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1、1四年级上册英语复习试测题听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 (听两遍) (5 分)( ) 1. A. notebook B. bookmark C. rubber( ) 2. A. ruler B. card C. book( ) 3. A. this pen B. that book C. your book( ) 4. A. come in B. come here C. come down( ) 5. A. have a look B. a toy shop C. a nice rabbit二、听录音,匹配连线。 (听两遍) (5 分)1. May I have a ? a

2、2. May I have this ? b3. This is for you. c4. That is for David. d5. Heres a for you. e三、听录音,选择正确的应答。 (听两遍) (10 分)( )1.A. Yes, it is. B. Its a dog. C. No, it isnt( )2.A. Thank you. B. OK. C. All right.( )3.A. Hello, Nancy. B. Here you are. C. How lovely!( )4.A. Not at all. B. Come here. C. Come in,

3、please.( )5.A. Thank you. B. Its a copybook. C. Sure. Here you are.四、听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词。 (听三遍) (10 分)1. Heres a _for you.2. Whats ? Its a .3. I have a _? Sure,here you are.4.This _is for you.5.Do you like this _?_,I _.2笔试部分一、找出与划线部分读音不同的单词。 (6 分)1. ( )A.big B.boy C.dog D.bag2. ( )A.cap B.cat C.cake D.g

4、uess3. ( )A.fat B.five C.father D.hot4. ( )A.girl B.hamburger C.girl D.jacket5. ( )A.Jim B.juice C.jeans D.glove6. ( )A.card B.key C.kitchen D.kite!二、请认真看图,写出它们所表示的单词。 (5 分) 三情景匹配。 (5 分)( )1. Can I have a look? A.Its a nice monkey.( )2. Whats this? B.Im fine, thank you.( )3. Look at my new skirt! C.

5、Sure, here you are.( )4. How are you ? D.Thank you.( )5. Happy Teachers Day, Miss Li. E.Its pretty四、英汉互译。 (10 分)1. I like. _ 6. 两把尺子_ _ 2. TeachersDay_ 7. 这枝铅笔_ _3. in a toy shop _ 8. 他的小狗_ _4. a nice dog _ 9. 在课桌上_ _ _5. have a look _ 10.她的圆珠笔_ _ _五、选择题。 (10 分)( )1. This ruler is _ you.A. of B. to

6、C. for( )2. _ nice !A.How B. What C. How is( )3. May I have_?A. look B. bookmark C. a rubber( )4. -Whats this? -_ a pencil.3A. It B. Its C. it is( )5. This is _ bear, I think.A. you B. your C. I( )6. Your five fat _ on the desk.A. dog are B. dogs are C. dogs is( )7. -Goodbye, Miss Li. -_A. Sorry. B.

7、 Bye. C. I see.( )8. -Can I help you? -_ a toy rabbit, please.A. I like B. Its C. Id like( )9. -_ a rubber ? -Yes, it is.A.This is B.That is C.Is that( )10. -This book is for Mike. -_.A.Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. All right.六、连词成句。10 分 1. I , May, have, a book (?)2. in , Whats, English , that ( ?) 3.

8、a, Thats, monkey, nice (.)4. on, Whats, the desk, this (?)5. for you, a toy, Heres , rabbit(.) 七、选择正确答案,将其标号填在题前括号内。 (10 分)( )1. 你想知道那是什么东西时你可以问:A.Whats this? B.Whats that? C.Thats a cat.( )2. 你想告诉别人这是你的新书包,你可以说:A.This is my bag. B.Thats my new bag. C.This is my new bag.( )3. 当你想告诉别人你喜欢那只漂亮的小鸟时,你应该说

9、:A.I like this book. B.I like that nice bird. C.I like that new book.4( )4. 当你想进入别人的房间时你可以说:A.May I have a copybook. B.May I come in? C.May I have a look?( )5. 当你邀请别人一起去动物园时你应该说A.Lets go to the park. B.Lets go to the cinema. C.Lets go to the zoo.八、根据中文补全对话。 (10 分)(1) -我能要一支铅笔吗?-当然可以,给你。-May _ have a

10、 _ ?-Sure, here you are.(2) -这本书是给杨玲的。好的。- _ _ is _ Yang Ling.- _ right.(3) -我想,那是你的玩具狮子。不,不是的。- _ _ toy _ , I think.- _ , it isnt. 九、将下列句子排成一段对话。 (每空 1分,计 4分)A. Happy Teachers Day! B. May I come in, Miss Li? C. This card is for you. D. How nice! Thank you! E. Come in, please. A 附加题、 阅读对话,选出正确的答案。(1

11、0%)A: Mike, may I come in?B: Yes, come in, please, Nancy.A: Whats that on the sofa?B: Its my sister Helens toy rabbit.A: How lovely! I like it. Is that her toy elephant, too?B: No, its my toy elephant.5A: What a nice elephant! I have some presents(礼物) for you and your sister.B: Thank you. Is this a

12、toy cat for me?A: Sorry, its for your sister. That toy car is for you.B: Great! I like this red car. Thank you!( )1.Whos Mikes sister?A. Nancy. B. Helen. C. Mary.( )2.The toy rabbit is _.A. Mikes B. Helens C. Nancys( )3.Mike has(有)a toy _.A. cat B. rabbit C. elephant( )4.Is the toy car for Mikes sis

13、ter? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. I dont know.( )5.What colour is the toy car?Its _ .A. red B. yellow C. black听力材料一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 (听两遍)1. bookmark 2. card 3. your book 4. come in 5. a nice rabbit1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C二、听录音,匹配连线。 (听两遍)1. May I have a notebook?2. May I have this bookmark?3. This

14、 ruler is for you.4. That rubber is for David.5. Heres a pen for you.三、听录音,选择正确的应答。 (听两遍)1. Whats this in English?2. Happy Teachers Day!63. Hello, Yang Ling.4. May I come in?5. Can I have a look?B A A C C四、听录音,填入所缺单词。每空一词。 (听两遍)1. Heres a pencil case for you.2. Whats this? Its a monkey.3. May I have a book? This book is for you.



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