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1、林总您好,最近好吗?想告诉您一下李总准备 2014 年 1 月份去英国考察,并同时考察李总儿子的学校,所以他儿子也会一同前往。那么就麻烦林总给天富资本英国那边的同事沟通一下,出一份邀请函。非常感谢,祝您圣诞快乐。邀请函内容如下:外方邀请资料邀请函内容包括:申请者的个人资料(姓名,护照号码,公司职务).逗留天数.逗留目的.行程安排.费用谁付.保证其返回中国.联系方式.负责人签字。如果参加展会请注意:1)参展所交费用的汇款单据,及对方的发票确认;2)展位图纸,并勾画出参展位置;3)参展的产品介绍及其他辅助材料,公司的业务介绍,交易额等.如果交通及住宿由邀请方安排请邀请方一并提供机票及酒店预订单商务

2、往来证明 如双方公司签定的合同.协议.或合同意向书之类(尽量提供)。Dear Simon,How is everything going?I am writing to tell you that my boss Mr. Li plans to go to United Kingdom for business trip. Meanwhile he wants to visit the school for his son and his son will accompany with him. So please communicate with the relevant person in

3、 Axiom Capital Limited and ask for an invitation letter for us. We really appreciate your kindness, and merry Christmas.The content of invitation letter as follows:The invitation contentsThe personal information of the applicant(name, passport No., position in the company),time period, intention, sc

4、hedule, who will be responsible for the cost, must grant he/she/they will return China, contact, signature by who in charge,Please attention, if for the fair:1)money order of the Fair, the confirmation of the invoice from other party.2)graph paper of booth, and mark your position.3)the introduction of the products in the fair and other assistant material, the introduction of the business, and turnover.The certificate of business dealings The sighed contract by both parties, or acknowledge etc(as far as you can provide)



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