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1、大学生运动会开幕式致辞第一篇:第 26 届世界大学生夏季运动会开幕式致辞的中英文第26 届世界大学生夏季运动会组织委员会副主席王荣致辞speech by mr wang rong (chn), vice president of the organising committee for the 26th summer universiade shenzhen, member of the standing committee of the cpc guangdong provincial committee and secretary of the cpc shenzhen municipal

2、ity尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人,尊敬的乔治基里安主席,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们:今晚,我们相聚在中国,相聚在美丽的深圳湾。此时此刻,请允许我表达深圳市民的共同心声-深圳欢迎来自世界各地的朋友们!tonight we gather at beautiful shenzhen bay, china. on this joyful occasion please allow me, on behalf of all the citizens of the city of shenzhen, to extend our heartfelt welcome to friends coming fro

3、m afar around the world.深圳作为一座年轻的城市,也许会让青年朋友感到陌生。而正是这座青春城市对青春盛会的邀约,让国际大学生体育联合会在四年多前选择了深圳。这是一份前所未有的信任与期待。2014 年 7 月 13日,当我在贝尔格莱德,从国际大体联主席乔治基里安先生手上接过会旗,我们就开始用倒计时的方式为履行申办承诺而不懈努力。shenzhen, a young city in china, may be unfamiliar to some of our young friends. however, it is this young citys cordial invi

4、tation to a festive party of the young from around the world that drew the eye of the international university sports federation (fisu) four years ago for the host city of the 26th summer universiade. this decision is a trust and expectation that this young city has never received before. from the m

5、oment i took over the fisu flag from president george e killian in belgrade on july 13, 2014, we began the countdown to honour our commitments with persistent efforts as the host of the 26th summer universiade.年轻的深圳举办大运会,给了我们一个宝贵的机会,能够在筹办过程中充分展示创新和创意,履行承诺、共襄盛会。在中国中央政府的卓越领导下,为实现“从这里开始,不一样的精彩” 的办会理念,我

6、们精心修建比赛场馆,训练运作团队,寻求科技支持,创造安全条件,也不断使这座城市的功能与形象得到提升。hosting the 26th summer universiade gives the young city of shenzhen an unparalleled opportunity to make a concerted effort to prepare a joyous sports event through creativity and dedication. this ceremony provides shenzhen a brilliant chance to show

7、 its creativity. under the effective leadership of the chinese central government, and in the spirit of “start here” and make a difference, we have built new stadiums and gymnasiums and trained technical and management teams through maintaining high safety standards and in a scientific way. as a res

8、ult, both the image and facilities of the city of shenzhen have been enormously improved.各位青年朋友,深圳这座在中国改革开放中诞生的城市,过去三十多年里一直在燃烧着青春激情,追逐着青春梦想。今晚,大运会的主火炬将在这里熊熊点燃,也预示着深圳将继续燃烧激情、奋发有为,创造一个更加美好的未来!dear young friends, shenzhen, as a city born out of chinas reform and opening up 30 years ago, has ever since

9、been blazing with youthful enthusiasm and keeping her youthful dreams alive. tonight, the torch of the 26th summer universiade will be ignited right here in this young city, foretelling a better future for shenzhen through hard work in sustained enthusiasm.愿你们喜欢深圳的热情与活力,愿深圳的一切给你们留下美好的回忆!i hope your

10、experience in shenzhen will be a wonderful memory.谢谢!袁贵仁在开幕式上的致辞第 26 届世界大学生夏季运动会组织委员会主席中华人民共和国教育部党组书记、教育部部长speech by yuan guiren (chn), president of the organising committee for the 26th summer universiade, secretary of the cpc leadership group of the ministry of education and minister of education,

11、 during the universiade 2014 opening ceremony at the shenzhen bay sports centre在这祥和、欢乐、激动人心的时刻,我谨代表深圳第 26 届世界大学生夏季运动会组织委员会,向出席开幕式的各位来宾表示衷心的感谢,向来自世界各地的代表团表示热烈的欢迎,向所有关心、支持本届大运会并为之付出辛勤劳动的朋友们致以崇高的敬意!on this harmonious, joyous and exciting occasion, i would like to express, on behalf of the organising co

12、mmittee for the 26th summer universiade shenzhen, our heartfelt thanks to all the guests who have joined us here for the opening ceremony. i would also like to extend our warmest welcome to the delegations from around the world, and our highest regards to all friends who have supported and worked so

13、 hard for the shenzhen universiade.世界大学生运动会是大型国际体育盛会,半个多世纪以来蓬勃发展、贡献卓著、影响广泛。在大运会的赛场上,青年们顽强拼搏,超越自我,实现梦想,收获友谊。 在大运会的舞台上,青年们体验竞赛的魅力,诠释体育的精神,弘扬和平和谐的理念,架设通向美好未来的桥梁。the universiade is a grand international sports event. for more than half a century, theuniveriade has flourished, made outstanding contributi

14、ons and become increasingly important. the universiade provides opportunities for university students to compete at their best, transcend themselves, achieve dreams, and make friends. during the universiade, the athletes will show true sportsmanship and team spirit while enjoying the excitement of c

15、ompetitions. the young people will promote the values of peace and harmony as they lead us to a brighter future.青年朋友们,深圳是一个创造了无数奇迹的年轻城市,你们一定也能够在这里,展现不一样的精彩,创造新的奇迹。young friends, shenzhen is a young city of miracles. i am sure that all of you will make a difference here and create your own miracles.预

16、祝深圳第 26 解答学生运动会圆满成功!i wish the 26th universiade complete success.谢谢!speech of fisu president george e. killian at the universiade shenzhen 2014 opening ceremony 12 aug. 2014国际大体联主席乔治基里安在大运会开幕式上的致辞2014 年 8 月 12 日尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人,女士们、先生们:it is with great pleasure that i welcome you to the city of shenzhen, china, home of the 26th edition of the summer universiade for the next 11 days. the fisu family, the athletes, the coaches and the administrators standing here befo


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