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1、Task 3 参考答题要点Task 3 总体答题思路:看懂 reading 部分,reading 部分的原因都与对话中的原因直接相关;记下 listening 中的要点 (即黑体部分)2006 年 9 月 15 日reading: 主题 1 个:student health center to be cancelled (要取消校诊所)原因 2 个: new hospital close (新医院近) new hospital better equipment (新医院设备好)listening: 女生观点 1 个:cant believe it (不赞成取消诊所)原因 2 个: new ho

2、spital far as 10-15by car;not have a car, too sick to drive (其实不近) minor problems like flu, cold, etc; no need for fancy equipment (小病用不着好设备)students with minor problems wont be bothered to go (小病就不看了)2006 年 10 月 8 日reading: 主题 1 个: evening classes to be added in computer lab (要增加夜课)原因 2 个: students

3、 more (学生增多) seats limited (机子少)listening:男生观点 1 个:totally unnecessary (根本没必要)原因 2 个: personal life in evening (学生得有个人生活) extra money, could have bought more computers (得多付钱、本来可以多买机器)2006 年 10 月 15 日reading: 主题 1 个: orientation to be changed (要改变新生入学介绍)方案及好处 2 个: 2-day hiking 1 day game (2 天变 1 天) m

4、ake own choose (自由选择)listening:男生观点 1 个:welcome the change (欢迎新 orientation)原因 2 个: old orientation not good, students busy eg professor, roommates, tuitions, etc (新生太忙) have a choice (有选择的自由)2006 年 10 月 21 日reading: 主题 1 个: art gallery to be closed (要关画廊 )原因 2 个: often empty (利用率低) few visitors (参观

5、的学生 少)listening: 男生观点 1 个:complain about the change (不赞成关画廊)原因 2 个: student serious wait till perfect (学生认真、要完美) communication problem eg late, inaccurate message(信息发布有问题)2006 年 10 月 22 日reading: 主题 1 个: new internet question website to be built (要建新网站)原因 1 个: southern university built website probl

6、ems solved(南方大学建网站效果好)listening: 女生观点 1 个:doesnt make sense (不喜欢 proposal)原因 2 个: website wont work winter cold , health center really needed (冬天太冷,易感冒) ; Southern Uni warm winter last year few cases of cold (去年暖冬,生病的少) more doctors to hire, student more, wait long (需要更多医生)2006 年 10 月 28 日reading: 主

7、题 1 个: off-campus apartments to be built (要在校外建宿舍)原因 2 个: save campus area more space for activities(节省空间) better communication with local community (便于融入社区)listening: 女生观点 1 个:cant believe it(不喜欢住在校外)原因 2 个: wont save campus space CUZ have to drive, more parking space needed (不省地儿,还得开车上学,停车要地方) ; l

8、ose chance in school activities students need more school activities social activities(无法参加学校活动)2006 年 10 月 29 日reading: 主题 1 个: new art building to be built (要新建艺术楼)原因 2 个: half a century(现有的艺术楼太旧) neighboring universities built 2/3 years ago to attract new students(附近大学已经新建艺术楼了)listening: 女生观点 1 个

9、:welcome the idea (喜欢建艺术楼)原因 2 个: old building too dark CUZ drawing needs natural light, large bright windows in new building(老楼太黑不利于画画) ; first-rate teachers need good building less good universities has, attract more students(好马配好鞍 )2006 年 11 月 03 日reading: 主题 1 个: election to be postponed (要推迟选举)

10、原因 2 个:May. Sep., finals & graduation(学生忙于考试和毕业) new students come in Sep. (新生 9 月入学可以参加选举)listening: 男生观点 1 个:cant believe it(反对推迟选举)原因 2 个: though busy in May, equally busy in Sept eg new courses, professor, new apartment (老生 5 月也很忙) ; freshmen too busy with getting familiar,cannot vote(新生忙于 熟悉环境,

11、无暇选举)2006 年 11 月 17 日reading: 主题 1 个: new policies in computer lab (计算机房要实行新规定)方案 2 个:not everybody can be lab assistants(当 assistant 有门槛) no technicians as supervisors any more (不再有技师做指导)listening: 女生观点 1 个:good news (赞成新规定)原因 2 个: stop hiring assistants without experience or training eg bad printi

12、ng experience(严格录用 assistant) ; stop hiring technicians CUZ student assistant can do the job, longer hours than technicians (学生 取代技师,时间延长)2006 年 11 月 18 日reading: 主题 1 个: health center to be improved (改善校诊所)原因及方案 2 个: too many students, (患者多) ;more doctors, (多加医生) doctors overworked (接诊太多) ;open on

13、weekends(周末接诊)listening: 男生观点 1 个: dont think too much of it (不喜欢新举措)原因 2 个: small clinic too crowded to hold more doctors(诊所太小) ; student leave campus on weekends waste of resources(学生周末离校,接诊是浪费)2006 年 11 月 19 日reading: 主题 1 个: renovations to be in library(改善图书馆)方案 3 个: carpet wooden floor(地毯改木地板)

14、decoration at entrance (增加装饰品) devices to be updated (更新设备)listening: 男生观点 1 个: stupid idea (不喜欢新举措)原因 3 个: wooden floor too much noise cant concentrate(噪音影响安静) ; do not care about painting waste (不关心,装饰是浪费) need more reference than new equipment (需要更多的参考书而不是新设施)2006 年 11 月 21 日reading: 主题 1 个: new

15、parking policy (停车新规定)原因 1 个+方案 1 个: students living off-campus complain, not enough parking space(抱怨停车位不够) no driving for students living on-campus (住校学生最好别开车)listening: 男生观点 1 个: how unfair it is (新规定不公平)原因 2 个: on-campus students need to drive: supermarkets, restaurants, movies, part-time work(需要

16、开车) ; off-campus students come early find parking space(走读生可以早点来)2006 年 12 月 03 日reading: 主题 1 个: no soccer on the lawn (草坪上不准踢足球)原因 2 个: lower image( 降低游客的看法) litter after game(乱丢垃圾)listening: 女生观点 1 个: really sucks (新规定真差劲)原因 2 个: in a good university sports equally important: visitors attracted by sport spirit as well(运动 同样重要)



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