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1、初中英语教学设计学校: 赣榆县实验中学 徐进艳 邮编:222100教师 徐进艳年级 七年级 学生人数46 授课时间201310课题 7A Unit4 My day Task Are you happy?课时安排 1 课时 第 1 课时 授课类型新授课二、教材分析 本课通过对学生的日常活动进行统计,让学生在此基础上谈论个人喜好,同时强化本单元的频率副词学习,使学生积极自主体验、实践、参与、合作的学习习惯。语言知识 掌握有关个人喜好行为的短语以及表达个人喜好的句型语言技能 正确运用日常行为用语描述个人的不同喜好。学习策略与思维技巧养成学生积极自主体验、实践、参与、合作的学习习惯。三、教学目标设计情

2、感态度与价值关注学生在学习过程中积极愉悦的情感体验,树立学生的自信心与积极性。教学重点 1.To learn the following words and phrases:Like dislike do morning exercises too much homework learn a lot about spend more time on 2. To grasp the following patterns.I like / I do not like /I dislike My favorite subject is I can learn a lot about It helps

3、 me We always have 四、教学重点难点教学难点 To talk about what we like and dislike correctly and freely.五、设计理念 任务型教学、情境教学、自主学习、交流展示、小组合作六、设计思路 本课时通过小组讨论,头脑风暴,完成表格等方式,极大地提高了学生的学习兴趣,创设了积极向上的学习氛围。七、教学过程设计教学环节 1教学过程 Warming-upyou can make a brain-storm to make them have a good preparation for the next step.教师活动 T:

4、Welcome to my class. Now, let me ask you a few questions about your daily activities . Are you ready? . Hello, how often do you do morning exercises?Hello, whats your favourite subject and why?学生活动 The students give you different answers.设计意图 通过复习日常行为名称,既是为新课热身,又能自然引入新词的学习,做到知识的前后链接教学过程 Brain-storm

5、in order to help them grasp the key wordExpressions and the special daily activities. 教师活动 Ask them the followings according to the teaching purposes:What after-school activities do you like best? And can you show me the reason?学生活动 Make the students answer the questions in pairs, each should use a

6、new phrase , like: I like playing basketball because it can make me become strong.教学环节 2设计意图 使学生扩大词汇量,为新课时的学习进行准备活动。教学过程 Presentation: help them ask and answer.教师活动 Presentation: write on the blackboard the followings:Do you like ? what do you like ? And why?教学环节 3学生活动 Answer the questions,and discu

7、ss in groups.设计意图 小组讨论导入本课时话题,提高学生学习兴趣。教学过程 Talk about Millies likes and dislikes教师活动 Ask the students to look at Millies happiness chart carefully, then ask:What information can you get from the chart?学生活动 Students discuss in groups, and say as possible as you can.教学环节 4设计意图 让学生通过观察获取相关信息,练习口语表达能力。

8、教学过程 Discuss the reasons of Millies likes and dislikes 教师活动 1. Ask the students to discuss “Why does Millie love/ like/ dislike ” ask them to list the reasons as many as they can.2.Ask the students to read Millies happiness chart to find the reasons. Then ask the students to check the answers and re

9、ad them out.学生活动 Find and list the reasons,and read them out.教学环节 5设计意图 运用“头脑风暴”,以竞赛的形式,让学生不拘泥于课本,畅所欲言。表扬那些与课本答案接近的同学,同时更要表扬那些超越课本的同学,让他们的积极性得到发挥。教学过程 Learn to make their own happiness chart,and tell the reasons 教师活动 1.Ask the students to talk about their favourite school activities. Then draw faces

10、 like the ones in Part A.2. Discuss the reasons, then fill in the table.学生活动 Students discuss and fill in the table.教学环节 6设计意图 让学生根据自己的实际情况填表、讨论。学以致用,注重知识的拓展。教学过程 Complete Millies diary entry with the information on page 52.教学环节 7教师活动 Ask the students to finish Millies article with the information o

11、n page 52.学生活动 1.Complete Millies diary,then read together.2.Ask several students to read them.设计意图 根据所学知识,完成米莉的文章,为下一步写作做铺垫。教学过程 Discuss your likes and dislikes with your classmates, and then write them down.Use Millies diary entry as a model.教师活动 1.Guide the students to analyse the skeleton of the

12、 article.2.Ask the students to fill in the blanks.3.Ask the students to write a composition about their likes and dislikes.4.Ask three students to write on the blackboard.Then check them.学生活动 1.Learn and fill in the blanks.I spend _ hours at school.I like some parts of the day and I dont like others

13、. I love _ and _ . I love _ because _ and I like _ because _ . I think these activities are very _ . I dont like _ and _ because _ . In the evening, I _ .2.Write a composition about your likes and dislikes.教学环节 8设计意图 1.通过复述、填空,让学生了解写作的一些技巧。2.让学生模仿米莉的范文,写一篇自己的文章, 介绍自己对学校活动的喜欢程度,然后师生共同修改。八、板书设计 Unit 4

14、 My dayTaskThey are good for us.They help us get ready for .I can learn a lot about the world.We always have too much homework.九、作业设计 1. Remember the new words,phrases and sentences.2. Read and recite the Millies article.十、教后反思 本课时通过小组讨论,头脑风暴,完成表格等方式,极大地提高了学生的学习兴趣,创设了积极向上的学习氛围。通过相关知识的学习,让学生掌握一些写作技巧。本课时的最终目的是让学生模仿米莉的范文,写一篇自己的文章,介绍自己对学校活动的喜欢程度。



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