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1、医学美容技术专业毕业生的求职信(精选多篇)第一篇:美容美发专业毕业生求职信模板尊敬的领导:您好!我是 xx 市现代职业技术学校高 2014 届美容美发 2 班的学生haoword,我的志向是做一名出色的造型师,把每一个顾客都变得自信和美丽。贵公司的良好形象和员工素质吸引着我这位即将毕业的学生,我非常愿意为贵公司效一份微薄之力!在校两年时间,学习努力认真,以优异的成绩完成了专业基础知识的学习。严格要求自己,尊敬师长,积极参加学校组织的各类活动,同学相处和睦。在美发方面,我熟练的掌握染发操作烫发的原理,吹风的基础知识和修剪的基础知识。在化妆方面,掌握了新娘妆,烟熏妆,晚宴妆,生活妆,舞台装的画法。


3、!求职者:haoword第二篇:临床医学毕业生求职信尊敬的院领导:您好!感谢您能在百忙之中抽空阅读这份自荐书,并感谢您给我这个自我推荐的机会。我是泸州医学院临床医学系临床医学专业*级学生*,将于*年*月毕业,届时将获得医学学士学位。素闻贵院管理有方,“不拘一格降人才” ,特毛遂自荐,希望能在贵院谋一份工作,施展所学,以解除病人之痛苦。五年前,当我踌躇满志地踏进医学殿堂时,便立志献身医学事业。为此,我用“学有专长,全面发展 ”来严格要求自己,力求练就一身过硬的本领,以便将来更好地胜任本职工作。回首五年来的学习、工作和生活,无愧于“学有专长,全面发展。 ”在校期间,我全面系统地学习了学院开设的必修

4、及各门选修课程,全部合格,无一补考,以良好的成绩,先后通过了国家英语四级(cet-4)和计算机二级考试,现在正积极地为冲刺国家英语六级作准备,对通过该考试充满了信心。多次获得综合奖学金。自进校起历任班组团支书、班组文娱委员、学院团委办公室副主任、学院团委社团部副部长、学院大学生“乐韵” 合唱团副团长、附属医院实习队副队长等职务,由于工作出色,多次被评为“学院优秀学生干部” 、“学院优秀团干部” 、 “系三好学生”,是“泸州医学院大学生综合素质四星级证书”获得者;课余时间,积极投身于社会实践之中,入校以来一直作为青年志愿者参加医疗宣传活动,参与徘徊并组织了“泸州市大、中专院校团内交流活动”以及学

5、院团委、学生会成员换届选举事务;多次代表学院、年级、班组参加各项文体活动,在四川省、泸州市及学院举办的各类文艺演出中多次获奖,代表年级参加院篮球联赛连续两年蝉联第一,一次第二名,代表班级夺得年级乒乓球团体第一;爱好计算机,能熟练地运用win98、internetwps、microsoft word 等进行文档编辑及操作,并能运用 corledrow、photoshop 等工具软件进行图像设计,掌握了 foxbase数据库等制作,曾一度负责学院团委、学生会资料的计算机编辑、存档工作,参与了共青团泸州医学院工作简报的编辑排版在毕业之前一年半的实习过程中,我坚持将理论与实践相结合,在带习教师指导下系

6、统地对内、外、妇、儿、传等各科常见病、多发病进行诊断与治疗,积累了一定的临床经验,掌握了基本技术操作,树立了牢固无菌观念,并初步能独立进行外科换药、拆线、清创、缝合、胸穿、腹穿、腰穿等基本操作。能在上级工程师指导下完成如阑尾切除、大隐静脉抽剥术、石膏外固定等简单手术;初步掌握呼吸、循环、血液、内分泌、泌尿生殖等各大系统的内用药原则,受到老师、领导、病人及家属的一致好评。成绩都属于过去,未来更需努力。展望未来,如有幸能在贵院工作,我将以强烈的责任感、事业心、用出色的工作成绩来证明:您选择了一名优秀的医务工作者!此致崇高的敬意!自荐人:xxx 2014 年 10 月 18 日第三篇:医学专业毕业生

7、英文求职信 distinguished leadership of the hospital: hello! thank you for reading my busy written down for an enthusiastic college students to open a door of hope, i believe i will not let you disappointed. jinzhou medical college, i was a clinical department of the undergraduate students about to gradua

8、te, in your time of the nazi zhaoxian hospital, given the solid foundation of medical knowledge and proficiency in the operation of technology, the excellent social work skills and strong ability to self-improve, i have confidence in their clinical competence to work soon. therefore, i wish to apply

9、 special to your hospital. four-year clinical study of theory, i created a rigorous learning attitude, rigorous way of thinking, cultivate good study habits, one year work experience in clinical practice more to improve my analysis of the issue of problem-solving abilities. especially in the teachin

10、g hospital during the internship gave me hands-on experience provides many opportunities that enable me to various sections of clinical diseases can make the correct diagnosis and best treatment. strong sense of responsibility, a strong interest in learning, hands-ability, th(敬请期待好更好文章:)e ability to

11、 receive fast, and can complete the outstanding tasks, i won the acclaim of superior physicians, but also gives me confidence, my future work life “chihpen.” rich experience in social work not only broaden my horizons, more calm and i formed a determination, enthusiasm and efficient work style. in e

12、lementary, middle and high school, has been in various stages of the university, i served as squad leader, study members, successfully organized numerous activities outside the school class, students work the recognition and praise teachers, my classes and more meeting was named “best class”, i have

13、 repeatedly won the “outstanding komsomolets”, “active work” and other honorary titles. i believe that these work experience, i will certainly be able to coordinate the relationship between the work of handling the day-to-day problems. self-learning capability is another advantage of me. medical sci

14、ence and technology with each passing day, the only constant “upgrade” their own knowledge to fierce competition in an invincible position. while studying at the school through the computer i primary and secondary examinations, the national college english test 4, can master the windows98, windows20

15、14, windowsxp operating system, and the use of self-office, photoshop, foxpro and other software for graphic processing, forms design, web page production work, for future work, study, improve efficiency and create a good condition. through five years of study and practice, i learned from psychology

16、 and ability to work well in fully prepared to embark on, i sincerely hope that your house can become a medical research team in one, i will be noble medical ethics, passion services, dumping as far as i can, i can not keep on learning for your home health care contribute to a development, the realization of “life-saving, dedication, life 济事” long-cherished wish. finally, the grand cause of 祝贵 unit success! sincerely, 第四篇:医学毕业生医院求职信尊敬的队医院人事部主管:您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中阅


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