

11、体育Physical Education 128/8 32 32 32 32必 修Required 0500011大学英语College English 224/14 56 56 56 56必 修Required 0700013微积分(文科)Calculus( Humanity) 80/5 80必 修Required 0800011计算机概论Introduction to Computer Technology 32/2 16 32通 识 教 育 基础 GeneralEducationCourses人文类限选课程Restricted Electives in the Humanities 16

12、0/10必 修Required 0501061素描Sketch 112/7 80 32必 修Required 0501091色彩Painting 80/5 40 40必 修Required 0800341机械制图(一 )Mechanical Graphing() 48/3 48必 修Required 0501111平面构成Construct of Plane 40/2.5 20 40必 修Required 0800021C 语言Advanced Programming Language(C) 56/3.5 20 56必 修Required 0501121阴影与透视Perspective and

13、 Shadow 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0801101计算机辅助工业设计 ICAD I 40/2.5 40 40必 修Required 0501131速写Quick Sketch 40/2.5 40学 科基 础 课 程 BasicCoursesofDisciplines必 修Required 0501141设计概论Instruction to Design 24/1.5 24工业设计专业本科培养计划24其 中Including各 学 期 学 时Hours Distribution of in a Semester课程类别Courses Classi-fied课程性质Cours

14、es Nature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs 课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper- ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0501151表现技法Visualization Skills 64/4 24 64必 修Required 0501181立体构成Construction of 3-dimentional 40/2.5 16 40必 修Required 0501101色彩构成Construct of Color 40/2.5 16 40必 修Required 0

15、801102计算机辅助工业设计 IICAD II 40/2.5 40 40必 修Required 0501191模型Product Modeling 32/2 24 32必 修Required 0501201工业设计简史Brief History of ID 24/1.5 24必 修Required 0501211字体与商标设计Design of Font and Logo 48/3 24 48必 修Required 0501221产品造型材料与工艺Material Technology for ID 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0800182机械设计基础The Fundamen

16、tal of Machine Design 64/4 8 8 64必 修Required 0501231设计初步Basic of Design 40/2.5 16 40必 修Required 0501111人机工程学Human Factors Engineering 40/2.5 8 4 40必 修Required 0500541摄影Photographing 40/2.5 40学 科 基 础 课 程 BasicCoursesofDisciplines必 修Required 0800102电工电子学(二)Electronics in Electrical Engineering()64/4 64必 修Required 0501241产品设计 IProduct Design I 40/2.5 20 40必 修Required 0501251产品设计方法与程序Program and Method of Products Des


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