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1、高校自主招生英语口试面试套路一、顺利通过自主招生英语测试不仅仅是英语笔试获得高分,更要锻炼自己的口语,即“speak English anywhere, anytime”。英语面试这一环节在面试中所占比例逐渐增大。以最简单的自我介绍为例。很多考生自我介绍的一个通病是内容干涩,形式单一,介绍完自己姓名(My name is)、毕业学校(I graduated from High School)或爱好(I like)后就觉得无话可说。其实,通过平时的积累,我们知道开头的方法各式各样,除了问候和姓名外,还可借此表示自己对此次机会的珍惜,对考官的尊重等,如:It is really a great h

2、onor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. 或者 I am glad to be here for this interview. First, let me introduce myself. 其后的个人情况介绍部分可以按“块”结构来组织语言,如家庭,家乡,性格,爱好,学习经历,社会实践,自己熟悉有话说的那个“块”可以多说,没话说的“块”或部分可以一两句带过。以下简略介绍各部分的一些有用句型,希望考生能够举一反三:如,考生可以从自己的姓名引申开去,谈谈自己姓名的意义:My first name means . My pa

3、rents want me to have a bright future/be wealthy/be ambitious. 介绍自己的年龄和背景:I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age. 在介绍性格时,可使用一些使用形容人性格的词汇:adaptable (适应性强的), active(主动的,活跃的),ambitious(有雄心壮志的),creative(富创造力的),dependable(可靠的),efficient(有效率的),energetic(精力充沛的),frank(直率的,真诚的), humorous(有幽默)

4、,industrious(勤奋的),sweet-tempered(性情温和的)。或者,可以先说自己是某一类型的人,再详述特征,如:我是一个典型的北方人(南方人):Im a typical northerner/southerner。介绍爱好:I have a passion for science. 我喜欢科学。Im a music lover. 我喜欢音乐。Im a football maniac. 我是个超级球迷。Im keen on sports. 我喜欢运动。I find parties a turn-off. 我不喜欢聚会。在介绍家庭时,要避免流水账形式,可以适当把家庭介绍与性格、爱

5、好介绍结合在一起,介绍父母给了自己哪些方面良好的影响。Just like my father, I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history. I like exchanging ideas with my family during super. 介绍自己学业:Im on the A-list. 我是个优等生。Im a late bloomer / developer.我是个后进生。In the school my favorite subject is math. Perhaps someone thinks its

6、 difficult to study well. But I like it. I believe that if you try your best, everything can be done well.二、建议考生平时一定要关注时政,留心社会热点问题,学会用“think in English”。如 “和谐社会”用英语怎么说?harmonious society ,“与时俱进”用英语怎么说?advance with times 等,这些并不需要考生刻意去准备,只是要求考生平时在看到相关报道时,一定要想一想用英语怎么翻译,回去查一查字典等资料。建议考生不妨订阅一份适合自己英语水平的英语类

7、学习报纸或关注相关网站,如二十一世纪学生英文报、http:/ in English)。在自主招生考试面试时,常常要求考生就某一话题(topic)展开论述,这就要求考生平时不但要学会用英语思考,更要学会用英语来表达自己的见解。以 2009 年武汉大学自主招生英语面试题为例,要求考生 3 人一组进行面试,各人在自我介绍后抽签回答问题,接下来是话题讨论。“你崇拜什么样的人?你瞧不起什么样的人?什么人和你有共同价值观?请讨论有钱是否意味着成功。”“怎么与年龄大的人沟通?在网络上能交到真朋友吗?请讨论分享一切是不是做朋友的基础。” 这些题目都没有标准答案,考生无从准备,也无需准备,不论持何观点,都有话可

8、说。而语言是活的,其能力就是在表达和交流中表现出来。考生首先要做到的是观点鲜明,赞成什么,反对什么,一定要表达清楚;其次,考生一定要言之成理。围绕观点来说明自己的理由,观点不一定有多新颖,但一定要言之成理,论之有据。我们以即兴发挥这一面试题型为例,拿到话题:Change,这时你即刻要做的是从大脑一团乱麻状态中理出几条清晰地线索来。怎么理?靠关键词,靠思路When,Where,How,The result。一位考生这样表达:Honestly I havent thought about this much. The one and only great change I can think of

9、 now is leaving school. Look, after going to school for more than 16 years, all of my life has been so used to school, my daily schedule, my mindset, my social life, etc. The world outside the school seems so familiar and yet so strange. My feelings are mixed with ambition, hope, expectation, as wel

10、l as uneasiness, insecurity and worries. It is such a difficult time. I am like a person lost in the no-mans land, not knowing where to turn. Anyway, most people have to face this change once they leave school. It is a total challenge. But just as one great mind has once said, “life is always full o

11、f changes and uncertainties; we just do all that we can and hope for the best.” 如果话题是谈曾经居住过的地方,那么你的思路应该从三个关键词上去扩展:什么地方,什么特征,你的感受。其他例子:Traffic jam思路: When,Where ,Your feeling。历史遗迹思路:Where,When,The meaning,Sth you get from it。Speech思路:When,What,The influence on you。考生不妨在考前自己做一些模拟训练,以锻炼自己的临场应变能力。如果是回答考

12、官的问题,与考官对话,建议考生熟悉一些“缓冲句”,为自己争取多一点思考时间,建议用句:Thats an interesting question .Let me see. Well, I suppose that .Im not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps) .Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.Thats a rather difficult question, but (maybe)

13、 .Could you please rephrase that question/topic?Im not exactly sure what you mean .Im sorry, but I dont know much about .Would you like me to tell you more about .?Well, I think there are 2 (or 3 or more) reasons: First, . Second, . Finally, .In my opinion there are three ways of looking at it: Firs

14、t of all, . Next, . Then, . Have I given you enough information?回答完毕后可用的结语:Im afraid thats about as much as I know.I think thats about it.I cant think of anything else right now My name is _. I am graduate from _ senior high school and major in _. There are _ people in my family. My father works in

15、a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family.In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also

16、like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese.My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved i


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