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1、中学生作文写作技巧一、 学会摘抄“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。 ”作文的源头活水自然是我们每天的生活,但别人的精彩文章其实也是我们作文的一个来头。一篇文章有可能容纳了作者的一段生活,一篇文章有可能包含了作者的一个见解,一篇文章有可能表达了作者的一些情感。学会了摘抄,就是另外一种意义上的积累生活。宋代大文豪苏东坡主张:“博观而取,厚积而薄发。 ”这说明积累素材是写作的前提。立志攻克写作难关的同学们,应该备有一本专门摘抄、点评的笔记本。可以摘抄的东西至少应该包括下面几方面的内容:1、名言(诗、文),警句,谚语,格言,佳句(指含排比、夸张、对偶等多种修辞手法,内容健康的句子) ;2、鲜活、生动的

2、口语;3、典型的人和事;4、 精辟而独到的见解;5、精彩的描绘片断;6、颇有特色的顺口溜在此基础上,我们要对摘抄的材料进行细致的体会和玩味,以加深理解和记忆,这是在积累中比摘抄更进一步的环节。要想恰到好处地把积累的材料用于作文,体味程度深浅起着至关重要的作用。如果只摘抄不体味评点,那么材料再多也只是“死水一潭”,很难得心应手,随意驱遣,这也就失去了积累的意义。相反,如果在体味上下功夫,那么这些材料将变成活生生的“士兵”,随叫随到,信手拈来,从而使自己的文章“活”起来。二、 学会拟题现在很多作文题目是半命题或话题作文,如何想一个不落俗套的标题,选一个让自己有话可说的话题,是作文取得成功的重要环节

3、。如写秋天的作文,常见题目可能为“秋景” 、 “秋思”等,题目既大又空,很不好写。若改为“我和秋天有个约会” ,就会好写一点,而且读者见此题目定会为之心动,欲一读而后快。对于这一类作文题的拟题,我们可以采用如下办法:扩展法,就是在所给题目或关键词前面或后面加上适当的词语,使所给话题更加具体,从而降低写作难度,比如“笑容” 前加上“售货员”,变成“ 售货员的笑容”;修辞法:可以运用修辞手法,把你所想讲的意思用比喻、拟人、夸张、对比等方法表达出来,比如“传统与时尚” ;想象法,给你的题目插上想象的翅膀,让人耳目一新,比如“假如我是市长”、 “文具盒里的聚会”;悬念法:构筑悬念,比如“ 石油埋藏在哪

4、里? ”“18 岁,在想什么?”以此引起读者阅读文章的兴趣。三、 多做片段作文练习片段作文练习是练习作文的好办法。可以不拘形式,比如以接龙游戏方式每个人写一段文字,最后连成一篇文章,比如以某个老师、同学为模特,用文字给他“画像”,或者找其他同学的作文来修改,达到如叶圣陶老先生所讲的“说明的话,要使它显豁;如是抽象的话,要使它最妙省;意在刺激,则使它具有刺激力;意在描摹,则使它含有最好的生动态” 的效果。这里列举只是作文中常用的一些训练方法,摘抄是基础工作,拟题构思是总体设计,片段作文是实践。大家多多练习,定会有所收获。当然,更多的作文技巧,还要靠你自己在实践中摸索掌握了。 one, learn

5、 to extract“ ask canal that so clear, as has the springhead. “ The composition of naturalis the springhead of our daily life, but the others a wonderful article is actuallywe writing a story. an http:/ article is likely to contain theauthor of a life, an article may contain an authors opinion, an ar

6、ticle may havesome emotion expression author. Learn to extract, is another kind of sense of the accumulation of life. The Song dynastywriter Su dongpo claims: “ concept and take, thick and thin hair product. “ This shows that the accumulation of material is the writing premise. determined to overcom

7、e the difficulty of writing students, should have a special extract, comments notebook. can extract things should at least include the following several aspects: 1, saying ( poetry, text ), epigrams, proverbs, maxims,sentences ( which contain parallelism, exaggeration, dual and other rhetorical devi

8、ces, the content of the health sentence ); 2, fresh, vivid language; 3, typical of people and things; 4, brilliant and original insights; 5, excellent depiction of pieces; 6, the distinctive jingle . . on the basis of this, we need to extract the material detailed experience and ponder, to deepen th

9、e understanding and memory, which is in the accumulation than extract further links. To be just perfect for the accumulation of material http:/ composition, appreciate the extent of plays a crucial role in. If only extract does notappreciate comments, then the material will be just “ backwater “, ve

10、ry rare in handy, casual way, it also lost the significance http:/ of accumulated. conversely, if in the body under the time, then these materials will become a living “ soldiers “, within call, have ones words at hand, so that his article “ alive”.Two, learn to beNow a lot of composition is half pr

11、oposition or topic composition, how to conform to no conventional pattern of a title, one have to say the topiccomposition, is an important part of success. If the write autumn composition, common problem may be “ autumn “, “ autumn Thoughts “, subject is big and empty, very well written. The “ I ha

12、ve a date with autumn “, will be good to write something, but the reader sees this problem will provide the heartbeat, to read and then quickly. For this type of composition problem of problem, we can use the following measures: extension method, http:/ is in the title or keywords in front of or beh

13、ind with proper words, so as to the topic more specific, thus reducing the difficulty of writing, such as “ smile “ and before “ salesman “, become “ the salesman smile “; rhetoric method: use of rhetoric, take what you want to say the use of metaphor, personification, exaggeration, contrast methods

14、 of expression, such as “traditional and fashion “; imagination, give you problems with the wings of imagination, let a person find everything fresh and new, such as “ if I were the mayor “, “ stationery in the party “;suspense: build suspense, such as “ oil buried in where? “ “ 18 years old, what a

15、re you thinking of? “ To attract readers reading interest.Three, do more fragments writing practiceFragment composition practice is a good way to practice. can be informal, such as solitaire games each write a paragraph of text, and finally into anarticle, such as a teacher, student model, use words

16、 to him “ portrait”, or find other students composition to modify, reached as mr. Ye Shengtao said “ the words, to make it emerges; as is the abstract words, to make it the bestprovince; to stimulate, make it has the stimulation force; intended to describe, that contains the best student dynamic . . “ Effect. here is a list of just writing commonly used in some training methods, extract is the foundation work, problem posing the conception is the o



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