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1、厨房工作总结 (精选多篇)第一篇:酒店厨房的 2014 年工作总结上半年分公司在集团总公司的领导和个部门监督指导下,在全体员工团结一心下,共同努力做出一定的成绩,与去年同期相比生意整体情况有所上升。今年上半年完成利润 370 万元,半年综合毛利 55%,现做如下工作总结:一、管理方面:以人为本。善于发现自生不足和结合员工实际情况,加强员工厨德和厨艺的培训,积极响应公司号召,裁员增效,整合编制从原有的 68 人减到 60 人。让员工得到更多实惠,从而提高员工积极性相反员工做事更认真。更加有责任心。各部门相互帮助,随时听从厨师长调动,哪里需要帮助去哪里。让每个员工当自己的企业来做事,每月定期对各部

2、门的工作量和责任心进行评比,张贴,公示。以公平,公正,公开为原则使员工付出越多,收获越多。二、成本方面:今年上半年,成本方面主要做到了以下两点一、原材料的控制:1、库存的货尽量用完再进,先进先用,以免多放变质,过期。2、在不影响菜品出品的口味上,减少油脂的用量,使其菜品更加清爽,减少成本。3、原材料尽量做到物尽所用,在开发菜品的基础上,边角余料各部门相互互补,相互利用。二、能源方面:禁止长流水,风机定时开,在工作不忙的情况下,集中时间加工,尽量节约能源。与去年同期相比:气节约两万元,电节约两万,水节约三千,营业收入多一百五十万。三、安全方面:严格执行食品安全法,消防法 ,认真抓好食品卫生安全工

3、作,把好食品加工的各个环节,食品添加剂的正确使用以及登记情况,做好台帐,禁止使用三无产品,过期食品,不使用公司规定以外的任何食品添加剂,坚持冰箱生熟分开 ,加盖,加膜。标签明示在特殊环境下经相关行政部门检查验收得到一定认可。坚持公司原则,组建的自查小组从厨师长,经理及部门组长亲自带头,每天对厨房食品卫生,消防,员工仪容仪表检查跟进。对做得好与不好的部门及个人做相应的处罚与奖励。并每月评比,张贴,公示与浮动挂钩。加大员工生产,个人安全的培训及相关的教育,正确引导;在消防方面,定期培训并聘请专业人员讲解与实际操作,让员工做到人人消防。四、菜品方面:菜品是企业的生命力。感谢公司对的关心及对我个人的培


5、搞好管理工作二、努力带领自己的团队在菜品上狠下功夫,都说没有永远的特色,只有不断的创新,争取用老菜吸引新顾客,用新菜吸引回头客。加强食品卫生安全,监督管理,加强食品添加剂五专管理,强化部门责任制,进一步提高员工节约意识,争取在下半年创出更好经济效益。第二篇:2014 年厨房工作总结.doc.2 0 1 0 年 度部门:姓名:日期: 工 作 总 结综合事务部范 改 珍 2014.012014 年工作总结在帅利达工作将近三年,回顾这一年来的工作经历,现做简要总结如下:我每天来的首要任务就是要把办公室的卫生打扫的干干净净,然后再整理花草,为公司的同事们创造一个舒适的工作环境。作为厨房的大师傅,虽然工

6、作不是处于重要的位置,但是也是每一个员工所不能缺少的。我始终认为自己的做饭手艺虽然不是很高,但是尽心尽职却是工作中必不可少的态度和标准,通过自己的努力,让每一位同事在食堂吃饭时能感觉到如家一样的温暖顺口是我最大的心愿,同事们满意的表情就是对我工作最好的支持和褒奖。在这里,首先我要感谢的是公司领导给我的这个为大家服务的工作机会,同时,也要感谢公司的每一个同事对我的工作支持以及肯定,在新的 2014 年里,我将会继续努力,在提高技能上下功夫,在伙食调剂上动脑筋,在厉行节约上做文章,做好同事们的后勤保障工作,同时我也会向陈主任虚心请教,多学习他的手艺,给公司员工做出更多美味可口的饭菜,更好的为公司服

7、务。在这里我希望大家能对我工作的不足之处多提宝贵的意见,欢迎大家的监督。在此,我要提出几个问题:1、 米、面、油、菜要由专人及时购买(其他东西是否由我本人购买) ;2、 若在公司吃饭,需在开饭前一小时报饭(特殊情况例外) ;3、 每月给领导汇报吃饭的标准(米、面、油、水、电、气) 。第三篇:2014 年厨房工作总结 2014 年厨房工作总结was about to go 2014, the job year ago plans turn ones head and busy mediumly one this year a variety of, kitchen staff gave the

8、effort of hardships, everybody make concerted effort, struggle actively, completing a plan while the surprise that still created each, but also inadequacy needs us to sum up and be made up for. one, the job summed up 2014: 1. strengthen kitchen interior to groom. according to working summary of befo

9、re one year, difference of ability of kitchen staff job and working consciousness are not strong phenomenon, severe the coverall wu consciousness that pays new employee, aggrandizement post skill, promote the integrated capability of employee.2. strengthen around to the stage is communicated and be

10、coordinated, promotion serves to the guest. fixed pictures opens kitchen, downstage harmonious meeting, enhance the group consciousness of the personnel in sweet a pavilion or house on a terrace and service consciousness, discover and solve the inadequacy of the existence in the job, around stage is

11、 assisted each other, joint efforts, promoted the brand of dining-room. 3. reasonable arrangement personnel, labour force is applied integratedly. competing increasingly intense current, personnel insecurity, according to the kitchen existing personnel has reasonable arrangement to its, apply integr

12、atedly, adjust the working content of employee in time, promote the work efficiency of employee. 4. farther standard and clear kitchen award examine a system. to promote kitchen staff work efficiency, enhance group fighting capacity and cohesive affinity, increase staff overall level and quality, th

13、e operating conditions of active enterprising spends training personnel, made farther detail provision to t(请您支持:)he award of employee and assessment plan. 5. do good cuisine of 5 constant laws and wholesome job, the sanitation of the kitchen and of 5 constant laws is kitchen job all the time, kitch

14、en staff perserves undertake fulfilling. in hotel star class answer is judged in be being checked oneself, suffer restaurant to lead reputably, still be judged to be of western-style food ministry demonstrative kitchen of of 5 constant laws. 6. reflect dining-room brand, outstanding individuation se

15、rves. in ferial service, around stage cooperates jointly, do not lack individual character service, special to special guest treat, this among them promising pregnant woman makes the by a definite date that make the nutrient eat of two many months, the frequenter of cate of promising be fond of make

16、s individual character dish for a long time wait a moment. 7. those who insist to had done each kitchen is harmonious coordinate the work. severe give quality quantity to close, any finished product that assure to go out from this kitchen or semi-manufactured goods accord with a standard, promote sectional service and quality. 8. finish moon cake satisfactorily to sell the assignment. annual moon cake sells make concerted effort of working kitchen staff, put working e


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